“No, nope, nah. This isn’t happening.” I pinched myself as the last resort of breaking what had to be a dream, but I didn’t feel the numb sensation of fake contact I expected. The pain shot through my flesh, and I cringed. “Fuck! That hurt!”
“I’m not sure what you expected that to feel like,” he grunted, still rubbing the sore spot on his head. “Or why you insist on harming yourself and me?”
“I expected it to feel like nothing because this is a dream!” I whispered, my eyes darting around the room. “Because you know, in dreams, things don’t hurt. They feel oddly unreal.”
“Did last night feel oddly unreal?” He smirked, his brows raised with his question.
“I-” I choked. “Last night, shit.”
“This is not a dream. You can keep saying it is, but that won’t make it true. Neither will it make the bite mark you left on my neck any less real.” He pointed to the impression of my teeth on his dark flesh.
“Shit, I did that?” I leaned forward slightly, just enough to see the marks on his skin. “Damn.”
“Once you grabbed my horns, you went a little wild,” he huffed. “Can’t say I’ve ever been told to, ‘Giddy up, boy’ before.”
“You’re a demon.” I disregarded his comment as more images of the night flashed through my mind. “A demon with horns and a rotating dick. And I fucked you?”
“Sounds about right.” He nodded. “Though I don’t know where you got the spell from. We didn’t do much talking.”
“Wait.” I looked at his forehead, where moments ago there were two horns, but was now smooth flesh making him look much more human. “Where are your horns?”
“Safely tucked away.” He rubbed his forehead. “I can hide them when I want, and I didn’t want to set you off again. You seemed to be turned on by them, and I thought it would be nice if we actually had a conversation about what’s happening here.”
“I wasn’t turned on by your horns!” I defended myself.
“Are you sure? I could have sworn your eyes lit up when you first saw them, and then you couldn’t keep your hands off them.”
“It was a dream!” I stomped my foot in protest.
“No, it wasn’t.” He smirked. “And you know, our dreams are where our deepest desires get to shine. Do you think it says anything significant about you that when you thought you were dreaming, your response to a demon and his horns was insatiable arousal?”
“Who the fuck puts a spell like that in a book if it actually works?” I couldn’t debate with him anymore. I felt like my chest would explode. Soon, I was struggling to remain calm, and every glance at the demon made it harder to keep my lungs functioning. “That’s insane!”
“Someone who probably didn’t think it would work.” He leaned against the wall behind his back and crossed his arms over his chest. “Authors are studious creatures. The best ones really do their research. Doesn’t surprise me that one might stumble across an incantation, think it’s a dud, and pop it in a book.”
“This is sick. This is. Oh my God.” My breaths became shallow struggles for air. “I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Calm down.” He held a hand out to me but remained on his side of the room. “Just breathe. I don’t need you passing out on me.”
“Nope, definitely sick.” I ran past him, clutching the sheet wrapped around my body.
He grunted as I pushed him out of the way and headed for the bathroom. I nearly missed the toilet as the contents of my stomach shot out, splashing into the water. After what felt like an hour of puking, my stomach was finally empty. I sat on the floor of the bathroom and wiped my mouth with the sheet. I’d have to burn them anyway. No way I could keep sheets I’d had demon sex on.
When he appeared in the doorway with purplish black skin and a wide grin, I looked up at him and never felt so much regret in my life.
“Oh shit. Okay. That was real. I actually fucked a demon.” The hollow sound that crawled up my throat was half sob, half dry heave. “I’m never drinking wine again!”
“You fucked a demon,” he chuckled, nodding slowly. “I doubt that’s going to keep you off wine, though. If anything, I’d suggest you look into some support groups. Are there any other addicts in your family?”
“Great, I fucked a demon who thinks he’s funny. What do you want from me?” I asked. There had to be a reason he came and still hadn’t gone back to hell. “Not my soul, right? Please say you’re not here to drag my soul back to your underlord.”
“Underlord?” He scoffed. “Look, I’m not the one who summoned you.”
“Fine—go.” I waved my hand, shooing him away.
“Excuse me?” He cocked his head to the side. “You’re sending me off?”
“Summoned, fucked,” I cringed. “Job done. You can go now.”