The demoness, whose name was still unknown to me, stalked towards me. Her tentacles whipped out in every direction and destroyed my kitchen. The bar stool went flying toward my head, and I ducked just in time to miss it. I hopped up, hoping to run away, but the other extension slammed into my chest, knocking me against the refrigerator.
The custom magnet with the picture of me and my best friend fell and shattered on the floor. I didn’t have time to worry about it, because I looked up to see her booted foot coming for my chest. I rolled out of the way, but she caught my robe with her hand and pulled me backward, slamming me to the floor instead.
The shards of the magnet dug into the back of my arm.
The knife was still in my hand, and I took the one opportunity to use it. I pushed it upward into her stomach as she kneeled over me, but it did nothing. The blade bent against her tough body, doing no damage at all. Great.
“You really are a dumb bitch.” Her maniacal laughter rang out like a sick anime character.
She started punching me in the face, her fist crashing into my cheek, eye, and chin. After the fourth punch and my pointless struggles, I tasted my own blood. My heart raced with a mixture of anger and fear.
“No,” I cried after the fifth punch made crushing contact with my jawline. Before the sixth could land, I lifted my hand to her chest, hoping to just push her off.
I did a lot more than that.
My insides heated quickly, like an electric kettle with two drops of water in it. In a flash, it felt like I had the worst fever of my life. Sweat formed on my brow as my mouth dried out. Then came the rush of adrenaline accompanied by a foreign sensation. A surge or power gushed through me—from where, I had no idea—but I was grateful for it, because it shot the bitch off me. She didn’t go far, but she stumbled back until she fell onto her ass and her tentacles retracted from the shock.
“What the hell was that?” I looked at my own hands, then common sense kicked in, and I decided to save the questions for later. I quickly got to my feet and backed away from her.
“Oh, you’re not just a normal human, are you?” she grinned. “It looks like Metice has more secrets than I thought. I think I need to take you back to my world.”
“Excuse me?” I wiped the blood from my lip. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“I wasn’t giving you the choice.” She jumped to her feet and charged at me.
Her arms reached out to grab me, but instead, I grabbed her wrist. The plan was to give her another shock like the one before, and once again, my plan didn’t mean shit, because instead of blasting her away from me, I felt that same tension, the one that usually announced the arrival of my demon companion.
The world turned fuzzy, and my vision blurred. When I blinked, the look on her face matched the fear I felt. Because we were no longer in my kitchen. We were hanging in the air, and when I looked down, I saw the depths of a massive canyon. The cool breeze felt great until the slap of reality hit, and I realized just how terrible our position was.
“Oh shit!” I screamed and let her go.
“You stupid-” She clawed at me, but I slapped her hands away.
And then, the bitch fell.
I hung in the air, watching her for a second. Maybe I had the power to fly. That was my last thought before gravity grabbed hold of my dumb ass too.
BDSM? Really?
The strong rush of air passing across my ears ended with a loud and painful slam to the ground. I expected to have a quick moment of consciousness at the bottom of the canyon before I passed out, but when I opened my eyes, I was looking at the arched entrance to my home. As if the shards of magnets in my arms and the blows to my face weren’t enough to ruin my damn day, landing in my front yard, bloodied and dressed in a bathrobe, sure was.
Don’t get me wrong. I was happy to be alive, but when the pain shot up from my ass through my spine and into my shoulders, I questioned if death wouldn’t have been a better option. I laid there, splayed out, eyes drifting to the sky. The cool breeze brushed across my body and gave a weird sense of relief to the pain.
“Are you okay?” the shaky voice of an elderly woman called out. “Do you need help?”
I looked up to see my nosy neighbor, Mrs. Green, staring at me from her front porch. Great, the entire neighborhood would hear about this shit now.
“I’m fine!” I called out and scrambled to get up from the ground, pulling the robe tighter around me as I rushed for the door. Thank God for keyless entry. If she got any closer, those prescription goggles she wore would kick in, and she’d see just how not okay I was. I mean, how the hell was I supposed to explain being outside in the middle of winter in my damn underwear?
The door slammed shut behind me just as Mrs. Green stepped off her porch. I looked through the peephole and watched her throw her hands up in the air and return to her chair. No juicy gossip for her to spread today.
“I can’t believe this shit.” I looked at my dirty hands and thought about the power that surged through them earlier. “So, that just happened. That was real.”
And suddenly, I couldn’t breathe. My house felt too small, like the walls would fold in and crush me. I opened the robe and grabbed the magazine off the entry table to fan myself.
“How is any of this possible? And what the hell did she mean about Metice?” My mind ran as I spoke the questions aloud to no one.