“Are you okay?” Metice rolled over to me.

I lay next to him, chest heaving and mind racing.

“Yes, I think so. Whatever she did didn’t fix my asthma, though!” I didn’t want to move, just in case there was an injury I wasn’t aware of. “What the hell happened?”

“I would say your powers are working.” Metice chuckled. “Is that what happened last time with Olian?”

“You mean the falling on my ass? Yes. Is that going to keep happening?” I groaned. “What use is this ability if it just keeps hurting me?”

“No, it won’t keep happening. At least, not after you learn to manage it.” He rolled over to his side and looked down at me. “Trust me, all of this will get a lot easier soon.”

“And you can teach me how?” I perked up. “Your ability is the same, right?”

“Let’s hope so.” Metice stood and held his hand out to me. “It’s similar, but I don’t think it’s exact.”

He pulled me to my feet, and when I looked around at the cotton candy clouds, the strange trees that looked like crazy straws, and what looked like dinosaurs walking in the distance, I realized we weren’t on Earth.

“Where are we?” I watched a small bird-like creature flying in the distance. “This isn’t my home.”

“No, it isn’t.” Metice nodded. “Think of this as a training ground.”

“Oh? I figured we would do that on Earth.”

“Yeah, mid fall, I realized it might not be the greatest idea to take you home just yet. We need to make sure you can control yourself. We can do that here. Most of the beings here are animalistic, none intelligent enough to interfere yet.”

“This is where you’ll train me to jump between worlds?”

“And other things.” Metice grinned. “We don’t know what else you’re capable of just yet. You were able to channel energy and expel it from your hands once.”

“Is there some sort of crash course to not landing on your ass every time?” I checked the dress for dirt. “If you weren’t there, I’d be laid up again, crying about my tailbone.”

“Not that I know of, but we can certainly work on it.” He laughed. “And hey, if you hurt your ass, I’ll make you feel better.”

“Why does it sound like what you have in mind wouldn’t actually help my situation?” I rolled my shoulders. “Actually, my body feels great. All the pain I had before is gone. Likosa and Floushal are amazing.”

“Yeah, they do good work, but I said I would make you feel better. I didn’t say I’d help your ass heal.” He leaned back to look behind me, and the grin spread across his face.

“What are you doing?”

“Just checking.” He winked. “Looks great.”

“Anyway,” I rolled my eyes. “What’s the plan? Do we train now?”

“You need to rest. I know you may feel good after what she did to you, but I don’t want to risk it.” He scanned the area. “Just need to find somewhere for us to set up camp.”

“Rest? Where exactly do you expect me to rest?” I waved my arms around, gesturing to the massive expanse of shelter-less nature. “I don’t see any beds around here, and you still haven’t told me what or where this place is.”

“Think of it as Earth 2.0. If you could visit your world before humans existed, this is pretty much what you’d find. It’s somewhere safe for you, but it will be hard for them to find us,” Metice explained. “Mid fall, I figured this was a better option. I’ve been here and it’s…mostly compatible with human life.”

“Mostly?” I frowned. “I don’t know about this, Metice.”

“It’s the perfect place for you to practice.” He kissed my forehead. “Trust me.”

“Do I even need to practice all that much? I’m a quick study. Just give me the Cliffs Notes and I got it. What do I do? Just focus on the location and go?”

“Did the elixir affect your memory?” He tapped my temple with his finger. “You just nearly killed us! And if it were that simple, you wouldn’t have accidentally snapped us into the middle of a freefall. Is that what you thought of?”

“Well. No. I didn’t.” I poked my lips out in thought. I couldn’t remember what had been on my mind before we fell. “You thought of all that in the span of a five second fall?”