The concentrated energy popped from my hand and successfully removed the first cuff. The chain rattled to the ground before I moved to his other hand and did the same. After I snapped the first two, he pulled the others off himself.
The moment he was free of the restraints, Metice’s body expanded. I stepped back to give him space and gawked at how quickly he transformed. Not only did he expand in size, but he looked terrifying. Razor-like armor covered his body, and his horns were so big, I could comfortably stand on them. He’d told me about this talent, but I’d yet to see the full transformation in person. Soon, I felt like a child standing next to two giants. He didn’t hesitate; Metice walked over to the large man, putting himself between me and the others.
“Klougus,” Metice addressed the demon. “It’s good to see you.”
“Metice.” He looked around the room. “You’ve brought this disaster into my home. Why?”
“I did not. Your daughter did.” Metice pointed to Olian.
“The story of unrequited love.” He glanced over his shoulder at his daughter. “Still, how can I turn a blind eye to all this? At least twenty of my men are dead, my daughter disfigured, and you’ve bought three beasts into my home.”
“It was my soulmate,” Metice spoke about me. “She brought them here.”
“Your what?” Klougus frowned. “Since when do you have a soulmate?”
“I’ve had the marriage of souls.” Metice explained. “Your daughter, after learning about this, captured me. And my mate, well within her right, did what she had to do to get to me.”
“The marriage of souls.” He glanced at me. “This is the woman?”
“Yes,” Metice said proudly. “Rayna, my soulmate.”
“She’s beautiful.” Klougus gave the compliment before he addressed his daughter. “Olian, did you know?”
Olian clamped her wound and shouted. “He promised to be with me!”
I felt her heartache, and for a quick second, I felt bad for her. If she at any point felt what I did for Metice, I understood why she wanted to preserve that. Still, the bitch was out of her mind.
“Did you know, child?” her father snapped. “Did you know he’d completed the marriage of souls?”
“Yes,” she pouted.
“And yet you still wasted our resources on this foolishness? You know the bond is final. There is no return from it.” He turned to her. “Have you learned nothing from your last century of solitude? Would you like to go back?”
“It’s not fair. Metice was to be mine,” she cried. “You promised him to me.”
“Olian, get over it.” Klougus waved her off. “All the demons in the world want you. Well, they did before you went and disfigured yourself.”
“I didn’t do this. She did!” Olian pointed at me. “She took my arm!”
“Get a new one.” He rolled his eyes before leaving a new question in my head.
Could she just get a new arm?
“Metice, I’m sorry about this. It can be so hard to raise a daughter, especially without her mother around.”
“It’s okay, I get it.” Metice stepped back to stand by my side as his form returned to normal size. “I didn’t mean to break her heart, but-”
“You found your true soulmate. I know how it is.” Klougus nodded. “Only a few are so lucky. Who am I to deny it?”
“Dad!” Olian screamed. “Stop this! Make him leave her.”
“Such a disappointment.” He pointed to the orange demon who escaped death at Do’s hands. “Take her to cool off and repair her injuries.”
The orange one picked Olian up and carried her out of the room. The other demon guards followed them out, but Klougus remained as Di and Do climbed back into the pouch and Piko returned to his smaller, cuddlier size.
“Oh, a Denati companion? You got yourself a good one here. Well done, Metice.” Klougus clapped as his laughter boomed. He looked at me like he saw a new prize waiting to be claimed. “Remember, my offer still stands. Come back, and you’ll have your rank. I could use a guy like you, and your new partner as well.”
“I’m not coming back, Klougus. Nothing’s changed. I’m done with that life.”