“Then explain what happened. Why were you laid out like that?” I pointed to the ground where I found him. “You weren’t just sleeping, I know that.”
“Likosa gave me an elixir, one for you and one for me. Whatever it did to you, it must have affected our bond. I’m assuming my dose was to account for that,” he explained. “Just before you woke, I passed out.”
“But you don’t know for sure?” I asked. “She didn’t fully explain what this stuff does, and you took it anyway?”
“No, unfortunately. I didn’t have time to ask questions, but I trust her.” Metice grabbed my hand. “Likosa is a friend. She is strange, yes, but she’s trustworthy, I promise.”
“Okay, but you should still rest. Please.” There was no way I’d rest knowing he wasn’t. We’d both been through a lot.
“I will.” He smiled.
“Why did you choose this dress?” I lifted the soft purple fabric that covered my legs, a dress I’d purchased to wear at a renaissance festival I never attended. It cost so much money, I refused to get rid of it. I thought it would rot away in the back of my closet.
“I thought you would look nice in it, and it seemed easy enough to put on you without disturbing your dress. Was I wrong to choose it?”
“No, it’s just, I never got to wear it, and I thought I would never have another reason to.”
“Is it for a special occasion?” He scanned my body.
“Something like that, yes.” I nodded, but I didn’t tell him I was supposed to be portraying bride at the event.
“We can make one. When you’re well again.” He yawned.
Metice lay on the ground next to the cot. The compact frame wasn’t big enough for two, and he promised he would be comfortable, but I couldn’t see how he could be. We slept, though, with Piko’s soft whimpers echoing around us.
When we woke, I asked if he could go to my home and bring back my mattress. It was heavy, but I couldn’t stand seeing him lay on the ground. He did, and we lay together, comforted by each other’s touch. Any time it felt like he would move away, I pulled him back to me. It wasn’t something I would say aloud, but I was afraid of being in hell, even with Metice next to me.
It took two days, but my appetite finally returned, and Metice made the canned soup he’d taken from my home. I ate and continued to drink the supply of water. Though my wounds healed and my body felt better, there was something deeper that made me feel hollow, some piece of myself that hadn’t come back with me after what I thought of as my first death. It was the third day when the fever set in. My body felt like it was on fire, and nothing he did helped.
“Please be okay,” he whispered and kissed my forehead.
He stood from the bed, and I groaned, reaching out for him. Piko quickly took his place by my side.
“I’ll be back. We can’t stay here like this. I need to get you help.”
Metice disappeared, leaving me with a worried Piko, who nuzzled my shoulder.
“I’ll be okay, Piko. I promise.”
Metice returned, and with a worried look, he quickly scooped me up from the bed. “We have to go.”
“What?” I clung to the cover that lay over my body, but it fell. Two seconds of the air on my skin, and I was shivering like I’d been standing naked in a snowstorm.
“There is someone you need to meet, someone who can help.” Metice pulled me into his chest, and I sighed at the warmth his skin provided. “You won’t heal if we don’t go now.”
Something shifted in the corner, and I blinked several times to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me. The shadow opened! It split in half, and from the center of the opening stepped a demon. He looked more like Metice, nearly human, but I could feel the nervous energy flowing from him.
“You owe me one, Meti.” The new guy pointed at Metice, and the fluff of curls on top of his head bounced like punctuation to his words. “Don’t forget it.”
“I won’t. I know.” Metice nodded. “Can we go now? Is it safe?”
“Path is clear. Follow me.” The man stepped back into the shadows, and Metice moved to follow him.
“What are you doing?” I asked weakly.
“Trust me, Rayna. Please.” Metice looked into my eyes.
After searching his gaze, there was no question. I trusted him to take care of me. If this was the path he thought best, I couldn’t disagree, not after everything he’d already done to save me.