Page 19 of Apple Martinis

Instead I settle in to read a book I picked up from the little thrift store I found.

I find it hard to concentrate now that I’m not busy. Rome’s face constantly invades my thoughts and I wonder if he called the number he got last night.

He probably got several numbers last night after I left. It’s surprising how much I care.

We’ve not known each other that long although I feel like I know more about him then I ever did my ex.

Giving up on the book, I put it away and walk into the bathroom. There’s a huge deep bathtub with jets that I’ve yet to try out so I cut the water on and add some of the complimentary bubbles that are provided on the vanity.

Stripping all my clothes off, I'm about to step into the water when I hear someone knocking on the door.

With a roll of my eyes at the interruption, I grab my bathrobe, securing it around my waist as I walk to the door.

Thinking that it must be housekeeping, I swing the door open without checking to see who it is and gasp once I do.

“Mind if I come in?” Rome asks with a raised brow.


I showed up to work earlier with a smile on my face. That’s been happening a lot lately with knowing that I’ll be seeing Piper. I’ve come to expect to see her every day regardless if I work or not.

But by the time happy hour comes and goes with no sign of her, I’m no longer smiling. She left abruptly last night and I thought that maybe she was just really tired.

Now, I’m wondering if I did something wrong. Something to spook her away. I think back to our past week together and come up blank.

“Where was your girl tonight?” Finn asks as I wipe down the bar in front of me.

The crowd has now died down some and I’ll be getting off work in another fifteen minutes.

Becks is normally the bartender that closes which I’m thankful for. It allows me to still get up early each morning for my run before it gets too hot.

“Don’t know.” I shrug, continuing to clean my area.

“You sound a little pissed.” He says, taking a seat.

“Aren’t you supposed to be serving tables?” I stop to look right at him.

“Everyone is served. In case you’ve not noticed, it’s a little dead in here tonight.”

Looking around I see that he’s right.

“It is technically the middle of the week which is our slowest time.” I answer, looking over at the door that just opened hoping to see Piper walk through but it’s just another customer.

“Well, duty calls. See ya tomorrow?” He says but doesn’t wait for an answer as he makes his way over to the new arrivals with a smile.

One of these days he’s going to meet the right one then have a hard ass time explaining the huge line of female hearts he left behind him.

Not me. There’s only one female that interests me and I plan on going to get her.

Finishing up, I go in the back and clock out, waving at everyone as I head out the door. It only takes a few minutes to walk to the condo’s next door.

Stopping in front of her door, I knock on it several times before I finally hear the door knob turning.

Demanding to know why she didn’t come to the bar is on the tip of my tongue but disappears as soon as I get a look at her.

She’s fucking gorgeous in only a robe with her hair down. I can hear water running from somewhere behind her. Switching tactics, I give her a huge grin.

“Mind if I come in?” Not waiting for an answer, I step inside far enough for her to shut the door.