Hades only offered Zeus a small smile.

“Everyone here is dead already, god of lightning. We can take a few hits.” Hades placed his bident across his knees and cracked his knuckles. “I’ll ask you for the second time. What brings you to the Underworld without invitation and no former notice?”

Zeus turned red with fury and embarrassment, and Hades knew he wasn't used to being questioned.

“It would be…” Zeus paused as if he was weighing his words, “in everyone's best interest if you returned Kore to Demeter in the mortal realm.” Zeus exhaled heavily and stared at Hades’s face, eagerly attempting to read him for any reaction. Hades was as calm and still as a statue. He shrugged, looking around the empty room except for Zeus.

“Kore, you say?”

“Kore.” Zeus deadpanned, growing more agitated. “You know exactly who I'm talking about, and trust me, now is not the time to play games.”

“You love playing games, and I would rather fall into bed with one of the Fates than trust you.”

Zeus pinched his nose and let out an angry grunt. “Hades, we have our differences, but Demeter—”

“Demeter?” Hades laughed. “You’re telling me all of this because of Demeter? Did you come down to the Underworld because of Demeter? Does she have a mattock pressed against your manhood?”

Zeus paled. “You haven't been in the same room as Demeter in a century. You don't know what she's capable of.”

“I spent unfathomable amounts of time next to her in Cronus’s belly, so on the contrary, I do know what she's capable of, and I have seen her worst,” Hades grunted, not wanting to dwell on that period of his life for a second longer than he had to.

Zeus shook his head, defiant.

“We were but children then, Hades. Demeter these days—”

“Is likely still a tyrant, but what is the worst she can do? Delay the harvest?”

“Starve the world!” Zeus bellowed, his anger finally getting the best of him. Hades sat calmly while Zeus raged on. “If she starves the world, the humans die, and if the humans die…”

“Yes, yes,” Hades waved his hand in the air, “there will be no one to bring you tribute.”

Zeus nearly turned as purple as his clothing. “I know that doesn't matter to you since it'll only feed your coffers of souls, but try to think of someone other than yourself for once, Hades.”

Hades was on his feet instantly, stepping down from the dais and tightening his grip on his bident. Dark, flickering smoke tendrils started curling around his weapon’s tips.

“Your lack of empathy for the mortal world and mortal women,” Hades added, “is legendary. You do not dare come to the house of the dead and tell me that we are ignorant of the state of the mortal world.” Hades had stepped forward slowly with each word until he'd backed Zeus up against the wall.

“I will tell you this, and I will tell you this one time. There is no one here by the name of Kore.” Hades pressed his bident against Zeus's chest. If he pushed any more, he'd draw ichor.

Zeus’s anger was quickly replaced by fear, and he opened his mouth to respond, raising his hands in surrender. As soon as he opened his mouth, the throne room’s doors flew open.

Zeus and Hades turned towards the sound as Persephone waltzed into the room without a care. Her posture was relaxed, and pink petals appeared on the ground wherever her feet stepped. Most shocking, however, was her clothing—Persephone was draped in a black peplos tailored for a man. It hung off one shoulder and created an incredibly indecent effect.

She might as well have walked in naked. Hades saw red but managed to keep his temper as he refused to look at Zeus. He released his hold on the god and quickly walked towards Persephone, grabbing her wrist and tugging her to his side.

“Persephone!” Hades whispered angrily. “What the actual fuck is this?” Hades carefully angled his body to hide Persephone and his expressions from Zeus’s view.

“Indeed, what the fuck is this?” Zeus berated, storming over and grabbing Hades by the shoulder. “You said Kore wasn't here!”

“She isn’t.” Persephone snapped. “Kore has been dead for centuries.”

“What a fucking technicality,” Zeus hissed. “You need to listen to Demeter and get your ass home immediately.” Hades spun around and, without hesitation, punched Zeus firmly across the jaw.

“You don't tell her what to do.” Hades seethed, seeing red. His former restraint vanished when Zeus tried to push Persephone around. Zeus stumbled and nearly fell before he righted himself, rubbing his jaw as his eyes narrowed.

“I’ll forgive you that slight because, if anything, I can see now how much the girl means to you.” Zeus visibly appraised both Hades and Persephone.

Persephone opened her mouth to respond, but Hades cut her off. He looked Zeus in the eye and growled, pointing towards the door.