Hitting send on the email in front of me, I send off the contract for our new clients to sign and send back to us that makes it official that we are their Realty Agents.
Making sure it says it went through, I shut down my computer before grabbing my purse and heading towards Mrs. Stewart’s office.
“Hey, if you don’t need anything else, I’m going to head out. I’m supposed to be at the lawyer's office shortly.” I announce, drawing her eyes to me.
“Of course dear. Go, take care of business.” She says with a gentle smile.
“I wish it was something we could have handled.”
“It would have been nice to have the commission but it would have been looked at as a conflict of interest if they decide later on they paid too much or something. That’s likely to be on your exam.” She points out. “It’s at eight in the morning right?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Don’t second guess yourself. You’ve got this! Let me know how it went when you come back on Monday morning.”
“I will.” I answer, looking down at my watch. “I best go, I don’t want to be late.”
She waves in my direction as I turn walking to the door and out into the bright sun. The heat outside is scorching this time of year in Savannah Tennessee.
It’s always been home for me but ever since my mom passed away I’ve felt as though I am missing something.
Ben, my boyfriend of almost three years isn’t exactly someone I can talk to about how I’ve been feeling.
Our relationship is another thing I’ve been second guessing lately. My mom told me multiple times over the last few years that she honestly didn’t believe that he was right for me.
I thought she was just being a mom because no one was good enough for her daughter. Now that she’s gone though, I’ve been noticing things that she tried to bring my attention to while she was alive.
Even during her funeral he didn’t stand by me, giving me a shoulder to cry on. Sure, he was there but he didn’t want me to get my makeup on his suit jacket.
When I mentioned it to him later, he accused me of just wanting to start a fight because I was feeling sorry for myself.
How the hell do you tell someone who just lost their only parent that they were just feeling bad for themselves? Besides, isn’t it my right to feel that way at that moment?
It doesn’t take me long to get to the lawyers office and sign the papers for the sale of my mom’s house.
Handing over the keys to the new owners, I barely hold back the tears that threaten to leak from my eyes.
Once I’m back outside, the heat of the day dries my tears instantly. I briefly think about going to Ben’s office to see him but I know he wouldn’t want to be disturbed so I go to my car and head home.
It doesn’t take too long to get to the townhouse that I share with Ben. We each contribute half to all the expenses to live here.
Although I could have afforded this place on my own, Ben thought it was time that we step up our relationship to living together.
My mom had a fit over the entire thing, demanding that I make sure everything was put in writing about what we each pay every month. I know she was just trying to look out for me which is why I did as she said.
My mom went through her fair share of bad relationships while I was growing up. I used to dry her tears after they’d hurt her in various ways like taking all of her money then throwing us out into the street.
Letting myself in the door, I set my purse and keys on the table by the door. I’m almost to the kitchen when I hear voices and my brows draw down in confusion.
Ben should be at work but maybe he came home early. I try to not let it sting that he doesn’t really communicate with me as to what he’s doing.
Plastering a smile on my face, I walk to our bedroom door and start to push It open but I gasp at the scene in front of me.
Ben is naked, standing next to our bed with his secretary in front of him on her stomach with her ass tilted up to him. I stare, dumbfounded as he slams into her over and over again, neither of them noticing me at the door.