“Lie back. Don’t worry, I got you.” Like magic, her clothes dissolved in the water. She was completely naked, the tattoos that covered her flesh dancing frantically as the water moved faster. “Is this what you want?”

“I-” I didn’t know what she was asking me until I felt her hands caressing my skin. She no longer held me afloat. The water did the work and formed what felt like a raft of pressure beneath my back to hold me up. Instead, she drew circles with her fingertips across my flesh.

“I’m sorry, but I’m going to need you to give me a clear answer.” She looked into my eyes. “Pretty human, is this what you want?”

The word slipped from my lips in a deep moan. “Yes.” I was in hell, in a world far from my own. What would it matter if I let her do what she wanted?

Her hands moved over my body like feathers, touching every inch of me. My stomach, hips, breast, neck, even my pussy. She paused, fingers lightly feathering my clit.

“Are you sure?” Likosa lowered her face, and her full lips brushed against mine as she spoke.

“Yes,” I whispered my answer through shaky lips, and that was good enough.

Her fingers slipped into my pussy, and she kissed me. My back arched like I was on a bed and not in a pool of water. She moved from my lips, and I gasped as she separated my legs, then kissed my pussy. Full lips pressed against me, and then she whispered something in a language I couldn’t understand, and the water engulfed us.

We were below the surface, and though I should have drowned, I didn’t. Somehow, when I breathed, my lungs weren’t flooded with water. Air found a way through the liquid to me. Despite the odd mechanics of the moment, I couldn’t be too worried about the water with her hands still exploring my body and her words, foreign and too fast for comprehension, echoing in my mind.

She kissed me again and her tongue swirled inside my mouth with the unexpectantly sweet taste of the water. When our lips met, there was a whisper at the back of my mind. This time, it came in English: by the blood. I heard it twice before the echoes faded, and all I could think of was her touch.

Next thing I knew, my mouth was on her neck, shoulder, and breasts. My hands explored her body just as much as hers did mine. There was no resistance. I wanted this, and with each kiss, each stroke of my fingers, I consented for it to continue.

When I came to orgasm, her large nipple still in my mouth, the water crashed around us, and we lay entangled on the ground at Metice’s feet. My breaths were ragged attempts to re-acclimate to the air.

Likosa stood and helped me to my feet, kissed me once more, and fixed my hair.

“Good to go.” She smiled at Metice. “She’s all yours.”


Time to go home

“That’s it?” Metice stood in front of us, jaw tight and tone tense as I tried to keep the expression of orgasm hidden. “Is it done?”

“Would you like more? Will a blood sacrifice do?” Likosa ran her fingers down my arm, and I pulled away from her touch.

“Nope! Absolutely not.” I walked over to Metice, who handed me my clothes and a towel to dry off with. “I’ll get dressed, and we’ll be right on our way. I’m not sacrificing any of my blood.”

While I dressed, the two of them spoke in whispers. I tried to hear what they were saying, but I couldn’t. Blame it on my human ears, but whatever they said to each other, they didn’t want me to know about. If they did, they wouldn’t have been whispering. So instead of trying to eavesdrop, I quickly put my clothes on and headed for the exit, where I waited for him to meet me.

“Does she stay like that all the time?” Likosa returned to her clawfoot throne and watched closely as Metice guided me out of her home.

“How would I possibly know that?” Metice sounded irritated.

How the hell can he be mad at me? He’s the one who brought me to her knowing full well what kind of magic she does.

“You sound like you were friends.” I gave him a hard side eye. “When we first got here, it looked like the two of you were very familiar with each other.”

“Not as familiar as the two of you,” he grunted and led the way back to the carriage, walking twice as fast as usual.

“Are you kidding me right now?” I couldn’t believe it, but it looked like he was jealous as he marched ahead of me. I was damn near running to keep up with him. “You’re the one who brought me here. You already said you knew this was a possibility. It’s not my fault you thought she would use you instead of me.”

He said nothing else until we made it to the carriage, and then he opened the door and stood back. “Get in.”

“Are you seriously going to stay mad at me?” I threw my hands on my hip and refused to get in until he gave me a direct answer.

“Who said I was mad?” He looked down at me.

“So is it jealousy?” What else could it be?