Metice paused. His lips lingered on my neck as his weight fell on top of me.
“What’s wrong?” I ran my fingers along his bare back. “Something is taking your mind away from me. Come back.”
“I hate that this has to end,” he admitted. “I don’t want it to.”
“What has to end?”
“Us, here, alone. We can’t stay like this forever.” He kissed me, and I could feel the sorrow on his lips. “Rayna, I’ve waited so long for you. I tried to deny it when I first felt you. I did everything I could to protect you from my world, and it feels selfish now to want to keep you in it with me. The thought of you leaving, of not having these moments with you…it kills me.”
“I feel the same way, and hey, I thought we agreed to continue. Yeah, we have some heavy shit to sort out, but I don’t plan to go anywhere. I’m kind of tied to you now, so it’s not like I can just pack my bags and go.” I grabbed his face and lifted his lips from my neck to look into his eyes. “Can we just have one more good night before we return to hell and face the demons? Then, after that, we’ll figure out how this works.”
“One night, maybe two,” he growled, and this time, he wasn’t so gentle.
It was during our third round, when I rode him like a bull and held on to his horns for stability, that I lost control. Don’t ask me why, but just at that moment, I thought of Keri. I wondered if my friend was okay and then boom! I was gone. No longer riding a demon, but straddled across a coffee table, butt ass naked in front of my friend.
“Rayna?” Keri dropped the bowl of cereal in her lap. “Bitch, what the fuck?”
“Oh shit, Keri?” I slapped my hands over my breast and stuttered. “I - I - I was just….”
“I can imagine what you were just doing.” She tossed me the small blanket from the couch. “Cover yourself. Glad to see you’re alive.”
“Yeah, I, um.” I caught my breath and tried to regulate my emotions. Being moments from the peak of orgasm and then scared out of your fucking mind was mind-boggling.
“I guess your demon boy found you.” She cleaned the spilled cereal from her lap and stuck her tongue out at me. “You two make up?”
“He did, and well…” I wrapped the fleece around me. “Something like that.”
“Okay, don’t leave me sitting here thirsty. Spill the tea. What the hell happened?”
“Well, I was held captive. Nearly died. Metice killed a bunch of demons to protect me and then had to take me to a witch. She healed me but changed me.”
“Changed you?” She perked up. “Changed you how? Did you have to sell her your soul? Are you indebted to her now? Dammit, Earth law isn’t going to help us with this, Rayna.”
“Keri, calm down. I’m okay. It’s a long story, but you know that power I told you about? Well, what she did unlocked it completely, and Metice been training me to use it.” I shrugged.
“Right.” She looked at me. “Do you have to be naked to use it? Or is that just like a nice little bonus?”
“No, I, ugh, I’m actually great at it, but I guess it’s still a little unsteady.” I laughed nervously. “I have to think of a person or place. And this is weird, but we were, well, you know. And-”
“Oh, I know what you were doing.” She lowered her voice. “Was it rotating?”
“Keri!” My face flushed with embarrassment.
“Wait, you thought of me in the middle of that?” She clutched her imaginary pearls. “I don’t know if I should be flattered or concerned. Do you secretly love me? Is this how you confess after all these years?”
“Girl, get over yourself! I just had an errant thought and wondered if you were okay.” That’s when I saw the cast on her leg. “Oh my God, your leg! Shit. Keri, I’m so sorry. I should have raced back here to see how you were.”
“Nah.” She waved off my concern. “I figured with the difference in how time moves there and the fact that you were probably running for your life, it’s been a few days for you. You had enough to worry about. I’m okay. I’m just glad you’re alright.”
“How did I get lucky enough to have such a levelheaded friend?”
“You’re blessed, what can I say?” she laughed. “Now, run your ass in there and grab something to wear, please. I don’t need my man looking at your naked ass when he gets back here.”
An hour later, I was dressed in a jumpsuit that was too loose on my ass and too tight on my tits. Oh, how I envied the girls who had friends who wore the same sizes as them. At least the sneakers she let me borrow fit.
“So, you’re learning your powers, fucking your demon, and enjoying your new life?” Keri gave an approving nod. “Damn, girl. It’s strange to say this, considering the parameters, but I’m happy for you.”
“Thanks. It’s all been pretty crazy. I’m still getting used to everything that’s happened.”