Mia realized that Genevieve was right. They had finished their third round of drinks already, though Mia had switched to soda after the first one. She had no need to get drunk enough to forget tonight. Tonight, her head was full of pleasant thoughts.
She found that she didn’t want the evening to end yet. She was drawn to Genevieve’s confidence, her clear intelligence, and the warmth she showed toward Mia. Mia got the impression that it wasn’t the way she usually acted around people, though she would have to see more of Genevieve’s interactions to be sure on that point.
“Would you like to come and see my studio? I mean, I know it’s late, so if you need to go—”
“No, I’d love to see your studio! I’ve only ever been in Sean’s studio before. It’ll be really interesting to see another artist’s haunt.”
“Great.” Mia was nervous again. How would her little studio compare to Sean’s? Maybe his was big and fancy. He had people with money backing him up, after all. Mia did well with her art, but there was only so much space in her house for a studio, and she liked her home. She wasn’t in a hurry to upgrade from something comforting and familiar to something that would seem cold and empty, at least at first.
Genevieve insisted on paying, and Mia directed her through to the streets, right to her house. Mia led the way in, taking Genevieve to the lounge first. “Would you like a drink?”
“I think I’ve had enough for tonight. And I’m eager to see your studio.”
Mia had been hoping for a chance to sit and talk a while longer. She really enjoyed talking to Genevieve. However, Genevieve was a busy woman and Mia didn’t want to delay her if she needed to go.
“This way, then.”
Mia shot a nervous glance at Genevieve as they entered the studio. Genevieve’s face displayed open curiosity. She smiled as she walked among the paintings, her keen eyes taking in every detail.
“This is wonderful. It’s where you come to relax?” Her eyes went to the beanbag in the corner with a little coffee table next to it.
“Yeah, that’s right. It’s where I do my work, and my work has always been a solace. Sometimes, if I’m… stressed… I come in here and read for a bit, or just sip on some tea.”
“It must be nice, to have a place like that.”
“You don’t?” Mia would have thought that with a job a stressful as Genevieve’s was bound to be, a sanctuary would be essential.
“I’ve just never really set anything up. I mean, I suppose I could, but when would I spend time there? I’m always at work. Home is only really for sleeping.”
That sounded awful, but Mia didn’t say so. If it worked for Genevieve, that was none of her business, but she couldn’t help noting the tinge of sadness in Genevieve’s tone.
“Well, for me, home is for comfort, and a safe place. For work, too, clearly, but that’s not a mutually exclusive concept.”
“Your paintings really are beautiful… almost as beautiful as their creator.”
Mia felt herself blushing. She wondered once again whether Genevieve would be open to more between them. It would be unorthodox, to be sure, but that didn’t mean they couldn’t make it work.
“You know, I meant it when I said you inspired that one back at the gallery.”
“Oh, I know. I was kind of embarrassed seeing other people look at it.”
“Was it too close?” Mia was suddenly concerned. “I tried to make it different enough that it didn’t look exactly like you.”
“It wasn’t exactly like me,” Genevieve admitted. “It was fairly close, but I’m not unhappy about that. It’s flattering, knowing that I inspire someone like you.”
“Your mind and your body,” Mia murmured. Screw the proposal. If she could use her idea to get Genevieve into bed, she was going to give it a shot. “You know, I was thinking of doing something along those lines for the series. What do you think?”
“What do I think of beautiful naked women? Do you even have to ask?”
“Well in that case… I’d better make this series one of my best. I want to do well by both of us.”
“I’m sure you will.”
“A little extra inspiration couldn’t hurt, though.”
“Oh yeah?” Genevieve unbuttoned the top three buttons of her shirt. “Inspiration like this?”
“Exactly like that,” Mia murmured. “May I?”