“Everything okay?” He turned to me, body outlined by the rising sun adding a soft halo that brought the purple tones of his skin closer to the surface.
“Yes, I just wanted to wash up.” I nodded and pulled the door closed behind me.
“Got that crust out of your eye, I see.” He laughed and pointed at my face.
“Seriously?” And any of those inappropriate butterflies that his kindness the night before left me with died like winter had suddenly rolled in.
“What?” he laughed. “Look, I got food. Food makes human women happy, right? Be happy.”
“Right.” It was a good thing. I didn’t need to be having flutters when I thought of him. The annoyance that made my lip curl was better. Safer.
I sat down at the table, and yes, the meal was amazing. I wasn’t sure where he got it from, but there were eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, waffles and pancakes, and an assortment of fresh fruit. Again, too much food for me to eat alone, but he didn’t seem to care about the waste.
He watched me eat for a while before interrupting my chomps and moans of delight.
“So, the plan,” he started. “You wanted to know what it was.”
“Yes?” I looked at him over a forkful of eggs.
“Breaking the link between us is going to take a lot more time than I think either of us wants, but I think I’ve found a temporary solution that will at least allow you the chance to go home sooner than later. I just need a few days to make it happen.”
“What’s the solution?” I asked. As long as I got a get out of hell free pass, I was going to take it.
“There is someone. You might think of her as a witch. She’s a magic worker, very powerful for the right bargain. She can cast a spell that will shield you from other demons,” he explained.
“Shield me?” I dropped my fork. “What does that mean? They won’t be able to hurt me?”
“They won’t be able to see or sense you at all.” he clarified. “Right now, they are able to track you because my essence is now intertwined with yours. It’s an energy signature, like a calling card. If we can cut that off, you’ll be safe while I solve the bigger puzzle.”
“Okay?” I leaned back in my chair and looked out over the hellscape that looked even more menacing in the light of day. In the distance, I could see large beings moving around, but I couldn’t make out any details. “This is a lot.”
“It’s the only way I will feel comfortable sending you back.” He gave the explanation I didn’t ask for. “I can’t keep you here forever, but letting you go back unprotected isn’t an option either.”
“And you can’t keep popping to Earth to save me, I know.” I straightened in the chair. “Then what?”
“Then, you go home.” he answered. “And I stay here. I know there is an answer to this, a way to dissolve our bond, but the people who have that information…well, it’s going to take some time to convince them to share it.”
“Do I get to know what that is?” It sounded like he already had an idea of what we needed to do, but he wasn’t sharing. “I mean, you know something already, right? Maybe I can help.”
“I don’t know enough now to share. If I do, you’ll waste your time trying to solve a riddle I only know a piece of.” There was something like apprehension that flashed across his face. His right eye twitched, and his lip curved down slightly at the corners. He knew a lot more than he was telling me. “As soon as I figure it out, I’ll let you know.”
“You’re the boss.” I gave up.
“Eat. You need to get your strength up. I’ll be back in a few hours.”
“You’re leaving?”
“Like I said, I have to find the right bargain.” Metice left me alone with the mountain of food and a head full of spinning thoughts.
I spent the day staring out the massive window and hoping the creatures I saw flying in the distance wouldn’t see me. When I wasn’t examining the strange landscape of peaks and valleys, I tried to busy my mind with tasks. I worked on the shirt and unraveled it again. I opened my laptop and tried to write, but nothing came. I tried to contact home, but the weak ass connection I once had was no longer there.
The best thing I could do was lock myself in my room, away from the window, and curl up with a book. I’d gotten through two romantic comedy novellas and fell asleep in bed.
“Rayna?” Metice stood over me when I woke up. “Sorry, I knocked, but you didn’t answer. I have dinner for you.”
Outside the room, the table was covered with the same ridiculous layout. Way too many burgers and fries and one sad little drink.
“You know I do eat more than burgers, right?” I rolled my eyes at him, then peered at the food. “Is this the same food from yesterday?”