I was a foot away from what I hoped would be my salvation when I heard it. The sound created such a fear in me that I skid to a halt just short of the door. I turned on my heel to the sound of bone chilling laughter. My eyes almost fell out of my head. Those two little old ladies with their blue-grey hair and large eyes stood at the top of the steps, mouths wide and displaying sharp teeth as they cackled.
“What the hell?” I spoke, but I couldn’t take my eyes off them.
They stood there, holding hands and watching me. Their wrinkled brown skin, deep-set eyes, and grey curls bobbled as they continued laughing. One lifted a thin finger at me as she laughed, like I was putting on some kind of one-woman show, my act timed and crafted with the perfect comedic punch lines.
“What the hell is so funny?” I couldn’t help myself. Irritation broke through fear, and I yelled at the woman.
“Oh, you’ll find out,” they said in unison and then did something that made my stomach twist into a knot.
The little old ladies wrapped their arms around each other then, in a process my mind wasn’t creative enough to imagine, they fused together! They melted into one form, like two scoops of ice cream on a hot summer day. Their bodies swirled and blended until they were indistinguishable from each other, their legs and arms sticking from places where they didn’t belong, and soon, I was looking at one oddly shaped body with two heads. Each head continued laughing as their faces mutated. Their chins elongated as their ears pressed into the side of their heads before disappearing altogether. I watched, completely disgusted, as gray hair transformed into whiskers above wrinkled foreheads and yellowed eyes resembling a mutated cat.
“Oh, hell no.” I took a slow step back, and then the damn thing started humming. That was the eerie ass sign in every horror story I’d ever read. Things were not about to play out in my favor. The cackling turned to something more sinister. It was time to get the hell out of there.
I turned and bolted for the door, and I made it. For a short moment, my dumb ass actually thought I was going to get out of there. But just like the first door, it didn’t budge. I threw my full weight against it, and even though I heard the latch click, it still didn’t open. My last hope was that it would at least sound the alarm, that someone would know I was in danger, but again, nothing happened. The soft light from the exit sign flickered above my head, and then it went out. Every damn light in the theater went out leaving me in darkness with that creepy ass humming.
“Fuck. What the hell was his name?” I squeezed my eyes shut, focusing on the conversation I had with the demon in my kitchen. If I needed him, he had to come, right?
The emergency lights switched on just in time for me to catch sight of mutated demon bitches coming straight for me. I had no way out. My eyes darted around to find a path. What could I do? Run in circles and hope they got so tired that they gave up trying to kill me?
That’s exactly what I did. I darted to the other side of the theatre, away from the exit. Luckily, the blended mess wasn’t agile, and instead of making a smooth turn to follow me, it crashed into the door where I had just been standing.
“Dammit,” I cursed at myself as I darted back up the steps. “What the hell is his name?”
I didn’t have much longer to figure it out. The humming turned to cackling again as the monstrosity corrected itself and made a path for me. I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep outrunning it. I ran again, twisting though the seats and glancing over my shoulder at the thing to make sure it wasn’t getting too close. And in true horror girly fashion, I looked back while trying to turn around a seat and fell flat on my ass.
That was it. I lost my edge, and the thing was closing in. It got close enough for me to smell its horrible breath, and apparently, that’s what I needed to remember his name.
As I scooted across the floor trying to regain my footing, I called out his name.
Absolutely nothing happened.
He didn’t magically appear to save my day. Nope. No big dangerous demon to fight the crazy cat bitch. What happened was that mutated granny cat monster kept coming for me. If I hadn’t finally made it back to my feet, it would have got me. I dodged the clawed hand just in time. Back on my feet, I jumped up two rows, ran across the room, and when I saw it had followed my path, I ran back down the steps.
I could see a sliver of light coming through the emergency exit. The impact from when the mutation slammed into it earlier had bent the hinges and forced the door to open just enough to let the light in. That was my way out. All I had to do was outrun it a little longer, and then I'd be free.
I was surprised at how my body responded. Here I was, asthmatic, overweight, and knees aching with the age I pretended wasn’t on my license, while hopping down the stairs like they were nothing. Despite the unimaginable acrobatics I’d done, the demon was already closing in on my tail. The wicked voices blended with another round of sickly laughter.
Was he ignoring me? I couldn’t help the thought that flashed through my head. Where the hell was that damn demon? I was in trouble. He said he could feel me, so why hadn’t he felt any of this? At the bottom of the steps, I had a little too much momentum and skid across the floor, slamming into the wall beneath the screen.
The damn thing was now hopping over the chairs. I had no time. I darted for the door, pushing my body and ignoring the nasty sounds behind me. I made it. I made it to the door, and… it didn’t open! Despite the slither of light, the hinges were so badly bent, they fought against my efforts to open the door.
“Fuck!” I cried out as I turned and watched as the monster came for me.
I looked at the steps. Okay, time to go back up? The demonic old ladies must have read my thoughts, because just then, the fused being split with a disgusting sound like muscle being ripped from bone. Once they were two bodies again, they headed in different directions. That was it. They were going to corner me. I’d have nowhere to go.
“What the hell happened to you’ll come when I call?” I cursed beneath my breath and then tried one more time to call the demon who started this mess. “Metice! Get your dark ass over here and help me!”
That time, something changed. The atmosphere shifted with a new sense of tension, followed by a quick flush of heat that pulsated around me. My skin tingled, and for a moment, that tingle turned into red hot fire. And then, just as suddenly, it stopped. The two ugly old ladies must not have noticed it, because they continued to close in on me. The one to my right leapt through the air, and I threw my hands up to shield myself from her attack.
“Aacck!” the choking sound came before the thud of a body slamming into the wall.
I looked up to see the old lady on the ground, and just in front of me, the demon with the rotating dick. Finally.
Metice turned to the other one just as it changed its course, abandoning efforts to get to me. It screeched, no longer laughing when it saw its other half limp on the floor. The thing actually attacked him.
He jumped back and grabbed the bony arm reaching out to him, dodging the spiked fingertips as he threw her into the theater screen. She clawed at the screen, leaving rips through it as she slid to the floor.