“It’s nothing fancy. I just have a small studio in my house. You’re welcome to come and see it if you’d like.”
Right now. Naked. With me fucking you on the floor beneath one of my paintings.
Shut up, Mia! That is not the way to think in a business meeting.
This wasn’t technically a business meeting, but it was close enough. Mia needed to keep her hands to herself if she wanted to keep Genevieve as an investor, as much as she wanted to put them all over Genevieve’s body.
“What about you? You know I’m passionate about my work. Do you enjoy yours?” Mia found it difficult to imagine enjoying some boring corporate desk job, but Genevieve certainly seemed invested in it.
Genevieve grinned widely. “I love it! It’s amazing seeing what it’s possible to build with a little effort and perseverance. It takes time to surround yourself with the best people, but I’ve got a great staff, and we’re all on the same page about the business.”
“That must be hard to find.”
“Well, it’s partially found, partially created. I look for people who are honest, hardworking and talented. Those kinds of things, you just have to keep looking until you find the right people. Once you have the right people, there are some simple ways to keep them motivated.”
“Like what?” Mia had never been much interested in business, but Genevieve’s enthusiasm had her curious. She hadn’t seen Genevieve so animated about anything before, at least in the short time they had known each other.
“Well, one of the things I do is offer them small shares in the company after they have been working for a year. They can buy more shares at a discounted rate. That keeps them invested in the company’s success. Other than that, it’s just the standard stuff—good wages, good benefits, understanding as well as firmness. Managing things fairly. Normal business stuff.”
“You make it sound easy.”
“It’s simple in theory. Executing that theory can be easier said than done, but experience gets you a long way in that regard. But enough about me. Tell me what inspires you to paint.”
This again. Mia had her standard answer ready. “I have a troubled past. My experiences were a dark blot in my life at one point, and my painting brings me light and peace.”
She could stop there, but for some reason, she found herself wanting to confide in Genevieve. “I’ve been painting since I was… since I was twelve. That was a dark time in my life, and painting really helped me get through.”
Genevieve’s eyes were burning with curiosity, but she didn’t push for more than Mia was willing to give her.
Mia opened her mouth to tell the whole truth but chickened out. She hadn’t told anyone since she was sixteen, when she told her mother, and look how that had turned out. Why would Genevieve believe her, if her own mother hadn’t? Besides, they were out celebrating here. No need to share her whole sad life story.
“That must have been quite a rough time.”
“It was.” Mia decided it was best to change the subject. “What about you? Any past traumas you want to share? If I’m spilling my guts, I expect you to do the same.”
Genevieve stiffened.
“I was just joking, Genevieve,” Mia quickly assured her. “You don’t owe me anything. We’re business partners.”
Genevieve nodded, getting a hold of herself quickly. She changed the subject again. “I’ll talk to our head of marketing tomorrow. Archer is great. He’s done a lot of work with the creative department, and he already has some connections in the art world. I’d like to get your work seen at some galleries in other states. Would you be able to do a series for me?”
Mia tried to contain her trepidation. Having her work displayed in another state sounded wonderful, but what exactly would Genevieve expect of her? How much control did she expect to have over what Mia painted? “What type of series?”
“Anything you’d like—just something with a theme. We can fit the marketing around whatever you choose.”
“I can do that.” Archer had been telling the truth about being given creative freedom. Excitement replaced anxiety. “I’ll have to think about it and send you a proposal in a few days.”
“That sounds perfect. Thanks, Mia.”
Mia’s mind was already spinning with the possibilities. Bright green spring scenes filled with sunshine, to celebrate her joy at having such a good opportunity. Rainbows arcing through the sky, joining one coast to another. Animals in the forest, playing in autumn leaves.
Beautiful, naked women draped over rocks backed by waterfalls, swinging on vine-covered branches and sitting on pristine beaches in the setting sun.
Looking at Genevieve, Mia certainly knew what she was inspired to do right now.
She’d have to write her proposal carefully. Nudity could sometimes be a touchy issue, though it was easy enough to artfully cover certain areas of the body. It was also different to Mia’s usual work, and Genevieve may want what she normally did, given that it was what had enticed her into entering this business arrangement in the first place.
Genevieve’s voice drew Mia out of her thoughts. “It’s getting late. We should probably go.”