“Okay. So, we know you’re gettin’ out of here. I’m guessin’ Reaper took your bike back to Clinton City so I’ll give you a ride. I’m done here after you get released. I don’t know what’s goin’ on with your girl, Savage, but I haven’t heard anythin’ and Reaper told me he’d call the second he got news of her,” my lawyer says as fear fills me once again to the point I’m shaking and can hardly get a breath in.
“He’s already got her,” I whisper, not wanting it to be true, but knowing deep in my gut it is.
My emotions threaten to overwhelm me as thoughts of what’s being done to Zoey fill my mind. I clench my hands into fists under the table so the camera, if it’s recording, can’t pick it up while staring at the table in front of me. McAllister is talking and I don’t hear a word he’s saying. Rage, fear, pain, and feeling helpless completely consume me because I can’t do anything while I’m in jail. Zoey is essentially alone in the world because I don’t know where Tank, the triplets, or anyone else in her family are right now. For all I know they could be back in their own towns and not thinking that anything is going on here. Fuck! I need to get a hold of them.
“McAllister, I need you to call Tank. He needs to know what’s goin’ on so he can get here. I don’t know if Reaper already got in touch with him or asked Slim to call. He needs to know about his daughter. I need to know he’s on his way here when I get out because Zoey’s gonna need us all,” I tell McAllister and can hear the pleading tone of my voice as I finally look up at my lawyer.
“Tank’s already on his way. Everyone is, Savage. The triplets are on the road, Tank and Maddie, Slim, Playboy, and Kingston. I believe everyone in each club with the exception of the Cedar Bay chapter are on their way to Clinton City. I don’t know how long it will take everyone to get there, but they’re on the way. I’m gonna go wait for your paperwork to be processed. They’ll take you back to your cell. The second you’re released, we’ll get on the road and head home,” McAllister says as he shoves the notebook back in his briefcase and stands from the table to knock on the door so he can be let out.
I remain seated until the officer comes back to get me. He assures me the paperwork is almost done and I should be out of here in the next few minutes. After putting me back in my cell, he immediately leaves so he can get it finished and signed off on. I pace the small cell going out of my mind with worry. There’s no way I can sit still right now as I wait to get the fuck out of here. Thoughts of Zoey and our babies consume me. They’re all I can think about as I vow to be the best man I can for them. Things need to change and I’m not gonna waste another second making it happen.
McAllister is pulling up to the clubhouse and I’ve already got my door open. So far, no one else is here. I don’t see any other bikes, cars, or vehicles that wouldn’t normally be here. Jumping out of the car, I run into the clubhouse and don’t give McAllister another thought. The second I’m through the door, my eyes dart around the common room looking for my girl. I find Reagan sitting at a table with Alex. They’re both quiet and when my sister looks at me, I can see the tears sliding down her face. My heart fucking breaks in my chest because that’s all the confirmation that I need. Zoey’s gone. She’s been taken from me. Our babies have been taken from me.
“Jameson, I’m so sorry,” she says, standing from her chair and starting to make her way over to me.
“No!” I yell, dropping to my knees just inside the door as the tears finally fill my eyes and fall from my face after sliding down my cheeks. “No! She’s not gone! She can’t be. I need her.”
The sounds coming from me aren’t like anything I’ve ever heard before. They’re guttural and from deep down in my soul as every piece of me shatters with the knowledge that I didn’t protect my girl. I wasn’t there when she fucking needed me the most. Strong arms pick me up before my sister can reach me.
“It’s okay, son. I’ve got you,” Tank says, holding me in his arms as I completely break apart. “You didn’t let anyone down. This fucker saw an opportunity to get her and he took it. You couldn’t have predicted this is what would happen, Jameson. Now, you need to let this shit out so you can focus. Zoey needs you to be the man she fell in love with so long ago. She needs your strength and to know that you’ll burn the fuckin’ world to the ground to get her back in your arms where she belongs.”
“I didn’t protect her, Tank. I let her down. I didn’t keep my word to you,” I tell him, taking a deep breath as I try to get my emotions under control. It works until I see Maddie in my sister’s arm as she cries for her missing girl. Now, rage consumes me and I want to destroy the common room but I won’t. There are women in here and I know the kids aren’t too far from Reagan and Alex.
Reaper and Tank get me out of the common room and into Reaper’s office where I lose my shit. I don’t touch anything on my President’s desk, but the couch, chairs in front of his desk, and the lamp and table by the couch all go fucking flying. My chest is heaving when I’m done and I once again drop to my knees in the office as the pain fills me.
“Where’s everyone else?” I question Tank as Reaper’s office door opens and I look up to see my dads entering. “She’s gone. He fuckin’ got her.”
“We know, son,” Cage says, dropping down to join me on the floor as he pulls me into his arms.
“I just fuckin’ got her and now she’s been taken from me. Is this because I was such an asshole to her for so long? Because I hurt her more than anyone else ever has? Did I make this happen?”
“No, Jameson,” Cage states, his voice hard as he pulls back to look me in the face. “This isn’t your fault. It’s not karma comin’ back to bite you in the ass. This is on the head of that stupid fuck who’s gonna die at your hands when you get your girl back. Zoey loves you and she wouldn’t want you blamin’ yourself for this shit. She would want you to be strong and do whatever necessary to get to her. Fight through your demons and get ready to head to battle. Today we bring your girl home and none of us give a fuck what it takes to make that shit happen.”
“Cage is right, son,” Joker says, stepping up and pulling me into his arms as he lifts me from the floor so I’m standing in front of him. “Hawk is gonna be in here with Fox in a few seconds. They found somethin’ and you need to have your head right to go over that shit so we can make a plan to go get your girl back. We’re followin’ your lead here, Jameson.”
“Guys, um, I know this isn’t how Zoey would want you to find out, but she’s pregnant. We’re gonna have identical twins. She’s a few months along now and we wanted to tell you in person. Now, I can’t go into this without everyone knowin’. They need to get her out of there no matter what I’m doin’ or what happens to me. If it takes me givin’ my life for hers, I’ll gladly pay the price every fuckin’ day,” I tell everyone as my dads and Tank stop and look at me.
Before they can say anything in response, the door opens once again. Fox, Hawk, Slim, and Playboy enter the office and look around.
“Been redecoratin’, Pres?” Hawk questions Reaper as he continues to look around the room.
“Yeah. Savage didn’t like the look of the office any longer. He thought it needed some work. I don’t think this is the look I’m goin’ for though. We’ll have to try again,” Reaper deadpans as he looks around the office while I look at the floor. “Savage, don’t. We’ve all been there and destroyed shit when our world was spinnin’ out of control. Let’s move this shit into church. We still won’t be able to fit everyone in there. But we can get Grim and Gage in there to help us. The triplets will wanna be included too.”
We all follow Reaper as Hawk goes to get everyone Reaper listed. They all make their way into church with Trax following them. I knew there was no way in hell my best friend wasn’t gonna be in here for me and me alone. He walks right up to me and places his hand on my shoulder to let me know he’s here for me. My gaze is locked on Fox and Hawk where they’re spreading out blueprints on the table in front of us. None of us sit down as we wait for them to speak.
“Okay, I ran the information in the file you sent over, Reaper,” Fox begins, his voice hard and cold letting me know what he’s about to say isn’t going to be good news. “This fucker has raped and murdered at least twenty women over the last ten to fifteen years. He’s smart about it though. They’ve never been able to pin any of the murders to him because he doesn’t leave behind a trace of DNA or anythin’ else. There hasn’t been an attempt on anyone since your source. It’s like the asshole disappeared from Earth and that’s not the case. His name is Earl Sanderson. Now he goes by Damon Wheeler.
“It took us some diggin’, but Hawk found a property listed in Earl Sanderson’s name. It’s actually the halfway point exactly between here and Benton Falls. Kingston and a few guys are in the area now. They didn’t want to come all the way here if Zoey wasn’t gonna be in Clinton City. So, they’re just waitin’ on our call that we’re in the area and they’ll meet up with us. It’s a mix of Phantom Bastards and Wild Kings. They’re all hidin’ so no one sees them. We don’t want Earl to get word that we’re in the area and knows he has a house there. Hawk got the blueprints for the house and that’s what is on the table. It’s a one-story house with two entrances. One at the front and one at the back,” Fox points out the doors on the blueprints in front of us.
“With everyone here, there’s more than enough guys to put a large team on both doors with the rest surroundin’ the house so Earl can’t get the fuck away. I know Savage isn’t gonna do a damn thing but find his girl. As he just told their dads, she’s pregnant with twins and needs to be our top priority. Whoever gets to her first, get her the fuck outta there and let Savage know she’s out of harm’s way. You do what you gotta do to protect her. Grim, Gage, Slim, and I will split everyone up in teams. Trax, you’re not gonna be with Savage. You know the rules of the club. I’m gonna make sure he’s got a good team and will go through the front door. There’s no basement to the house and Fox looked to ensure there’s been no tunnels dug since these were created or anythin’. For now, everyone let us get the teams together. I want you all ready to get Zoey back and bring her home where she belongs,” Reaper says, dismissing everyone as I leave church surrounded by Trax, my dads, Tank, and the triplets.
Heading for my room, I grab the extra ammunition I have along with my other guns. After checking everything and making sure I’ve got enough ammo, I grab the knife my dad Cage gave me just before I moved here. I don’t carry it on me for any reason. Something is telling me it’s gonna be used today though. This is a sick fuck we’re dealing with and I will make him pay for every second my girl has suffered. I’m talking about for over a year now. He’s made her hide, not go out doing the one thing she loves in riding, and has stalked her. There isn’t a doubt in my mind now that he’s the one that’s been watching her while she was in her apartment.
“Kitten, I’m comin’ for you. Don’t give up before I can bring you home. Even if you never want anythin’ to do with me again, I promise you I’ll make sure you and our babies are safe for the rest of your lives. I love you, Zoey Henderson,” I whisper to the universe in hopes that it will get to my girl somehow. Not that I believe in that shit but for my girl, I’m not taking any chances or not putting something out there that could make a difference.
Making my way back down to the common room, I try to keep my emotions shut off. If l let them run rampant, I’ll collapse again and that can’t happen. I need to get my head in the game so we can get the fuck outta here and on the road to bring Zoey back. Reaper and the other Presidents enter the common room and wait for us to give them our attention before Reaper speaks since this is his clubhouse.
“Savage, you’re in van one that will be leadin’ everyone else. You're with Grim, Kingston, Hawkeye, Tripp, Rubber, Killer, and Shadow,” Reaper says before Grim steps up and looks at all the men now surrounding me.