“Thanks.” I paused. “You killed one?”

“I shot that jolly green ex of yours in the chest, too. So take my warning to heart, demon boy.” she winked.

“Please don’t call me that.”

“Save my friend, and I won’t.”

I didn’t bother using the door. I knew exactly where I needed to go: back to hell to visit my ex.


Care for her


Olian was a creature of habit. She wanted to torture Rayna and punish me, and that meant taking her to the bricks, a system of tunnel connected rooms in the middle of the wastelands. They were the operation facilities for one of the collectors, a powerful demon who had other demons working for him. In those tunnels were rooms for captors, tortures, and other dark activities. This one belonged to Olian’s father.

Olian would be able to tell Rayna and I had been together. She’d smell me on Rayna. Her twisted mind would have definitely come up with some sort of sex play to mix into her torture plans. There was only one place she did that kind of work.

“Are you really going to do this?” the deep voice of Cufio spoke from behind me.

I turned to find the shadow demon, his thin frame radiating with the murky energy. Cufio spent so much time in the shadows, it was hard to distinguish where his body ended and the shadows began.

“Why are you here, Cufio?” I scanned the area to be sure my old friend was alone. “This has nothing to do with you.”

“I figured you’d come eventually. News spread fast about Olian bringing your human here. Funny how the rules don’t apply to the boss’s daughter.” Cufio pointed to the system of rooms off in the distance. “Any of us do what she’s planning, and we’d lose our necks.”

“And you risked coming here. Why?” I asked. “You’d be in just as much trouble if they found out you were here talking to me. What do you want?”

“I want to try to talk some sense into you, Meti. You could fix all this by just coming back.” Cufio looked at me, his thick brow furrowed over grey eyes. “They’d take you back. That’s all they want, for you to be back on the team. You were the best of us. It was a hard hit to lose you in the field.”

“You and I both know that won’t fix this.” I laughed. “Olian will still try to kill Rayna because of what she means to me. Going back to work for them won’t fix that.”

“Wow, the human really does mean something to you? I thought they were all insane when they said you cared for her. I figured the Meti I knew could never feel anything for a human.” He paused, looking back at the tunnels. “What’s the plan here? Are you going to go in there and kill everyone? Then what? There really won’t be any turning back from that. What happens next?”

“Don’t worry about what happens next. Just stay out of my way,” I warned.

When Cufio returned his attention to me, I made a point to show him I meant what I said. My muscles stretched, skin warmed, and horns grew. It wasn’t often I revealed my true form. It wasn’t as pleasant to look at, but this wasn’t a time to care about outward appearances. I could see the fear in his eyes as I changed, the same reaction every time someone saw my true self.

“You know, I wasn’t even here today.” He threw his hands up and turned to leave. “Take care of yourself, Meti. Some of us still want you to be okay.”

As Cufio disappeared back into the haze of shadows, I ran for the room where Olian held Rayna.

She used the same room every time. It was her special quarters, decked out to look like it wasn’t sitting in the pits. As I ran, I caught the scent. Olian was there, and so was Rayna. First came that sweet scent of vanilla, and then blood—her blood, and she’d lost a lot of it.

There wasn’t any time to deal with doorways or pleasantries. I couldn’t waste a moment trying to talk my way inside. They’d drag it out just long enough for me to lose her. Instead, I circled around the poorly guarded building to the wall I knew to be her space. Just as I suspected, sounds of loud and aggressive sex came through the high windows.

“I’m coming, Rayna,” I said as I ripped away the final layers of my clothing. If I was going to take on an orgy, I needed my full strength. The clothes wouldn’t survive the expansion.

One of the reasons the boss loved me was the hat trick. My dick wasn’t the only thing customizable. I drew in the energy of the world around me, the darkness that kept the Bane going, and as I did, my body doubled, then tripled in size. Clenching my fist, I brought razor-like ridges to cover my flesh and create a shield of armor across my body.

When I finished the transition, it took one swing of my fist to knock the entire wall in. I drew back and smashed it in, then watched as the naked demons scattered.

“Metice, you bastard!” Sintk, a bull demon with three dicks, was the only one bold enough to take me head on. He lowered his head, aimed his horns at my chest, and charged me.

I caught him easily by the horn and held him in place. The smell of her blood came to me again, and my eyes followed the trail. There she was: my soulmate, chained to the wall and barely alive. My vision flooded with red.

“I’ll make every one of you pay for this.”