Metice turned to me, but before he could say anything, the first lady jumped up again, her neck hanging brokenly from her shoulders. She still laughed and pointed at him, and then, faster than I thought possible, she also charged him. Her little body had to be fueled completely by her thirst for retribution, because she moved like she was an extension of the shadows.

“Watch out!” I screamed and pointed to the threat behind him.

He turned around just in time, and this time, he didn’t toss her to the side. His fists slammed through her chest, ripping out the heart, which he dropped to the floor and stomped. You’d think having your heart ripped out would be an instant death, but it took a moment for the mind to realize what happened. I watched in horror as her sinister eyes moved from Metice’s face to his bloody hand, then finally to the gaping hole in her chest. Then, with a weak sob, she crumpled to the floor.

Metice wasted no time. With her down, he returned to the other and completed the same task. He pulled the bodies together, then removed their heads from their shoulders. Headless, their bodies melted and gave off a nauseating smell that had me gagging within seconds. I didn’t know who would have to clean that up, but I didn’t envy them.

“I dare you to get up from that.” He spit on the sizzling body.

“I’m never going to get that smell out of my nose,” I choked as the contents of my stomach threatened to evacuate.

A mixture of orange, brown, and green oozed from their orifices as their bodies disappeared, leaving burn marks everywhere they touched.

“What did I tell you?” Metice snapped and marched over to me, his finger pointed in my face.

“Don’t point at me like I’m some child for you to scold.” I slapped his hand away then pointed right back at him. “I did nothing. I went to a movie by myself. It’s your buddies who won’t leave me alone!”

“We’re going.” Metice grabbed my arm, but of course, I pulled away.

“Keep your hands off me.” I brushed my hair from my face and adjusted my bag, which was sliding down my shoulder. “Where the hell do you think you’re taking me?”

“Somewhere where you will be safe, and I don’t have to keep dropping everything to come save you from yourself,” he answered.

“My house isn’t far from here.” I huffed and headed for the exit. “I’ll go there. You won’t have to worry about me.”

“You’re not going back to your house. It isn’t safe.” He did that creepy reappearance thing and was suddenly in front of me. “I’m taking you home with me.”

“Your home? In hell?” I stepped back from him. “You have got to be out of your mind if you think I’m about to let you take me to hell.”

“There is no way I’m leaving you here,” he grunted. “I cannot keep dealing with these distractions.”

“Yeah whatever.” I sidestepped him, my sling bag knocking against him as I once again headed for the door. Maybe I was losing my damn mind. None of this could be real. I refused to believe it. Keri was right: I needed to call my therapist. Hell, maybe I needed to be on meds.

Then, he did that creepy shit again. Poof! There he was, blocking my exit. “Seriously?” Metice’s massive hands grabbed my arms and pinned them to my sides. Of course, I couldn’t move. He was a demon and strong as hell.

“Get your hands off me. I’m not going to…” My vision went dark, and my mind hummed with dizzying energy as the theatre and the sounds of an alien invasion disappeared. There was a loud pop and fizzle before I could get the last word out of my mouth.

“Hell.” I blinked, suddenly standing in front of a massive window and looking out onto the hellscape I saw in my dreams.

I pinched myself. It was the typical test of reality. If I felt it, it was real, not a dream I could wake up from. After the sting of my self-inflicted injury subsided and the weight of my new reality settled on my shoulders, I screamed bloody murder.



“Are you done?” Metice rubbed his ear and shot me a look like I’d have to pay his doctor bill for the broken ear drum. “You need to stop pinching yourself, unless that’s some kind of kink you haven’t shared with me yet.”

“Am I done? Are you serious?” I screamed. “I’m in hell. I’m in hell. I’m actually in motherfucking hell!”

How could he ask me such a stupid question? My heart pounded in my chest, and what felt like a severe tension headache wrapped around my brain as I tried to process what was happening. If I were thinking straight, I would have been sucking on my inhaler in between borderline hyperventilating.

“I think you ruptured something.” Metice shook his head and tapped his ear like he was tuning an instrument. “I may be deaf in one ear. Say something quick.” He plugged his left ear and leaned in with his right.

“I don’t give a fuck about your damn hearing! You actually brought me to hell!” I started swinging, slapping the demon upside the head, neck, and shoulders. “Are you out of your fucking mind? Take me home. Take me home!”

Metice dodged my next two swings, but I kept aiming for him. It only added fuel to my rage when he spoke without effort, despite my attacks.

“I told you exactly what I would do if you kept getting into trouble. I’m many things, but I’m not a liar. Yes, you are in the hellscape.” He caught my wild swing before I made contact with his face. “If you hit me again, I will chain you to the wall. Again, I am a lot of things, but I speak the truth.”