Hearing the soft, melodic voice with a hint of sass and attitude on the other end of the phone has my cock rock hard and it’s the worst time for that shit to happen. I’ve been in my office at the clubhouse working on some security shit when the phone for the domestic violence program we started rang. I don’t ever hesitate to answer that phone and it’s always with me. I’m the first point of contact for anyone who has managed to get their hands on one of our cards. We’ve left them all over the place and don’t keep them from anyone because you never know when someone is going to need help getting out of a bad situation.
What makes it even worse is that Kendell wants whoever goes up to the door to say ‘hawk’ so she knows it’s one of our extraction teams. She has no clue that’s my road name so it was funny that’s the safe word she chose to give me without me even asking for one. The main thing I took away from the short conversation is that she is overly cautious and not willing to give up any information if she doesn’t absolutely have to. This isn’t a woman who’s willing to risk her sister and nephew for any reason and she doesn’t know who the fuck I am. So, I really can’t blame her for the hesitation and lack of information I was given over the phone.
After hanging up, I wait for the text message to come through while grabbing my gun and leaving my office. Eagle is coming down the hallway toward me and I grab him before going to Reaper’s office. Eagle’s my older brother and if he’s not on a run, I always put him on point in the extraction team when we get one of these calls. My brother knows how to be soft and gentle when it’s needed for the victims while still beating a bitches ass if an attacker returns to the scene. Knocking on Reaper’s door, the phone pings to let me know the address has been sent through. We don’t have much time to put a team together and get them on their way. Plus, someone will have to get rooms ready at the warehouses for the new arrivals.
“What’s up, Hawk?” Reaper asks as I step in his office with Eagle following behind me.
“Got a call. Need an extraction. This one is less than an hour away. Woman called for her sister and nephew. I don’t know any information because she was hesitant to say anythin’ over the phone,” I inform Reaper and my brother.
Eagle sits up straighter in the chair he took next to me and I have his full attention now. This is the shit we live for and the shitty thing is we would’ve never started this program if it weren’t for Savage joining our club. He brought this idea to us and we’ve expanded and made it our own over the last year or so.
“Okay. Who do you want, Eagle?” Reaper questions as I turn to face my brother.
“Before you make any decisions, you need to be the one to go to the door. The woman who called gave me a safe word so she’d know it was someone from here. You have to say hawk,” I tell my brother as he looks at me with a smirk on his face.
I know that fucking look and this isn’t gonna end well for me.
“I’m gonna take Titan, Kidd, Tripp, Rubber, and my baby brother with me,” my brother says, not looking away from me as Reaper starts laughing his ass off.
“Why the fuck would she give you that as a safe word?” my President questions me.
“I have no clue. What I know is that it’s what I was told and I started laughing on the phone with her. She gave me an attitude wantin’ to know what was funny,” I inform them as my brother bursts out laughing so hard he bends over while still in his chair.
“Match made in fuckin’ Heaven if you ask me,” Eagle finally manage to say through another fit of laughter.
I can’t help but scowl at my brother. He knows I’m not looking for anything permanent despite my reaction to the voice on the other end of the phone.
“Fine. Let’s fuckin’ go. Kendell said that the guy won’t return as long as he sees her car there, but I don’t trust that shit. I’ll get the other guys around while you gather your shit. I’ve got my gun already. I’m ready to ride,” I tell him, getting out of my chair and plugging the address into my GPS while I head out in search of everyone else going with us.
Pulling up to the house in a quiet suburban neighborhood, you’d never know the atrocities hiding behind closed doors. This isn’t the first time we’ve been through this and it definitely won’t be the last. Our group parks our bikes in front of the house and quickly shut off our engines. There’s no car parked in the driveway and only one car parked a few houses down. I’m going to go out on a limb and guess it’s Kendell’s car. More questions fill my mind as I wonder why the fuck she doesn’t park in the driveway. I lead the group up to the front door, looking at everything around us the entire time. There isn’t a single twitch of a curtain and it looks as if no one’s home considering how dark it is inside the house. I knock on the door as the rest of the guys surround me at a safe distance so we don’t overwhelm anyone inside. The last thing we want to do is scare these women and the child. They’ve been through enough and we’re not going to add to it.
“Who’s there?” comes a muffled voice I instinctively know is Kendell.
“Hawk,” I state, a smile on my face as I wonder who this woman is and what she’s going to look like.
I listen as the deadbolt and handle unlock before the door slowly opens a small crack. A bright emerald eye looks through the tiny opening at me before carefully opening the door even more. Standing before me is the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen in my life. She stands at just over five feet tall with long, dark red hair that’s an auburn color. Her eyes sparkle in the light coming from outside and are the most amazing emerald color I’ve ever seen. Her skin is covered in a slight tan and I notice a speckling of freckles covering her nose and cheeks as I continue to take in her appearance. Her body is toned with curves in all the right places. She’s wearing a pair of jean shorts that barely cover her ass allowing me to see tattoos covering a good portion of her right leg. The crop top she’s wearing does nothing to hide her ample chest and a few more tattoos on the side of her neck and arms. Like I said sexy as fuck! Exactly my type of woman but I don’t do relationships and that’s what this woman screams. She’s not a one and done girl at all. I’ll be keeping my distance for sure.
“Are you the one I talked to on the phone?” she questions as a blush creeps up her chest to her neck and finally her face.
“I am. My name is Hawk. Now you can see why I laughed when you chose that as your safe word. Are you Kendell?” I ask, waiting for her to respond as she nods. “The men behind me are in the Fallen Brethren with me. Can we come in the house and see what we have goin’ on?” I ask her, not making a move as she finally lets her gaze roam over me from the top of my head down to my boots and back up again. I can see the lust in her eyes when they finally meet mine once more.
“Of course. I haven’t cleaned up my sister and I’ve gathered everything you said to. Is my nephew able to bring a stuffed animal and his blanket with him? Those two things are the most important possessions in this house and he has never been separated from those two things since the day he was born?” she asks, love shining through as she speaks about her nephew, while stepping back and allowing us to enter her sister’s home.
“Absolutely. We don’t want to disturb them anymore than we already are. This isn’t gonna be an easy move to make as it is. If your sister has anythin’ she needs to bring with her, she’s welcome to. We just don’t want to have a lot of stuff in case we need to leave immediately. Our first priority is your sister and nephew,” I assure her as we all follow Kendell into the kitchen.
Other than the room being trashed, I don’t see anything at first. It’s not until I take a second look around the room that I find a younger woman almost identical to Kendell slumped on the floor against the cabinet under the sink. Her head is hanging with her strawberry blonde hair covering her face. What I can see of her hair is enough to make me see red though. The woman’s hair is matted with blood. There’s also blood all over the floor in front of the sink and covering the skin that’s exposed of the woman.
Kendell goes over and crouches down in front of her, but is careful to move slow and not speak above a whisper so the rest of us can’t hear. Off to the side, I find a little boy standing and trying to hide in the shadows of the hallway. He’s holding a blanket and stuffed animal tightly to his chest with his little thumb in his mouth. His hair is the same strawberry blond as the woman’s and his eyes are a startling, bright blue. From this distance, I can’t see if he’s got freckles or not, but I do take in the tears streaming down his sweet, innocent little face. With slow steps, I make my way over to him and crouch down so I’m on his level and not towering above him.
“Hey, little man,” I say, keeping my voice soft and gentle. “Do you wanna go in the living room with me?”
I watch as interest sparks to life in his eyes before he shifts to look at his aunt as she stands from in front of her sister. Kendell helps the young woman to her feet and she still can’t stand up straight. Rage fucking fills me as I get my first glimpse of all the injuries covering this young woman’s body. She’s been beaten to fucking hell and can barely move an inch without wanting to scream out in pain. However, she keeps her mouth shut and it tells me all I need to know as to how long this has been going on. Eagle steps up to her with a camera and begins to walk her through what’s about to happen. She listens to him carefully as Kendell makes her way over to me.
“Gideon, this is Hawk. Can you say hi?” she asks him, crouching down next to me as the little boy turns his attention to me once again.
“Hi,” his sweet little voice comes from around his thumb and I get a slight wave as he looks down at his stuffed animal. “Hawk?”
“Yes, baby G. That’s a hawk,” Kendell answers him as I smile realizing that’s exactly what he’s holding in his hands.