“How long have I been gone?” I looked at him as I found a plastic bag and dropped the fuzz-covered dish inside. “In Earth terms?”
“You were right before. It’s been just under two months since I took you away,” Metice confirmed, and a little part of me died inside. I’d hoped he’d say I overestimated my timeline, but two months had gone by. A quick look out the window showed the changing season. The canopy of trees in my backyard had begun their colorful shift as summer gave way to the cooler autumn days.
“Exactly. Well, that explains this. It’s fine; a few bottles of room spray, and it should be okay.” I paused and considered the landmine that must have been waiting for me in my refrigerator. All those poor leftovers.
I tossed the bag aside and went on the hunt for the spray. Of course, because I hadn’t been in my own room in weeks, that damn ugly ass table got in my way. I slammed my foot against it and went flying. Metice caught me, but we both fell on the bed. I face planted into his chest and knocked the wind out of him.
“Maybe it’s just on Earth where you’re this clumsy. Is it the added gravity?” He wrapped his arm around my waist as the laughter shook his body.
“Shut up.” I slapped his chest and then realized we were in my bed. “Um.”
“Don’t worry. The next time I have you, you won’t be able to claim it was a dream or blame it on intoxication.” He laughed at my expression and rolled me off his chest and onto the bed before standing. “I’ll get going now. I’ll keep an eye on you for a few days, make sure the spell really worked and you’re okay.”
“Thank you.” I stood from the bed, straightening myself and headed for the cabinet, remembering that was the last place I had the spray. “Wait, what about Piko?”
“What about it?” he asked.
“Him!” I corrected Metice as I retrieved the spray and popped the cap open. “He’ll miss me. You have to take care of him.”
“You can’t be serious.” He folded his arms over his chest. “What do you expect me to do about that?”
“Metice,” I mimicked him and crossed my arms over my chest. There was no way he could toss that little guy out. “He saved my life. He deserves to be cared for. If I could bring him here, I would.”
“Okay, I’ll bring him to you.” He looked around the room. “Maybe he can eat your disgusting leftovers for you.”
“That’s not funny.” I gave him my best ‘I’m so disappointed in you’ glare.
“Fine.” he grumbled. “I’ll make sure the little nuisance survives. Enjoy your life demon free.”
“Don’t pretend you aren’t happy,” I teased him. “Now you’ll have a friend in hell, someone to keep you company now that I’m gone.”
“Yeah, right.” Metice walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. He gently pushed me and followed each of my steps with his own until my back was pressed against the wall. The joking was long over.
“What are you doing?” I pressed my hand against his chest. “Whatever you’re thinking is going to happen here isn’t. Not with my room smelling like ass.”
“I’m not seducing you. I’m giving you a warning.” He lowered his face to mine. “Rayna, stay out of trouble.”
“What?” I laughed nervously. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“I’ll be watching you.” His hand slipped around my waist. He pulled me to him, crushing my hand between our bodies as his heart raced beneath my palm. Those dark eyes grew darker, and his voice dropped at least two octaves when he spoke again. “Keep yourself safe, or I’ll take you back to hell. I can’t promise that I’ll let you come back next time.”
“Let me?” His words did two things to me. They terrified me… and they turned me on. Dammit girl, get it together.
“You heard me.” He kissed me, and that talented tongue of his danced in my mouth and made my head swim in a cloud of arousal. Then, mid-kiss, he vanished.
“Right, definitely not trying to seduce me.” I fanned myself then gagged at from the fresh wave of spoiled broccoli air.
Four months later, winter had rolled into my city, and I was on another date. It took a while for me to get there though, and still I sat across the table from a man who should have been able to hold my undivided attention and I couldn’t have cared less. He was great on paper, but my brain worked overtime comparing him to a horny demon with his rotating team member.
For the first month, I waited for Metice to return. He didn’t. I buried myself in my work. It took a lot to repair the broken relationships and a couple of my clients never called me back. I couldn’t blame them. I also had to explain myself to Keri.
“Where the hell have you been? You call me one night talking about being in hell, then completely ghost me?” Keri burst into my house two days after I returned home.
“I’m sorry.” What else could I say? It wasn’t like she would believe the truth.
“Where did you go?” She frowned at the lingering smell of broccoli. Why did it take so long for that stank to go away?
“I needed to get away, Keri,” I explained as best as I could without bringing up demons again. “I felt like I was losing my mind, seeing demons and shit and clearly, I needed help with that. So, I found it.”