“When did you do this?” I walked over to the bookshelves, and when I saw titles I knew and loved, my heart fluttered. “You couldn't have done all of this just now or today?”
“I set it up the first night we met,” he admitted as he sat my things on the large chair next to the desk. “I had a feeling this would happen. Not that I wanted it to, but I'm the type to prepare for all possible outcomes.”
“That was what, a day ago? How could you do this in so little time?”
He cocked his head and grimaced. “Don’t you remember I told you time is different here? One day here is equal to about seven in your world.”
“Oh shit.” I never considered there would be a time lapse issue, but it made sense. “Okay, but how did you know what books I like?”
“You slept that night. I didn’t.” His look felt heavy, like with just his eyes, he could strip my clothes away. For a moment, Metice was lost in his own imagination before he focused back on the topic at hand. “I’ll admit, I did a little snooping while waiting for you to wake. I hope I got the right ones. Some of the titles were hard to remember, and I had no way of knowing which ones you’d read or not. I also found similar titles and organized them the way you had yours. By author.”
“Oh.” What the hell else was I supposed to say to that? This was a demon. He was supposed to be mean and aggressive and scary enough to make me want to run away, but in that moment, I felt myself softening to him. That internal voice that said ‘give him hell’ quieted, and that optimistic one popped up. Maybe the spell did it right. Maybe he’s the man of my dreams. I quickly shook that off. He couldn’t be my perfect man! He was a damn demon!
“I thought it would make it easier for you to be comfortable here.” Metice’s deep voice rumbled in my ear and pulled me from my conflicting thoughts. “Like I said, I know you didn't do this on purpose, but if you're going to have to stay here, there’s no reason for you to feel so out of place. I get it. This isn’t your home, but it’s going to have to do for now. I promise, I will get you back home as soon as possible.”
“About getting me back home. “I turned to face him, putting my back to the bed. “Do you have a plan you want to share with me? I mean, I know you said there’s a lot about your history, your friends, and this world that I shouldn’t know. I get that part, I do, but I should at least be able to know the plan for my future. How exactly do you think we're going to solve this? How do I get home?”
Metice chewed on the questions. He looked at me like he was trying to solve a puzzle, and my stomach flipped. Was this the moment he told me I could never go home? Was I supposed to see this room and forget about my life?
“I'll tell you all of that in the morning. For now, please rest. Take a shower and try to get as much sleep as possible. Then, we'll talk. Is that fair?” he asked.
“I guess that’s fair.” I didn’t want to give in, but it made no sense to fight him on it.
“You should have everything you need.” He nodded toward the bathroom. “If not, let me know, and I’ll make sure you get it.”
“Thank you,” I said reluctantly. Why the hell was I standing there thanking the demon who kidnapped me? Why wasn’t this more traumatic? Again, I stood there questioning my own sanity as he left me alone.
After staring at the books a little longer, my body screamed at me. I really was tired. How long had I been awake? Metice had mentioned that time moved at a different pace than on Earth, but what was the conversion? One to seven. How long did that mean I’d been awake? It suddenly felt like I’d been up for days. My body ached, and my skin tingled with the prickles of exhaustion. I also felt filthy. All the running around the theatre had me sweaty, and my pits told the recap of the battle with every whiff.
“Shower, then sleep,” I muttered.
In the bathroom, I was happy to find not a detail had been skipped. My favorite bodywash and even the African net sponges for my skin were there. Unfortunately, I couldn’t figure out how to get the temperature in the shower just right. It had two settings, ice cold or boil your ass until your skin melts off. I jumped in, scrubbed up as fast as I could, then hopped out.
I dressed in my nightgown, stuffed my wild hair into a bonnet, opting not to comb it because my arms were already tired just thinking about the work it would take. I didn’t think I’d be able to sleep, but I did. The bed felt like floating on clouds, and the moment my head hit the pillow, I was out like a light.
It was the sound of light tapping on the door that woke me from a dreamless slumber. I really thought I would have haunted dreams filled with demon sex, but I didn’t. After I woke, it took me a minute to remember where I was. When I saw the wall of books instead of my crappy black out curtains, my reality slowly set in again.
“Rayna?” his deep voice called out before he knocked again. “Are you awake?”
Without thinking and tempted by the delicious aroma of breakfast, I rolled out of the bed, kicking the plush comforter aside and stumbled over to the door. When I swung it open and saw his face, the truth of my appearance slapped the front of my brain.
“Uh…” I stood there, face warming with embarrassment and hoping my left tit wasn’t hanging out of the side of my damn shirt.
“I got food.” He stepped aside and pointed to a new table set up in front of the massive windows.
“Um, give me a minute?” I closed the door in his face and ran to the bathroom.
I could have screamed when I saw my reflection. I looked like death rolled over. My bonnet of course did not stay on my head. I swear, those things run for the hills the second you fall asleep. So, there I was, right tit a thread away from exposure and the entire left side of my head flattened.
“Why didn’t I look in the mirror first?” I muttered and went to work fluffing out my hair. When that was done, my disappointment only grew as I found the mental capacity to examine the rest of my reflection.
Could I be anymore disgusting? My right eye had that terrible sleep crust, there was dried drool on my damn lip, and both my eyes looked like I spent the night crying. That demon wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off me after seeing me like that.
It took me ten minutes to get myself to a mildly presentable state. After setting a warm towel on my face, my puffy appearance returned to normal. Maybe I was allergic to hell. That had to be a good thing, right?
I threw on a lounge suit, matching pants and hooded top, and returned to meet my captor.
“Sorry,” I said as I exited the bedroom and found Metice standing and staring out the window.