Page 35 of Tempt Me

Chapter Twenty-Six


THE LAST THREE weeks have been some of the longest of my life. Zoey spent two days in the hospital where she was monitored and unable to sleep for longer than a half hour at most. With everyone coming in and out of her room all hours of the day and night, she’d just fall asleep and someone else would come in for one reason or another. I will admit I went off on a few people for waking her up because after everything she’d been through, my kitten needed her rest and not to constantly be woken up because people are assholes. Zoey didn’t want me to yell at anyone, but when you reach a certain point of annoyance, there’s nothing else you can do except to go off on someone. Realistically, I know they were just doing their job and making sure nothing was going on with my girl or twins, but it doesn’t matter. Who the fuck admits someone to the hospital and tells them to rest only to know they’ll be woken up once an hour or whatever the hell it was? That’s insane to me and I don’t give a fuck who agrees or not. Still, I tried to pull in my temper and annoyance because Zoey asked me to.

When I brought Zoey back to the clubhouse, I took her up to our room and got her in bed. After putting on the TV for her, I climbed into bed and held her in my arms the way I’d been dying to since we got her out of her prison. It took less than a minute for my sweet kitten to fall asleep. She slept so long, I was ready to call Dr. Morris to see if she needed to be taken back to the hospital. Tank came in and saw me panicking and got my ass calmed down though. He made me see that she’d been through hell and then didn’t get to sleep while she was in the hospital so her body was doing what it needed to and she’d wake up when she was ready to. Still, I didn’t leave her and continually checked her for a pulse and to make sure she was breathing okay. The only time I took my eyes off her was to go to the bathroom myself. When she went, I didn’t even leave her alone in the room despite her protests.

I haven’t been back to work since this all happened. Reaper doesn’t want me there and I wouldn’t be able to focus on the task at hand if I were away from my girl. My entire job right now is to be here for Zoey and make sure nothing happens to her or our babies. I don’t even go to church because there’s not necessarily anyone she’s comfortable sitting with alone right now. Even Reagan. Zoey and her are best friends and my girl is having a hard time trusting anyone to be alone with her because of the fear that’s locked her up tight in her own mind. She feels horrible and has cried for hours about the way she feels. I know her counselor has assured her it’s okay to feel the way she does and that no one is going to be mad or upset with her for how she’s acting. Zoey doesn’t buy it and I can’t really blame her because it’s how I’d feel if I were her. Reagan doesn’t give up trying to see Zoey on a daily basis though. She comes in and simply sits in the room with us without saying a word if that’s what Zoey needs. Eventually I know my kitten will welcome my sister back with open arms, she just has to wrap her head around everything before that can happen.

Zoey is also having nightmares. Every single time she falls asleep now, she’s tossing and turning, screaming and crying in her sleep. I’ve had to almost lay on top of my kitten a time or two because she was thrashing around in the bed so hard, I was truly worried she was going to hurt herself. Thankfully, I got her calmed down and awake before she could. My heart breaks because there’s nothing I can do to take them from her. I can’t go inside her head and fight her demons for her. So, as much as I don’t want to, I wake her up and calm her down while holding her close to my body and wait for her to open up to me. She really hasn’t talked about what happened or what’s causing the nightmares since she told us all what happened to her in the hospital. I’m trying so hard not to push her because that’s the last thing she needs right now. Zoey will open up and talk to me and everyone else when she’s ready. I won’t let anyone push for her to talk to them before she’s ready. I don’t care who it is.

The only time I leave her alone in our room at the clubhouse is when she’s on a video call with her new counselor. I give her the space she needs to talk through everything going on in her head. No, I don’t go far and I always wear a pair of headphones and listen to music so I can’t hear what's being said through the door. She talks to the counselor for an hour at a time and this happens three days a week. Sometimes it honestly seems as if the nightmares are worse when she’s had a session with her counselor than on the days she doesn’t talk to her. Eventually I’ll sit in on a session or two with her, but Zoey’s not ready for that yet. We already talked about me joining her and I’m actually looking forward to it. I’m hoping it can help me understand what I need to do to be there for my girl more and that we can talk about the past and it can help us move forward from the way I pushed Zoey away for so many years.

It’s taken three weeks, but I’m finally starting to see a little bit of progress. Today is the first time Zoey’s been alone with Reagan in our room. I had to go see Reaper and Hilton about something. Reagan was already in our room and assured me she wouldn’t go anywhere until I was back. She locked the door when I left so no one else could get inside with them. By the time I got back, Zoey and Reagan were talking and laughing like they used to. For the first time in three weeks, I felt hope swelling in my chest and knew things were gonna be okay with my girl. I don’t give a fuck how long it takes for her to heal from this tragic event in her life, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be at her side and give her all the support and love she needs each and every fucking day. She won’t have to fight her demons alone and I’ll burn the world around us if anyone tries to stop her from healing the way she should.

A few days after Zoey got out of the hospital, Tank and I revealed the surprise we’d been working on. When I left the hospital room with him, I talked to him about getting our home ready for us to move into. I had already bought all the furniture and everything else we’d need for our new home, it was just a matter of getting it all unloaded and putting everything where it went. So, while I was with Zoey at the clubhouse since she can’t get out of bed, everyone else was putting our home together for us. I was given regular updates and saw the progress as each room was completed. Everyone did an amazing job and put the house together exactly as I envisioned in my head.

They even went out and bought us groceries and Skylar and the ol’ ladies made a ton of those freezer meals they do for people in need so all I have to do is throw something in the oven and dinner’s done. Tank actually had to go out and buy a new freezer to hold all the food that’s been prepared for us. I wasn’t expecting that, but I really should have with three clubs coming together to support one of their own. This is the reason right here as to why I love being in a club and how lucky I am on a daily basis to have such amazing men and women in my life. You won’t find this kind of help, support, and love anywhere else.

Today is an important day for Zoey and me. I’ve talked to Dr. Morris and gotten the okay for Zoey to get out of bed and sit in a wheelchair for an hour. She’s not allowed out of the wheelchair and when the hour is up, I have to get her back in bed. Everyone is helping me get everything ready today because there’s no way in hell I can wait to marry my girl. Not only are we getting married, but I’m claiming Zoey in the eyes of the club and giving her the rag I’ve had sitting in my closet since we got home. She doesn’t have a clue about what’s going on because I’ve made all the arrangements and talked to everyone when she’s in the room alone and I’m guarding the door so she can be in a counseling session. That’s one of the reasons no one has left Clinton City yet. Her entire family wants to be here to support her and celebrate her moving forward with her life. My only fear is that she’ll reject my proposal and won’t be my ol’ lady with her head wrapped around the pain and hurt she’s still working through. Maybe I should wait to do this.

Shaking my head, I clear the negative thoughts and enter the bedroom. I was out in the hall again while Zoey talked to her counselor. When I close the door behind me and look up, Zoey’s looking directly at me with a smile on her face that I’ve missed so fucking much. For the first time since everything happened, she looks as if she’s not carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. There’s still a weight there weighing her down, but the burden isn’t as heavy.

“I love you, Jameson. I’ve loved you since I learned what it meant to love another person. For so long, you pushed me away and I let it happen. Today, I’m telling you that if you ever try to push me away again, I’ll kick your ass and make sure you know you’re stuck with me for the rest of our lives,” she says, the smile only getting bigger as she finishes talking. This isn’t one of her fake smiles either. It lights up her entire face and her eyes squint closed a little bit. My heart fills with happiness seeing this side of her again.

This works to my advantage though because I can use this moment to propose to my girl and ask her to be my ol’ lady. Walking up to the bed, I sit next to her and grab her hand in mine. Tank just brought me the rings I ordered after picking them up so I’m ready for this moment. I take a deep breath to ground myself and try to stop the nerves from filling me even more than they already are.

“Zoey Henderson, I love you more than I ever thought I’d love another person. Lookin’ back, I can see that I’ve loved you from the very second I was old enough to know what love was. I wanted the love our parents share, but I wasn’t ready to settle down with you because I know deep in my heart and soul that I’ll never be good enough for you. No man will ever truly be good enough for you, kitten. You’re so fuckin’ sweet, lovin’, innocent, and one of the strongest women I’ve ever met in my life. You’ve been to hell and back and will only come out stronger and fightin’ harder for what you want. You’ll never know how fuckin’ sorry I am for pushin’ you away and makin’ you feel as if you’re less than you are because I couldn’t get my head out of my ass when it comes to you. Zoey, you’re the love of my life and I will do everythin’ in my power to support you in everythin’ you want to do and be there for you when you aren’t able to be strong on your own. Zoey, will you do me the honor of becomin’ my ol’ lady and wife? I want to spend the rest of my life with you and watch as you get past everythin’ that’s ever hurt you,” I ask her, pulling out the engagement ring and holding the box open for her to see.

Tears fill my kitten’s eyes as she looks at the ring nestled in the box. She looks up at me and smiles as she finally nods her head in response. I don’t hesitate to lean forward and kiss her deep and with all the love flowing through me. Zoey wraps her arms around my neck and doesn’t let me go as we kiss for what feels like forever. By the time we separate, we’re both panting and out of breath. I will gladly give up breathing if it means I get to see the look of pure love and desire filling Zoey’s flushed face while staring at her swollen lips knowing I’m the one who makes her feel the way she does right now.

Removing the ring from the box, I slide it on her finger and lean down to press a kiss there. The ring is platinum with a decent sized diamond sitting in the middle of rubies. Rubies are Zoey’s favorite stone and I made sure they were incorporated in the ring I custom ordered for her. Rubies not only surround the diamond, but they line the band of the ring as well. The wedding band matches her engagement ring and continues with rubies and smaller diamonds around the entire ring. There’s even a ruby on each side of the diamond that’s been cut in the shape of either a heart or skull. The skulls are small and at the top and bottom of the diamond while the hearts are at each side. I don’t know how the jeweler made it happen, but I was more than impressed with the ring the second I saw it.

Standing from the bed, I move to the closet and pull down the box where Zoey’s rag is resting among the tissue paper. Sitting back next to her, I hold the box between us and let her open it. She doesn’t waste time in ripping the box open and pulling out the leather rag. I hold it up for her so she can take in every detail. Tears slowly slide down her face as another large smile covers her face. I move the box away and help her slide the rag on her shoulders. My cock is instantly hard as I take in the rag covering her upper body. Knowing my name is on her back does something to me that I can’t describe. I finally get what the rest of the guys have said over the years about knowing the world would know exactly who their woman belongs to. I want to fuck Zoey in nothing but her rag but I can’t do that right now. And I’m more than okay with that.

“Okay, the girls are gonna be here in a minute to help you get ready. I’ve talked to Dr. Morris and we’re gettin’ married today while our families are still in town. You can have the girls get you ready while you stay in bed until it’s time to put your dress on. Then you’ll be carried down to the common room and put in a wheelchair. We’ve got an hour to get married and everythin’ before I have to get you back in bed, kitten. I love you and I’ll see you soon. If you need me, call and I’ll be here in a second. I’m just gonna be in Trax’ room next door to shower and get ready,” I tell her, resting my forehead against hers and closing my eyes because she can still reject marrying me today and it will gut me.

“Jameson, you did all this for me?” she asks, her voice wavering with unshed tears as I pull back and look at her.

“I did it for you, but I also did it for us, kitten. If I’ve learned anythin’ over the last three weeks it’s that nothin’ is guaranteed and life is too fuckin’ short to sit on your ass and wait for the time to be right. If you don’t want to get married today, we don’t have to. I only did this because I want the entire world to know without a doubt that you’re mine and I’m not gonna let you go for any reason,” I tell her as we stare at one another.

“I’ll marry you today, baby. Don’t ever doubt my love for you or the need to have you at my side. I love you, Jameson. Now leave me with the girls so I can marry you sooner,” she says, kissing me as she smiles against my lips.

“I love you and will show you every day how much I do,” I promise her as I finally get off the bed and leave the room as all the ol’ ladies enter and lock the world out so they can make my ol’ lady even more beautiful than she already is.

The time is finally fucking here to marry Zoey. It’s taken the girls an hour to get my ol’ lady ready and I’ve been pacing the common room of the clubhouse. I haven’t even been able to take in the details of everything that’s been done to make this day special for my kitten. Tank, my dads, the triplets, and everyone else have been watching me as if they’re waiting for me to run away. That’s not gonna happen. I’m nervous because Zoey can change her mind in the blink of an eye and I really wouldn’t blame her for doing so. She has put up with so much shit from me over the years and forgiven me as if I didn’t break her heart. Moving forward I know our lives are going to be filled with ups and down and I want to experience every single one of them with her.

“Let’s go, brother,” Trax says as he leads me to where Reaper waits for us under a cascade of flowers hanging from one of those arches.

I take my place with Trax and the triplets at my side. There was no way in hell I wasn’t gonna have the triplets stand up with me when Zoey is their big sister. I would have Anthony here, but we’ve grown apart over the years and aren’t as close as we once were. Life happens and I’ll always be there for him like I know he’ll be there for me. We just don’t talk on a regular basis and he’s living his own life in Cedar Bay now. Zoey will have Reagan, Haley, Alex, and Faith will be the ones standing up with my soon-to-be wife. Tank has disappeared and I know he’s getting ready to bring Zoey down to the wheelchair sitting at the bottom of the stairs.

Now, as I wait, I take in all the details in the common room. We’re standing in front of an archway covered with white and deep red flowers. They cascade from the top and hang down covering the top portion of the empty space in the middle before flowing down the sides so there isn’t a single inch of exposed wood beneath them. The tables have all been moved off to the sides of the common room with the chairs that usually surround them are lined up on either side of the makeshift aisle. There are ribbons tied to each chair matching the deep, dark red of the flowers. Hanging from the ceiling of the common room is a banner with our names on either side of a double heart. The heart is in the same red with our names in silver. Flowers cover every available space around the common room as well.

There’s a few tables lined up against the front wall of the common room lined with every food imaginable. The ol’ ladies have truly outdone themselves this time. Plates and silverware are at the very end of the table since it’s set up buffet style. Everyone wants to make sure Zoey eats before we leave the clubhouse once we’re married. They aren’t going to let her stay up longer than an hour, but in that short amount of time, she will be well taken care of. Our family doesn’t know how to be any other way.

Music hits, the traditional wedding march. It’s the only thing Zoey said she wanted on her wedding day. She didn’t care about anything else other than her dad walking her down the aisle while the wedding march played. The closest we can get is her being pushed down the aisle by Tank to the music she wants. My eyes land on the stairs as I watch Tank carry his daughter down. Zoey’s wearing a long white dress with spaghetti straps. The top is covered in lace and emphasizes her chest more than anything I’ve ever seen her in before. As my gaze travels down her body, I notice how her stomach where our twins rest is also emphasized. She rests her hand there as her eyes travel down my body. I can feel the weight of her eyes like a caress against my skin. The dress Zoey’s wearing flares out at the top of her baby bump and I take in all the red flowers covering the skirt. They start out small and almost seem to travel down vines until they circle the entire bottom. Her hair is curled with half of it up in some kind of fancy thing. The rest cascades down her back and curls. There’s hardly any make-up on her face as I finally lock eyes with her. My kitten looks gorgeous as fuck and I can’t wait to tell her.

I’m wearing a pair of new, dark jeans today with a red button-down shirt. My cut rests on my back over the shirt and I have the sleeves rolled up to my elbows. My hair is styled for once and I didn’t shave my face when I was getting ready for today. Zoey loves it when I have the five o’clock shadow going on so I left it for her. I’ll have to see how she feels about a full beard. I’ll try it for her if she wants.