Page 24 of Tempt Me

As I make my sub at the island, I watch as one of the Fallen girls makes her way in the kitchen. She’s glaring at me as she steps up in front of me and places her hands in front of her on the countertop.

“So, I’m sure you’re really fucking proud of yourself right now. Aren’t ya, you fucking skank?” she questions me, her voice hard and cold as she looks me up and down before meeting my eyes once again.

“I’m always proud of myself. What are you talking about? If I know, I can tell you exactly how proud of myself I am,” I tell her, already knowing exactly what this bitch is talking about.

I’ve seen her around the clubhouse with the bitch who got kicked out. They were always together, talking shit and not doing the work they were supposed to be doing. The two of them were always up to something and I know it’s just a matter of time before she’s the next one kicked out of the club because she’s a manipulative bitch just like her friend. She doesn’t think I realize exactly what she’s doing, but I’m smarter than she is and that won’t fucking change.

“It’s because of you that Nails got kicked out of the club. If you hadn’t shown up, she’d still be here and in Savage’s bed where she belongs. Now, she’s been kicked out and no other club will accept her. Reaper made sure to alert everyone about her and what she was supposedly doing. It’s all fucking lies you made up because you’re so completely insecure in your relationship with Savage and know you’ll never be able to keep a man like him,” she states, pushing her hip out as she removes her hands from the counter and glares at me like the bitch she is.

“I didn’t do a fucking thing to get that slut kicked out of the club. It was because of her actions. The same actions I can see you doing next and getting kicked out of the club the same as your friend. Then you can join her wherever she ended up and live happily ever after,” I tell her, finishing putting my sub together and gathering everything to put back in the refrigerator.

“Again with the fucking lies!” she screams out, her voice grating on my nerves even more than her friends did. She’s literally reaching a volume only dogs can hear which I would normally find impressive if it weren’t for the fact that it’s aimed at me.

“I’m not lying at all. You don’t clean or do anything to help Rebel or the members out. All day long you sit on your ass and expect everyone to wait on you hand and foot. Do you honestly know what it means to be part of a club?” I ask her, not bothering to wait for an answer from her because I already know she doesn’t have the first clue. “Everyone has a role to play in the club. We’re all part of the hierarchy and no one gets away with not doing a fucking thing here. The members all work, go on runs, and make sure everyone in the club is safe and protected at all times.

“Prospects are here to learn what it means to be a member of the club while doing shit jobs to prove they’re willing to get their hands dirty in the name of the club. They are also the first defense of the club if you think about it because it’s always a Prospect that’s on the gate. Rebel works the bar so the Prospects don’t have to. She makes sure everything is clean, working right, stocked, and everything else she needs to do for the club. The ol’ ladies are here to support their men and take care of everyone when we go on lockdown. We cook, clean, organize events, show our faces in the community, and so much more.

“Finally, we have the Fallen girls. It’s your job to clean the clubhouse, be there for the guys when they come to you for sex, and help out the ol’ ladies. You’re at the bottom of the fucking totem pole and you’ll never rise above it. Now, you can either accept your role in the club or you can get the fuck out of here before you get kicked out because you’re a lazy, manipulative bitch who doesn’t believe she has to follow the rules of the club. That’s on you and only you. Just like it was on Nails. She was forcing herself on a man who didn’t want her. No one will ever accept that shit in a club. I know that for a fact since I grew up in one. If you truly want to remain with the Fallen Brethren, I suggest you fucking pull your head out of your ass and change your ways.”

“You’re not even an ol’ lady. So, at the end of the day, I outrank you. Now, I suggest you get the fuck out of here before we all decide to make your life a living hell. We can ensure no one knows about it and you’re a good girl who won’t tell anyone because of your so-called upbringing. The decision is yours to make,” she tries again, taunting me with words she thinks will hurt me. “I won’t ever clean up after the assholes who live here. They’re disgusting pigs and the only reason I’m here is for the free cock that’s mediocre at best and a roof over my head. The food I don’t have to cook doesn’t hurt either.”

“I might not be an ol’ lady of the club, but I still outrank you. I always will because I’m carrying Jameson’s babies. And, just so you know, everyone who has access to the cameras now knows exactly how you feel about being here. That’s how your fucking friend got caught and kicked out. It seems as if you’re simply going to follow in her footsteps. Good luck with that shit,” I tell her, grabbing my sub, a bag of chips, and my juice before leaving the kitchen.

I grab my bag on the way out and head straight for the room I share with Jameson. After this latest run-in with a Fallen girl, I don’t want to see anyone else. For now, I want to be alone and wait for Jameson to get back. Plus, it will give me a chance to start my reading for class so I’m ahead of the game. I want to be as far ahead as possible in every class I have over the summer in case something happens and I need to take some time off because of the babies. The school already knows I’ll be switching to online classes once I deliver the twins until I’m ready to come back to class. They’ve approved everything for me and are willing to work with me on everything. This school is definitely so much better than my last one. I’m glad I moved to Clinton City and am starting fresh once again.

Chapter Eighteen


ZOEY’S BEEN IN school for a few weeks now. She gets back to the clubhouse every day so fucking exhausted. The long hours on campus and then studying at the clubhouse are taking a toll on her already. I’ve gotten back from work more times than I can count with her passed out in our bed covered in her textbooks with papers and notebooks surrounding her body. She doesn’t need blankets to keep her warm because the books and everything else surrounding her are doing the job instead. I’ve gotten a few pictures of her asleep in our bed like that. What makes it all even better is that at least one of her hands is resting on her stomach where our twins rest every single time. She doesn’t even realize she’s doing most of the time when she’s awake so it's even better to see it happen when she’s sleeping. My girl is protecting our twins at all costs and that’s how I know she’s going to make an amazing mom to our kids. I’ll have as many as she can give me because Zoey is my girl and our family will be filled with love, patience, and all of the support a kid could ever want. And that’s just from her.

What has me the happiest about her starting school is that she’s made a small group of friends. Alicia is the one she seems the closest to, but there’s a few of them in a group that study between classes and have lunch together on a daily basis. Yes, there’s a guy or two in the group of friends, but I don’t have to worry about them at all. They know she’s my girl because I have taken her to school and made sure everyone there knows Zoey is mine. She laughed at my antics before leaving me to go with her friends to their class. Seeing her laughing and happy at school takes a weight off my shoulders I didn’t realize I was carrying until I saw her so happy. This is how her entire school career should’ve been from the very beginning. Now, it’s finally happening and I can breathe easy.

The only dark spot in our lives right now is that we still have no clue where the fuck the asshole Wheeler is. He’s gone underground and definitely has someone helping him hide. We can’t even figure out who because from the little that Hawk and Fox have been able to uncover, he’s got no friends and is in debt up to his fucking eyes with dealers and bookies. Not only is he on drugs, but he’s into gambling as well. The other vice he has is hookers. He fucking rapes and beats them at least three times a week. More than a handful of those women have ended up in the hospital after meeting up with him. They see the uniform and think he’s going to treat them good. He doesn’t. The fucker hides behind his badge and uniform to take what he wants without suffering the consequences of his actions. It makes him a damn wildcard and that’s never a good thing. You can’t predict any move a wildcard will make or even begin to guess that you’ll end up beating them because they literally have nothing to lose.

Fox thinks he’s pretty close to finding out the real name of Wheeler. He’s currently using fake documents to build the life he’s been establishing for the last five or six years. Someone knows something though. One of his dealers or bookies will know the true identity of Wheeler and they’ll talk no matter who goes to see them. If Tank gets his hands on the fuckers, he’ll rip them limb from limb until he gets the information he wants. I’ve seen him go off on people when he’s pissed as fuck. This asshole has been fucking with his daughter and that will make him even worse. Tank doesn’t fuck around when it comes to his kids and since Zoey is a daddy’s girl, he’s really not gonna take any chances with her safety. Fox and Hawk know this and are working almost twenty-four hours a day to find out any more information on him.

We’re also keeping an eye on Tits now. She decided it would be a good idea to confront my girl in the middle of the kitchen when she was trying to get something to eat after her first day of classes. Hawk discovered the footage and watched it all before bringing it to church. So far, we’re only keeping an eye on the bitch. If she continues to step out of line and not pull her weight, she’ll be gone. Alex was told about the confrontation as well. She’s pissed as fuck and knows we only want to keep an eye on Tits. Alex didn’t stop it there though. She pulled all the Fallen girls in for a meeting and told them in no uncertain terms that if they don’t change their fucking ways, she’s gonna start booting their asses and won’t wait for us to vote on that shit. She’ll simply get rid of them because she knows we’ll back her up in her decision.

Tits hasn’t changed her ways so far. Alex has been keeping a close eye on her and has yelled at her on a daily basis. When she should be cleaning, she’s sitting on her ass watching everyone else work around the clubhouse. The only time she does anything is when it’s her turn to clean the members’ rooms. Alex has removed her from that duty when she caught her going through drawers and poking holes in condoms. Yes, that’s grounds for her to be removed. We have an ulterior motive for keeping her around though. We want to know how often she talks to Nails and what they talk about. Hawk has put some program or something on her phone so he’ll hear every conversation and text message she gets or sends out. Eventually, she’ll lose her usefulness and then we’ll cut her ass loose to go stay with Nails or whoever else will take her desperate ass.

Today, Zoey’s at school all day and drove herself there. I followed behind her because I’m on my way to meet up with Tank, the triplets, Playboy, and Slim. We need to have a conversation. Usually, I’d only talk to Tank, but my kitten loves her family and I have enough respect for every man in her life to talk to them all and bare my fucking soul to them. For Zoey, I’d give up everything and lay my soul out to whoever wants to take it from me. She means the fucking world to me and we’ve been slowly repairing the rift I caused between us over the last several weeks when she moved to Clinton City with me. I spend as much time with her as I can and we talk about everything together.

I pull up to a diner we all agreed to meet at. It’s kind of a central meeting point for all of us coming from different places. I don’t have a problem traveling and would have gone home to Clifton Falls to talk to Tank in person, but he wanted to see his sons and so we all decided to meet up at a diner for this conversation. After parking my bike with the rest of the guys, I shut off the engine and head inside. I’d say I’m nervous, but that would be a lie. This is a step I need to take in order to continue moving forward with my girl. If I don’t have this conversation today, then everything with Zoey stops. She’s full of loyalty to her family and values their opinion over everyone else’s. Even my sister’s opinion on things comes after her family’s. It’s one of the many reasons I started to fall in love with her so many years ago.

Tank and the guys are sitting in a booth at the back of the small diner as I quickly make my way over to them. They chose a large booth with one of those circular bench seats. Still, there’s really no room for me with the five other men sitting down already. So, I pull up a chair from a neighboring table and put it at the end before taking a seat and facing the men that hold my future in their hands.

“So, what’s goin’ on, Jameson?” Tank asks me, a smirk on his face telling me he already knows why I called to meet up with him.

Every single man is sitting and staring at me. The triplets all have their arms folded over their chests as they stare me down. All three of them have perfected a blank mask and it’s firmly locked in place as they don’t pull their eyes away from me. Slim and Playboy are also wearing blank masks as they sit back in their chosen seats around the table. They appear relaxed and calm to everyone around the diner. I see them for who they truly are though. Both men are sitting and waiting for me to drop a fucking bomb on them.

“First of all, I want to tell you all that Zoey is doin’ amazin’ at her new school. I’m not sure of how much you’re aware about regardin’ her experience in Benton Falls, and I’m not gonna spill Zoey’s secrets. All I’m gonna say is for the first time on a school campus, she’s got friends and is livin’ her best life. They study together, have lunch every single day between classes, and she’s already ahead in all of her classes. There’s a weight that’s been lifted from her body that I didn’t know if it would ever be removed. She’s free and at peace for the first time in a very long time,” I tell them, looking at each man sitting around me so they can see the truth of my words.

“So the little skank Kingston took out on a date wasn’t lyin’?” Playboy asks me, confusion filling me because I have no clue what the hell he’s talking about.

“I guess it depends on what the hell you’re talkin’ about, Playboy,” I return, my voice going hard because I don’t think this is gonna be a good conversation.

“She came in the clubhouse and started talkin’ all sorts of shit about my niece. Told Kingston how she was bullied every fuckin’ day there and explained how she led the attack against Zoey because she’s a fuckin’ freak for dressin’ the way she does, workin’ at a garage, and everythin’ else she could pick apart,” Playboy tells us all with a grim look covering his face. “As you can imagine, Kingston didn’t take kindly to that shit and kicked her out of the clubhouse and told her to walk her skank ass home. No one gave her a ride and he hasn’t talked to her since despite her callin’ him daily.”