Page 22 of Apple Martinis

Chapter 6


Waking up slowly, I open my eyes and look around the room, not seeing Rome anywhere. Disappointment hits right at the same time that I hear someone in the kitchen.

Knowing that it could only be him, I crawl out of the bed with a huge grin on my face, grabbing my robe on my way out the door.

Walking around the corner, I see Rome standing in the kitchen waiting for the coffee pot to finish making a fresh pot that fills the air with the most amazing aroma.

“That smells wonderful.”

He turns suddenly at the sound of my voice, walking up to me and gives me a kiss on my cheek.

“Good morning. You aren’t supposed to be up yet. I was making you coffee in bed.” He looks slightly disgruntled.

“Is coffee in bed actually a thing?” I laugh.

“Well, I was going to do breakfast in bed but apparently you’ve not bothered to stock the fridge since being here.” He nods with a grin at the refrigerator.

“I’ve been busy.” I shrug, grinning back at him.

The coffee pot finally slows down as it fills the pot completely and we each stand there, fixing it exactly as we like it.

“I don’t mean to rush off but I only have time to enjoy this one cup with you. I’ve got to go back home and check on my dog plus get ready for work. I’m covering the lunch shift for Becks.” He says.

“I thought you were working happy hour through midnight tonight?” I ask with a raised brow.

“I’m doing both. Double duty. You’ll come to bar later, right? Or do I need to come get you again?” He asks with a raised brow of his own.

I feel my cheeks heat with the memory of opening that door and him getting in the tub with me. It was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.

“I’ll be there later. I want to go shopping some more. I’m thinking I’ll go back home with a whole new wardrobe.”

“Do you need new clothes?” Concern clearly on his face. It’s adorable. I won’t tell him it is though as I’m sure no man wants to hear that he’s adorable.

“Not really but I’ve had a lot of time to think and I want to change things up a bit. Start doing what I want for a change. These last few years I feel like all I’ve done has been for someone else. I don’t want to feel like that any more.”

Taking his coffee cup to the sink, he washes it and puts it in the rack to dry. Turning back to me, he pulls me into his arms, kissing me on the nose.

“I can understand that. Before mom passed, everything I did was for her. I didn’t mind it, she needed a lot of help towards the end but I felt like I lost a part of myself. It took me a while to finally feel like me again.”

“Exactly. I want to find myself again.” I smile up at his face.

“I better go. Mocha is probably pissed that I didn’t come home last night. She’ll really be pissed if she doesn’t get to go for a walk before I go to work.”

“What breed of dog is Mocha?” I am curious to know if he goes for tiny dogs or big ones.

“Pitbull. You’re not afraid of the breed are you? Because she’s super sweet and would only hurt a fly if they broke in.”

“No. I’m not afraid of pitbulls. Chihuahua’s though...” I mock shiver and he laughs.

“Yeah, even Mocha is afraid of those tiny things.” He pulls me in for another kiss. “See you later?”