Piko nuzzled his face into my neck.
“He’s missed you. I didn’t think he would after all this time.” Metice sat on the edge of the bed and watched me reconnect with my pet.
“Why did you bring him here?”
“Since I started coming to spend time with you, I think he can smell you on me. He started acting depressed, pooping everywhere. I figured I’d give this a shot.”
“I’m glad you brought him.” I paused. “Wait, will this get you in trouble? Are there rules against this sort of thing?”
“There are, but I’m not new to bending rules.”
“That is a line said often before shit hits the fan.” I shook my head. “You’ve just jinxed us.”
It took an hour to get Piko to calm down, but it wasn’t until after he was fed that he fell asleep. His little snoring called out from the hallway floor where he passed out.
“Do you want more?” Metice asked as I finished my last bite of pasta. “There is still some in the pot.”
“No, thank you.” I leaned back and rubbed my belly with a large smile spread across my face. “That was more than enough.”
“Good.” He nodded. “Glad to see you put some real food in your home.”
“I had to.” I pointed to the fridge. “My meal services stopped unexpectantly, and I had nothing else to eat. Did you expect me to starve until you came back?”
“Meal services?” He stood from the kitchen table and removed my plate from in front of me. “Is that what I am to you?”
“Maybe,” I winked. “Maybe a little more than that.”
After watching his ass in the tight black pants he wore, I cleared the thoughts from my mind. I was supposed to be upset with him for being missing in action for so long. A pair of firm cheeks couldn’t be enough to distract me from my disappointment. Instead of watching him, I grabbed my open soda and headed for the couch. Shortly after, he joined me.
“Did you think about things?” Metice asked as he sat next to me. We’d avoided the talk since he got there, but time was up.
“How could I not?” I put the remote down, having found nothing even remotely interesting to watch. Because what the hell could compete with what we needed to discuss? “I had a week to do nothing but think about things.”
“And what did you decide?”
I took a sip from my drink and wished I’d chosen something stronger.
“Metice…” I turned to him, prepared to tell him how it would be a terrible idea to be together. Despite the way I felt when I was around him, I knew a long-distance relationship with a demon from another world was a bad idea. And the way I’d worried about him the last week wasn’t healthy. It consumed every moment of my life, and I couldn’t put myself through that.
Before I could get any of that out, he interrupted me with three words that made all that seem so unimportant.
“I want you.” Those dark eyes locked onto mine, and his words erased everything else in the world.
“Metice, this is a bad idea.” I clung to reason.
“Is it?” He pulled me into his lap and pressed his lips to my neck.
“That’s not fair.” I feigned resistance, putting my hand against his chest. “We need to talk about this.”
“What is there to talk about?” His fingers made quick work of the little gold buttons on my top before he peeled the shirt away.
“You said there might be a way to break the bond between us.” How the hell was I supposed to hold this conversation with him when he was so determined to distract me?
“Yes, I did say that.” His lips made a trail past my collarbone and to my breast.
“I-” If I had thoughts in my head, they disappeared when his tongue flicked against my nipple, shortly followed by his teeth teasing the sensitive flesh. “Metice, please.”
“Okay.” He pulled back, lifted me from his lap, and sat me on the couch next to him. “Let’s talk.”