Page 10 of Tempt Me

Tank, the triplets, Playboy, and Slim walk into the backyard of the clubhouse. I had no clue they were showing up today. So I disentangle myself from Nails and leave her standing to throw her tantrum while I make my way over to them. They’re all pissed as fuck and I don’t know what the hell has happened. My thoughts immediately go to Zoey and something being wrong with her. As I walk closer, my heart starts racing and I can’t suck in a breath of air. My feet stumble over one another and I almost faceplant right in front of them. Fuck my life!

“Tank, what’s goin’ on?” I ask, trying to calm myself down so I can figure this shit out.

“What the fuck did you do to my baby girl? None of us have heard from her in over a month now. The last person she saw was Kingston and he knew somethin’ was off with her that day. She hardly talked to him. Now, she won’t answer calls, messages, or reach out to any of us. I warned you that if you hurt Zoey, I’d fuckin’ gut you, Jameson. Tell me why I shouldn’t right now in front of your club,” Tank states, his voice loud enough for everyone to hear his words clearly as my club steps up at my back ready to throw down for me.

“I didn’t do anythin’, Tank. I mean, yeah we did somethin’ that night I went to see her. I didn’t do anythin’ to her she didn’t want. And I made sure multiple times before I took it too far. When I left, she was sleepin’ in her bed. I’ve tried to get in touch with her multiple times over the last month or so through callin’ and messagin’ her. Reagan’s tried too. She won’t answer us either. I don’t know what the fuck is goin’ on with her, Tank. It might not be anythin’ to do with me. Is she really happy at school? Does she want to be there? I know there’s shit goin’ down there and I don’t know all the details. Maybe it has somethin’ to do with that instead,” I tell him honestly without going into detail as Trax and Reagan step up on either side of me and listen to our conversation.

I don’t even know why Reagan’s back here right now. Last I knew she went home like Alex to put Xavier down in bed. She wasn’t planning on coming back either. Trax must have called her when Tank showed up and she flew here to find out what’s going on.

“This isn’t fuckin’ Zoey and you know it. She’d never fuckin’ ignore her family,” Hawkeye says, his glare aimed at me and only me. “I think this is all about you and you fuckin’ her before disappearin’. Everyone knows she’s in love with your fuckin’ ass and you do nothin’ but hurt her and play games. So, since I see an empty cage sittin’ right over there, I’m callin’ your ass out, Savage. I’m gonna beat your ass because of my sister and I don’t give a fuck about your brothers here defendin’ you. Not when it comes to Zoey.”

“Let’s go then,” I say, my voice resigned because I knew it was only a matter of time before this shit happened.

On my way to the cage, I remove my cut and hand it to Trax. Taking off my shirt and necklace, I hand them to my sister. She’s looking at me with hurt filling her eyes. I should’ve told her about Zoey and me, but I didn’t. Leaning down, I whisper in her ear so no one else hears.

“This was my secret to keep, Reagan. It’s not me betrayin’ you or anythin’ goin’ through your head. If Zoey wanted you to know, I was leavin’ it up to her to talk to you about things. That night changed everythin’ for me and now you know the answer to your question from a few days ago.”

Reagan looks at me with tears filling her eyes. I can’t stand to see my twin cry. But, she puts on a small smile and gives me a small nod at my words. Reaper steps up to tape my hands before he steps back and lets me get in the cage. None of them are gonna step in the middle of this shit because they know I fucked up and I agreed to get in the cage with Hawkeye. What they don’t know is that he won’t be the only one I’m in the cage with tonight. I’ll face all three triplets and Tank. It’s a given that those four will beat my fucking ass because of Zoey. Playboy and Slim aren't definite at this point because they haven’t said a word to me about the situation. They’re just as protective of Zoey as the other four men in front of me.

Getting in the cage, I wait for Hawkeye to enter. He’s got his cut and shirt off and his hands are taped up too. Stepping through the door. Titan closes it before calling out the rules. There aren’t many. It’s mainly no nut and cock shots, when one of us gets knocked out, the fight is over. I’m on board with that shit because I’ll let them each get in one hit before I end up fighting back. I’m not about to fucking roll over and let them beat me to a pulp because they don’t know what the fuck happened between Zoey and me. They see me disrespecting her and that’s it. Words aren’t gonna do a fucking thing to convince them otherwise. I have to prove to them that I’m the man Zoey needs in her life. So far, I’m not doing a good fucking job of it.

Hawkeye doesn’t take his time or try to figure out my fighting style. He launches his attack at me immediately. I let him get in his shot—a straight punch to my eye. Stumbling back a little bit, I take the punch and then launch my own attack against Hawkeye. We beat the fuck outta one another and don’t hold back our hits. I wasn’t really expecting him to. The crowd cheers for both of us because everyone here loves a good fight. They might not know Hawkeye, but they can appreciate his fighting style. Hawkeye has been trained by Tank and knows multiple forms of fighting.

It feels like forever before Hawkeye’s hand is raised in victory. I tapped the fuck out when he landed multiple repeated shots to my ribs. I can’t take too much damage knowing the others will be taking his place. And I’m not wrong. In seconds, Ricochet steps into the cage, already prepared to fight me. Again, he doesn’t waste any time before he’s starting the fight and again I let him get his one hit in on me. After that, we beat the fuck outta one another. This time, I win. He drops his guard and doesn’t expect me to pull the same move Hawkeye did on me. So, I use that shit to my advantage and take the victory. Kevlar is the next to step in the ring with me.

Kevlar and I have been in the ring together more than a few times when we were younger. We know one another better than anyone else. Tank and my dads trained us and we made sure to listen to them. It’s been a long time since we fought one another and I can’t wait to see how he’s changed over the years. With the look he’s giving me, I can’t say he’s thinking the same thing. He’s glaring at me and I know he’s not going to hold back just like his brothers didn’t. We don’t hesitate to throw ourselves into the fight and go at one another with a fierceness the other fights didn’t have. It’s refreshing to know he’s not going to hold back and give me everything he’s got so the fight doesn’t become predictable.

Our fight lasts the longest out of the triplets stepping in the cage with me. Kevlar gives everything he has, but in the end I beat his ass. He’s the one to tap out this time. By now, I can hardly get a breath in. My ribs are killing me and I’m bleeding from multiple locations on my body. The rest of me is bruised and I’ll be feeling this shit for weeks to come. However, I’m not done in the cage. Tank is standing in front of me with a smirk on his face. I know that smirk. It’s the one telling me he’s going to enjoy every single second of the destruction he’s about to dish out.

“This is for Zoey, Jameson. Not lettin’ you get away with hurtin’ my baby girl. She deserves so fuckin’ much more than what you’ve given her over the years. I gave you a chance to step the fuck and be the man she needs. Instead, you fuck her and leave without a word,” Tank says so only I can hear him. “I hope the ride was worth it because you won’t ever get close to her again.”

“Yeah, I will, Tank. I respect the fuck outta you. Always have. Did I handle the situation with Zoey correctly? No, I didn’t. I got scared with the way she makes me feel and I didn’t talk to her about that shit. Yes, I know she’s in love with me. What you don’t know is that I fuckin’ love that girl with my entire heart. Ask Reagan, I haven’t touched anyone here. Not since I was with Zoey. Your daughter fuckin’ owns me and I haven’t been able to tell her that shit because she won’t talk to me. I need to tell her this in person and that hasn’t been possible yet because I’ve been out on several runs over the last month or so,” I tell him, my voice full of pain and regret as I let him see the truth of my words.

Tank nods his head at me before he gets in his fighting stance. Again, I don’t make any moves so he can get his hit in on me. It doesn’t take him long to realize what I’m doing. He lands a solid hit to my jaw and it rocks my fucking world. Tank is a solidly built man and he’s not holding back either. I land against the cage as it rattles with the force of my body weight colliding with it. Shaking myself, I know my body can’t take much more. But I’m not gonna back down to Tank. If I do, he’ll see that as me admitting I’m not good enough for Zoey and that’s the last thing I’m about to fucking do. So, I get back in the fight and give him everything I’ve got.

We go hit for hit and Tank is obviously the one winning this fight. He’s backed me into the cage multiple times and I’m sweating so bad it’s going in my eyes and making me almost blind. I’m still bleeding and my body feels as if it’s been run over by a fucking truck. Multiple trucks. Finally, I can’t take anymore and drop to the mat in front of Tank. I can’t stand on my own two legs any longer. He immediately steps back as the cage door is opened and Reaper and Trax kneel down at my side. They check me over before helping me up and calling the fight. Titan takes me once I’m at the door and helps me down before the triplets and Playboy come over to me. I close my eyes so I don’t see the next hit coming.

“You got fuckin’ balls, Jameson,” Playboy says as Nails comes up to my side. “Get the fuck outta here. We don’t need sluts around us right now.”

“I’m not a slut, I’m Jameson’s ol’ lady,” she says, menace filling her face.

“No you’re fuckin’ not!” I yell, startling her so bad she jumps and falls to her ass at my feet. “I’ve told you multiple times you’ll never be my ol’ lady and I just voted your ass out. You got two votes to stay from the old timers. That’s the only reason you’re still fuckin’ here. Stay the fuck away from me or I’ll get rid of you regardless of a fuckin’ vote keepin’ your skank ass here.”

Everyone closes in around me even more and pushes Nails to the side. I open my eyes to find Titan getting her off the ground and removing her from the backyard. Hopefully he’ll get rid of her for good. I highly doubt it, but I wouldn’t fucking object at all to it.

“Is the cock measuring contest over now?” Reagan questions us, tears in her eyes as she takes in all of my injuries and tries to figure out a way to help me.

“It’s over. Jameson, you better figure out a way to make this shit right with my daughter. This is your last shot and I mean it. If you fuck her over one more time, I’ll bring her back home and you won’t ever get close to her again. That’s not a threat, Jameson. It’s a fuckin’ promise. If she doesn’t wanna come home with me, I’ll send her to Cedar Bay to be with the triplets. I’m fuckin’ done with this bullshit. It’s been way too long and it needs to stop now. You’ve gotten your beat down and it’s over. I can’t say the same about your dads because they’re not fuckin’ happy with you either right now. They want you to pull your head outta your ass. Zoey is family to them already and you’re burnin’ all your fuckin’ bridges when it comes to her. Fuckin’ fix it!” Tank states, his hard voice washing over me as I realize what I’ve gotta do.

“I’m gonna bring her here, Tank. With all the shit goin’ on there when it comes to her, I don’t want her there alone. Yeah, I know your club is there, Slim. No disrespect to you or anyone in the Phantom Bastards. You can’t be with her on a constant basis though. Here, she can continue workin’ toward completin’ her education without all the other bullshit. I’m not gonna slow her down or hold her back for any reason. We can work through our shit on our time and she can see what I truly feel for her. It’s time for me to give her that,” I state, waiting for one of them to argue against me bringing her here and away from the education she’s already started at one college.

“You protect my grandbaby, Jameson. I might not have beat your ass tonight, but it doesn’t mean that I won’t get in that cage with you. The second she wants to leave your ass, I’ll be here to pick her up and kill you where you stand,” Slim assures me, looking at Reaper because this is his clubhouse and he doesn’t want to disrespect him, but needs to get his point across at the same time.

“You won’t hear a word from me. I’ve stayed out of the way when it comes to Savage and his personal life. Now, I won’t do the same. Especially if he’s bringin’ her here. Zoey will be safe in my clubhouse and he won’t fuck her over or I’ll call you myself, Slim. I’ll call all of you,” Reaper informs the men standing in front of me and I respect my President even more because he’ll protect Zoey over me every day of the week. “Nails also won’t be a problem. She’ll be gone before too long. She’s fuckin’ up on a daily basis. I’m about to overrule the vote we had.”

Reagan, Trax, and Tank get me in the clubhouse and clean me up. There’s no way in hell I’m going back outside. My body can’t handle standing up and the chairs outside won’t be comfortable for me. Once all the blood is cleaned and Tank’s assured me I don’t need stitches for any of the wounds, they help me climb into bed. It doesn’t take long for the pain medicine I was given to kick in and put me to sleep. Thoughts of Zoey being here in my clubhouse with me fill me as the pain fades into nothing and I can’t help but know deep in my heart and soul that this is what I want. What needs to happen.

Chapter Seven