Oh shit! Tank brought out the legal name and not my road name. Whatever is going on is serious as fuck and I know I’m not going to like whatever it is based on the dread filling my stomach.
“I’ve never once lied to you, Tank. I’m not about to fuckin’ start now,” I tell him, anger filling my voice at the insinuation that I’d ever lie to him for any reason.
“Let’s keep it that way. Did you fuckin’ put a cop or anyone else on Zoey. Tellin’ him to follow her around and shit?” Tank questions me as I try to figure out what the fuck he’s talking about.
“No. Why the fuck would I do that shit when she’s here with her family?” I return, confusion filling me as a million thoughts swirl through my mind about why Tank is asking me this shit.
“Just makin’ sure. Got a call from Playboy last night. My girl got pulled over in a secluded area by some fuckin’ cop. He refused to tell her why he pulled her over, was starin’ at her chest, and he’s followed her multiple times without pullin’ her over because Kingston has been ridin’ with her. I can’t get down there to see her for myself and there’s only so much the guys there can do,” Tank informs me, his voice hard and deadly as he relays more of what happened with the cop.
Rage fills me with the thought of anyone harassing Zoey. She’s the sweetest, purest, most innocent girl I’ve ever met and doesn’t deserve anyone trying some fucked up shit with her. Zoey’s the one girl I’ve never let myself have because I don’t feel as if I’m the man for her. She deserves the white picket fence, a dog, house full of love, and all the kids she could ever want. My life is filled with chaos and more danger than we ever experienced growing up with our dads in the Wild Kings. Hell, even with her family in the Phantom Bastards, we were never touched by the danger they lived with on a regular basis. So, I don’t want to bring her into the shit we deal with regularly.
“Do you want me to stop in and see her? To make sure she’s okay and nothin’ else is goin’ on that she didn’t tell Playboy?” I question Tank knowing I’m already going to stop in regardless of what Tank says right now. “I’m passin’ through town and am about five minutes from her place right now.”
“Jameson, don’t fuck with my girl. She fuckin’ loves you and has for longer than I care to think about. You’re the only guy she’s ever shown any interest in and if you fuck her over, I’ll gut you where you fuckin’ stand. Do you fuckin’ hear me?” Tank questions me, his voice full of promise as I realize I’m never going to live down how I’ve treated Zoey when it comes to Tank, the triplets, and all the other men in her life who watched her grow up and were like her uncles and cousins.
“I’m not gonna fuck with her, Tank. Whether you believe it or not, I do care for Zoey. More than I fuckin’ should. You have no clue what the fuck I feel for her or what lengths I’ll go to protect her,” I tell Tank honestly as the phone call turns silent.
“Go see my girl. Make sure she’s okay and wasn’t puttin’ on a front for her uncle and Kingston. Too bad Kingston won’t man the fuck up and claim my girl. She’d have a good life with him,” Tank muses, his voice telling me exactly what game he’s fucking playing right now by throwing that shit out there on the phone with me.
“Don’t fuckin’ go there, Tank. I want your fuckin’ daughter more than I want to breathe or wake up in the mornin’. That’s never been the fuckin’ problem and you know it. The problem is Zoey deserves everythin’ I can’t fuckin’ give her,” I state, my voice hard and cold as I motion to Reaper that I’m pulling off and will meet them back at the clubhouse.
“You have no clue what my girl wants because you’ve never talked to her about that shit. You keep pushin’ her away and don’t let her think for herself. That’s your fuckin’ problem, Jameson. Zoey is stronger than you fuckin’ know and can handle anythin’ life throws her way. For some reason, she wants your ass and that’s not gonna change if it hasn’t after all these years. Even around the new people at college she still wants you,” Tank says before hanging up on me.
I shake my head with the knowledge he’s just given me as I make my way to Zoey’s apartment. Yes, I know where she lives and pass by every single time I come through town. She doesn’t know I do this and no one else outside of the club members I’m riding with know I make this little side trip every fucking time.
Pulling into the parking lot, I spot Zoey’s bike and make my way to park next to it. Knowing she rides her own bike makes my cock hard because I think it’s sexy as hell. I’ve seen her riding before and she handles her bike expertly. I guess it’s no surprise considering she’s been riding something for as long as I can remember. Zoey started out on dirt bikes with her brothers and then moved up from there. The day she bought her own bike, Zoey was filled with an excitement she doesn’t typically show anyone. There’s only one other day when she was more excited and that’s the day she got her bike back after having it wrapped and a few other adjustments made to it for her. Her entire face lit up as she took in all the details of her bike and the weight of the world and everything else she carries around daily melted away from her. That’s a look I want to put on her face daily, but I don’t think that’s what will happen if she’s with me. It’s the reason I haven’t let myself be with her despite me saying it’s for every other reason known to man.
Shutting my bike off, I remove the key and put it in my pocket before grabbing my phone from the mount and heading inside the apartment building. The outer door is locked which makes me happy and I’m sure as fuck not gonna let Zoey know it’s me at her door right now. So, I press the number for one of the other tenants of the building and wait for them to answer the call. It doesn’t take very long.
“Can I help you?” a woman’s voice comes through the speaker.
“Yes, please. I’m tryin’ to surprise my girl and don’t want to let her know I’m here by buzzin’ into her apartment. Can you please open the door for me so I can see her? I’m just comin’ through town unexpectedly,” I ask the voice and hope with everything in me that she opens the door because most girls would think that’s some kind of romantic bullshit or something.
“How do I know you’re telling the truth?” she questions me, doubt and concern filling her voice.
I give her Zoey’s details without hesitation. “Would I know all of that about some random girl I’m tryin’ to stalk or somethin’?”
“Don’t make me regret this shit,” she says, the loud buzzing coming from the door as I pull it open after thanking the woman who let me in.
I quickly make my way to Zoey’s apartment. Staying out of the way of her peep hole, I knock on the door loudly but not enough to startle her or make her fear who’s at her door. It doesn’t take me long to hear her moving around inside as she asks who it is.
“Who’s there? I’m not in the mood for any games,” her voice sounds through the door and washes over me. It’s been so long since I’ve heard the melodic sound of her voice.
“Open the door, kitten. It’s me,” I tell her, stepping in front of the peep hole so she can see it’s me and no one else.
“Go away, Savage. I’ve got nothing to say to you and there’s no reason for you to be here. You’re really good at ignoring me any other time so today is no different,” Zoey says, her voice filling with pain that I’ve caused her by pushing her away.
“Kitten, please let me in. I’ve been a fuckin’ ass when it comes to you and that’s a fact. I’m here to see you. Don’t make me stand out here all night,” I tell her, not sure if she’ll actually open the door for me or not at this point.
After a few minutes, I listen as the multiple locks on the door get unlocked before Zoey is standing in front of me. Her long golden blonde hair is pulled up in one of those messy bun things. There’s no make-up on her face as usual either. Zoey’s bright eyes take me in from head to toe as I stand in front of her. In a matter of seconds, they show the desire filling her. I’m sure my own eyes are mirroring what she’s feeling. There’s never been a question of if I want Zoey. I’ve wanted her since I learned what it means to have a dick but knew she was too young for the thoughts running through my mind over the years when it comes to her.
Zoey has curves in all the right places. Her tits are more than a handful and almost spill from the tight tank top she’s wearing in the comfort and safety of her apartment. Zoey isn’t skin and bones like most girls who throw themselves at me. She’s got a body I can fuck hard and not worry about breaking her. My eyes travel down past her tits and stomach to her core. Zoey’s long legs are on full display since the shorts she’s currently wearing are barely long enough to cover her pussy and ass. She’s got long, toned legs as I let my gaze land on her toes which are painted a deep, dark red. The nail polish covering her toe nails matches my bike perfectly and my cock is instantly hard at this hidden part of Zoey no one else but me would notice.
“What are you doing here, Savage?” Zoey finally asks as I bring my eyes back up to her face.
Zoey licks her bottom lip before pulling it between her teeth. I can’t stop myself as I step through her door and kick it closed behind me. I’ve been avoiding this shit with Zoey for fucking years and today that ends. I’m done denying the both of us what we truly fucking want because I feel as if she deserves better than the life I can give her. Even if it’s just tonight, I’m getting Zoey in bed and her body wrapped around mine.
My hands dig into Zoey’s hips as I pull her flush against the front of my body. A shocked gasp escapes her mouth as she places her hands on my chest and spreads her fingers out across my chest. Her nails dig through the material of my tee-shirt and I know if I didn’t have it on, my skin would be marked by Zoey. Lowering my head slowly, I keep my eyes locked on Zoey as she stares up at me with wide eyes. Just before my lips reach hers, Zoey’s eyes slide closed and I know she’s not going to stop me from kissing her. She wants this as much as I do. Finally, I press my lips against the only woman I’ve ever kissed in my life. I’m not lying. I’ve done everything else with the women I’ve taken to my bed, but I’ve never once kissed them on the lips. It’s too fucking intimate if you ask me. Zoey’s my first fucking kiss and I’m trying to act as if I know what the fuck I’m doing.