“Oh no, you don’t get to know that yet. You got to keep this date a secret until the last moment. Now, it’s time for me to return the favor.”

“I hate surprises,” Genevieve grumbled.

“Trust me, you’ll love this one.”

“You know, there’s a hiking route a few miles away that could be perfect for one of our modeling sessions. There’s a small trail that not many people know about, leading to a lake. I remember one rock that was partially in the water, which was perfect to lie on. I bet I could swim to it without getting my hair wet. Then I could lie on it and you could paint me there?”

Mia was already imagining it. Sunlight glinting off Genevieve’s wet body, with Genevieve’s pale hair lifted slightly from a light breeze. The image was as beautiful as it was enticing.

“That can be our third date. I’d better get some new canvases. This is going to be great.”

They discussed ideas for paintings for a while before moving onto other subjects. Mia was having such a good time talking to Genevieve that she barely noticed what she was eating. The food was pleasant, but not nearly as pleasant as the warmth of Genevieve’s palm against hers when they held hands over the table.

The time slipped away from them, and all too soon, the manager was informing them that the restaurant was closing. Mia was surprised to see that it was nearly midnight and they were the last guests left.

“I guess we overstayed our welcome.”

Genevieve shrugged. “They’ll get over it. They know me here—I always tip well and never give them any trouble.”

“So you come here often?”

“Yeah, I’ve taken to bringing clients here. I remember the last time—”

The manager cleared his throat.

“Oh, right. Leaving. Yes, here you go.”

Genevieve handed over her card and stood up. Mia did the same and took Genevieve’s hand again.

The two of them strolled through the garden on their way to the car. Mia wished they had time to explore further, but the manager was already giving them the stink eye as they took a circuitous route back to the parking lot, and she didn’t want to push her luck.

As they got into the car, exhaustion hit Mia. She hadn’t realized how tired she was, she’d been having so much fun with Genevieve.

She glanced at Genevieve, wondering what she was expecting when they got home. The idea of making sweet love until the sun came up was delicious, but Mia’s eyes were already drooping and she didn’t want to fall asleep on Genevieve halfway through what was meant to be a passionate encounter.

“Do you want to come inside?” Mia asked as Genevieve walked her to the door.

“I’d love to. I’m afraid I’m not up to much, though. It’s been a long night—extremely pleasant, but long. I’d be delighted to sleep beside you, though, and maybe we could do more in the morning?”

Mia almost laughed. Of course she and Genevieve would be on the same page. They usually were.

“That sounds great. I’m also really tired.”

Tired though she may be, that didn’t stop Mia from watching Genevieve as she undressed. She wondered…

“If I’m awake first tomorrow, can I wake you up with oral sex?”

Genevieve dropped the dress she was currently folding up and turned to face Mia. “You want to do that?”

“Only if you want to.”

“Fuck, yes. Though I don’t know how I’m going to sleep now, knowing what’s coming.”

“Well, if you don’t sleep, you can hardly wake up with me going down on you, now can you?”

“That is a very good point. I suppose we’d best get to bed, then.”

Mia quietly set an alarm on her phone, wanting to be sure to be the first one to wake up. She was already looking forward to tomorrow, so much that she wasn’t even worried about nightmares.