“How could you say that? How could you throw away everything for a human?” She pointed to the orange demon. “Bring her to me.”
The demon grabbed me by the throat and dragged me, kicking and screaming, to Olian. Her demonic minions stood around and cheered for my approaching death.
I locked eyes with Metice, who fought against his restraints. I tried to pop over to him, but I could feel the cuff on my wrist locking me in place. That was how she kept him there: the cuffs.
“Say goodbye to your girlfriend.” The sharp clink of metal rang out as Olian pulled out a large blade and held it against my throat. This was her plan, to torture Metice with the thought of my death instead of actually doing what she threatened. I used this to my advantage.
If there was any time to reveal a secret weapon, that was it. I could have said something funny, but my head was still spinning, and I wanted to keep it attached to my neck. The latch on the bag gave me some fight, but after a few seconds of fumbling, it opened.
First came Di, then came Do, and then Piko, in his normal size, hopped out. The room went wild. Piko ran to Metice, but Di and Do were on a mission. They immediately identified the threats, and those gentle, rainbow-colored giants turned into terrifying monsters. Their bodies turned a mystic grey as sharp horns sprouted from their heads.
Di’s hands turned into double barreled cannons, which he used to blast the enemies with so much water, they struggled to escape and ultimately drowned. Do had another tactic: beneath his head, his torso became a pool of water. When he wasn’t chopping off heads, he pulled the smaller adversaries into his body, where they remained suspended until they drowned and fell to the ground beneath him, demon poop.
In the commotion, the orange one picked me up and returned me to Olian, dropping me when Di popped out the bag. The moment he released me, Do snatched him up and threw him across the room. His head smashed into the wall, and he fell limp to the floor. Before Do could finish the job, another demon attacked him. Do turned on the goblin like demon who cut into his back and quickly removed its head before moving on to a new target.
“You think this is enough to stop me from killing you?” Olian growled at me as her tentacles reappeared.
I heard him before I saw him. Piko yipped, leaping into the air and landing on Olian’s back. His body exploded as his jaw clamped onto two of the tentacles and pulled. Blood splattered on my face as Olian writhed in pain and Piko tossed the appendages aside. When Olian dropped to her knees, crying, Piko ran to help Di and Do, and I turned to get to Metice. We wouldn’t last long without his help. Soon, more of Olian’s demons would be on top of us.
“Stop this. You need to get out of here,” Metice said as I pulled against the chains that held him. “More will come, Rayna. It’s not worth it.”
“Shut up,” I snapped. “I’m not leaving you here. Now help me!”
“Watch out!” Metice yelled, and I turned just in time to see Olian.
Her broken body soared through the air, the blade above her head.
Alright, last surprise.
I lifted my hand, pulled the energy from the room and… Boom!
Olian’s eyes widened as she realized what I’d done. It was too late for her to change course. The blast of energy slammed into her chest and knocked her back across the room.
“How did you do that?” Metice asked.
“Likosa’s training is a lot more effective.” I winked.
“My arm!” Olian screamed out. The green demoness lay with her back against the wall as blood oozed from the opening at her left shoulder.
“Oh, shit!” I slapped my hand over my mouth. “I didn’t mean to do that.”
“Maybe Likosa’s training isn’t so great after all.” Metice joked.
The door opposite us flew open, and a line of armored demons filed in, but they didn’t join the fight. They lined the walls and held their place. A moment later, a man so large, he barely fit through the door entered. He snapped his fingers twice, and all the demons who fought at Olian’s side stopped.
He was massive, his skin the same green as Olian. I thought he looked mostly human. Despite his giant size. That was until I saw the tail on the ground behind him, and the hooves where I’d expect to see shoes.
“Who is that?” I asked Metice.
“My former boss and Olian’s dad,” he whispered back, and I felt his energy shift from fear to worry.
“What is this?” Boss-Dad roared, his voice so loud, it shook the walls.
“Get me out of this now,” Metice said. “Use your power. Break the cuffs.”
“Okay.” I aimed my hand at the one on his right wrist.
“Carefully,” he warned.