Keri fell out laughing, and if it still didn’t hurt so much, I would have been laughing just as hard. Our former friend had all but landed her ass in jail messing with a guy she swore she would never see again. Five years later they were married with three kids and headed for divorce.
“Look, I get that.” I raised my glass to her. “But if something serious happens, you tell me. I’m not playing that shit.”
“You can call your demon to handle it for me.” She winked while lifting her own glass.
“Hell, if I can figure out my magic, I’ll teleport his ass to the desert and leave him there. I don’t need a man to fight my battles.” After about a minute of miming superwoman poses, Keri’s face turned serious, and I swallowed the knot that quickly formed in my throat.
“Do you really believe all this is real?” She raised her hand to stop me. “I’m not going to tell you to call your therapist, and I won’t tell anyone else, but I have to know, for me. So I can support you in the best way. Is this something you think is really happening to you?”
I thought about how to answer her. I could’ve lied and said it was all an elaborate creation of my imagination, but I didn’t want to. It was selfish of me. I didn’t want to be in the shit by myself anymore. Could I really drag my best friend into it with me?
We both jumped and turned our heads to the front door as the blue painted wood shook, something pounding against the outside of it.
“What the hell?” Keri stood, ready to defend her home, but before she could reach for the box I knew held her little pink bestie, the door flew in off the hinges.
Standing in the doorway, clothes singed and hair missing from half her head, was the big green demoness bitch.
The Bitch is back
“What the actual fuck?” Keri screamed and jumped from her seat. “Rayna, what is that?”
“That would be the ex-girlfriend.” I kept my cool while my friend freaked out. One of us had to be thinking clearly. Besides, I was already hurting and needed to reserve my energy for when shit really got real. “You believe me now?”
“Son of a bitch.” Keri pressed her hand against her forehead. “Demons are real. I’m too drunk for this shit.”
“I suggest you sober up real fast.” I shifted in my seat.
“You stupid human bitch!” Olian called out from the entrance. “Did you think I wouldn’t find you again?”
“You made it back.” I carefully stood, trying to hide any sign of my pain. “Did you have a pleasant trip?”
“Ray, maybe we shouldn’t taunt the demon woman.” Keri slowly moved to the box that held her friend. It didn’t matter what she did; Olian’s attention was locked on me as her hands gripped the doorframe.
“You think you can do that to me?” Olian screamed, and wood from the frame splintered in her hands. “Do you know who I am?”
“Metice’s ex.” I nodded. “He filled me in. Look, I’m sorry about what happened between you two, but that had nothing to do with me. I didn’t even know him when he broke up with you.”
“I am so much more than my attachment to some man,” Olian screamed as her eyes darkened to a fiery orange.
“And yet, here you are, stalking me because of an attachment to some man.” I pointed out the irony in her statement.
“Rayna.” Keri still moved towards the box but warned me to ease up.
“It’s fine, Keri.” I waved her off and kept my eyes trained on the demoness. “This is how Olian and I talk to each other. Just a bit of healthy banter, right?”
“Oh, look, the human found her confidence. Isn’t that cute? One little magic trick, and you think you can take me?” She flexed, and the skin on her arms rippled with energy as the tentacle sprouted from her back. The veining across her skin moved to accommodate the expanding muscles beneath. “Prove it.”
Olian ran forward, and I held my hand out, hoping the magic that had knocked her on her ass the first time would work. Of course, it didn’t. I stood there holding my hand out to her, focusing on energy, because that was the only piece of instruction I could remember. The magical girlies just focused on what they wanted the power to do, and it did it. Now, though, it looked like I was just standing there, waiting for a high five. Instead of a blast of power from my hand, three shots rang out. Pop, pop, pop. Three holes appeared in the demoness’ chest.
Olian stopped and looked at her chest, yellow blood spilling from the fresh wounds. She looked at Keri. “You stupid bitch.”
I looked to my right to find Keri standing there, her pink Glock 19 affectionately named Poppiana pointed at the demon’s chest.