Page 3 of Tempt Me

“I told you my eyes are up here. You don’t need to stare at my chest. It’s rude. Now, why did you pull me over when I was clearly doing nothing wrong?” I ask, pulling out my keys and keeping them in my hand so he can’t take them out of my bike and keep me here against my will.

“I suggest you watch your tone. I’m an officer of the law and will not hesitate to put you in handcuffs,” he growls out, his breathing picking up as if the thought of me being handcuffed in front of him excites him.

My own breathing accelerates and my heart is racing so fast it feels as if it’s going to beat out of my chest and fall to the ground at my feet. I can hardly hear anything over the blood rushing through my ears while never taking my eyes from the cop in front of me. I barely hear the rumble of bikes filling the air as the cop tries to move even closer to me around the back of my bike.

“That will be my family. So, again, why did you pull me over?” I question the cop, not taking my eyes off him because I have no clue what he’s going to do.

“Take your helmet off,” the cop demands as I try to find his name on his uniform only to be disappointed when it’s not there.

“No. I think I’ll leave it on for now. Once you answer the question I’ve asked more than once now, I’ll think about taking it off. For now, I’d like to know not only why I’m being pulled over but why you followed me for miles. I know that’s not legal at all,” I tell him, stepping even further away from him as I finally spot two headlights pulling into the entrance where I’ve been pulled over.

Kingston and my uncle Playboy pull up right in front of my bike and immediately shut their engines off. My uncle is off his bike and at my side in a matter of seconds. He looks me over from the top of my helmet down to my toes before turning his attention to the cop standing before us. I look at the cop to see anger filling his eyes as his entire body starts shaking with the rage filling him with my uncle and Kingston here now. Whatever plans he had for me have been put to an end and it’s because I knew I had to call someone to help me when it comes to this asshole.

“I’ve heard the entire exchange you’ve had with my niece. She’s fuckin’ nice. I’m not. Why the fuck did you pull her over when she’s already told you she wasn’t speedin’ or breakin’ any other laws? You can clearly see her plate and I can assure you everythin’ on her bike is workin’ properly because she performs her own maintenance and is very anal about it. Her bike will always be better taken care of than anyone else I know and I know a ton of bikers who are constantly workin’ on their bikes,” my uncle states, pushing me slightly behind his body as he steps closer to the cop in front of us.

“It was a routine pull over. We typically stop those riding sport bikes because more often than not they speed and cause havoc in town,” the cop says, his eyes on the ground to let us know he’s lying.

“You’ve followed her before and for way longer than you’re allowed by law to follow her. After followin’ her for miles today, you know she wasn’t breakin’ the law or goin’ to. So, that’s a fuckin’ lie,” Kingston speaks up, his eyes locked on the cop who won’t recognize him since he’s on his Harley tonight instead of his other bike.

Kingston has been out with me when this fucker has followed me before. He’s always got a helmet on and his hair is hidden under the helmet more often than not when he’s on his other bike. He doesn’t want it whipping in his face when he starts flying down the road so it’s always tucked in the helmet.

“You don’t know that,” the cop says, his face losing all color as he looks toward Kingston who remains sitting on his bike.

“Yeah, I do. This isn’t my only bike. When she’s ridin’ with anyone else, it’s usually me. So, yes, I’ve seen you followin’ her around and makin’ her fuckin’ uncomfortable. I suggest you answer the question that’s been repeatedly asked about why you fuckin’ pulled her over. Especially considerin’ you chose a remote location without anyone around to see whatever it is you do. I’m also thinkin’ that if we were to have your superior check, your body cam isn’t recordin’ right now either. However, I can assure you, the camera on her bike is recordin’ right now. Didn’t think to check for that shit, did ya?” Kingston asks, making me realize I didn’t even think about the camera I have on my bike.

I always turn it on whenever I’m riding. You never know when you’re going to need proof of something happening when you’re out riding. Especially if it comes to an accident or something. I’ve never been in one, but I’ve been cut off and almost run off the road more than once. Having my camera mounted on my bike doesn’t take long to attach and with the press of a few buttons I’m recording everything that happens when I’m riding. Kingston got me the camera to match his and we’ve also used them to trade footage we’ve captured when we’re out riding. He’s always trying to push himself harder and do things he doesn’t think he can do. I’m pretty sure it’s because of his accident and not knowing if he’d ever be able to ride again. Kingston was very lucky and we’re all happy he pulled through and came out stronger than before it happened.

“I pulled her over because there’s no reason for her to be riding in the forest this late in the day. I can follow her, or anyone else, whenever I want,” the cop says, trying to justify his actions.

“This park doesn’t close and since I’m on a bike alone and not in a car or truck with some guy, I’d say it’s safe to say I’m not about to have sex at the lookout point. Not that it would be any of your business if I were about to have sex. You had no reason to pull me over at all and you know it. Because there are two men here now, you’re trying to cover your ass so you don’t come off as the stalker you seem to be,” I state, peering around Playboy’s side as he remains in front of me.

“I’ll be lettin’ your superior know what you’ve been doin’. He’s a close, personal friend of the club’s. This is my fuckin’ niece and if I get one fuckin’ call that you’re still followin’ her around like you have been, then I’ll make sure a member of the club is with her at all times when she’s out in public. My niece, or anyone else for that matter, shouldn’t have to be afraid because of a piece of shit like you,” Playboy growls out, his voice deadly as he crosses his arms over his chest and keeps his eyes locked on the cop.

When the cop finally realizes my uncle and Kingston won’t be leaving my side, he glares at me the best he can with my uncle’s body standing in front of me before turning and making his way back to his car. None of us move until he’s left and we can no longer see his taillights. For the first time since this all started, I take a deep breath and slowly release it. My body is shaking as the fear starts to leave me. Playboy pulls me into his arms and holds me close while rubbing a hand up and down my back in an attempt to help calm me down.

It takes several minutes before I’m steady enough to pull away from my uncle.

“I’m gonna head home,” I say, not wanting to be out in public any longer. There’s no way I’ll be able to relax out here after that encounter with the asshole.

“I’m followin’ you home, sweetheart. I’ll make sure you get inside and that there’s nothin’ amiss around your apartment and the parkin’ lot outside. Kingston’s gonna help me so we can let your dad know you’re still safe,” my uncle states in that tone he gets that means he’s not going to back down from the decision he’s made.


Climbing back on my bike, I put the key in the ignition and start it while waiting for my uncle and Kingston to pull out in front of me. When we pull out of the forest, my uncle is at my side and Kingston rides behind us back to my apartment. It doesn’t take us long to get back to the speeds my uncle is riding. Yes, he’s speeding and doesn’t give a fuck right now. I easily stay caught up with him until we carefully pull into the parking lot of my building. With Kingston and my uncle at my side, I make my way to my apartment and let them enter before me. It doesn’t take long to get the all clear as I enter my place and listen to Playboy on the phone with my dad. My dad is pissed and I know I’ll be getting a call from him shortly. Kingston sits with me as I pull out my books and start studying. Tonight went to shit quicker than hell and I’m ready for Kingston and Uncle G to leave me alone so I can process everything.

Chapter Two


WE’RE ON OUR way back from a run and have to pass right through Phantom Bastard territory. Reaper called and made sure it was okay with them before we even left because this is the second time we’re riding through their town. He knows I have a relationship with the members of the club and refuses to do anything to put that in jeopardy. Plus, it’s what you’re supposed to do when riding through another club’s territory. Reaper might not be the nicest guy out there, but he always shows everyone respect until he's proven the respect he shows isn’t deserved. Slim won’t ever make him feel like that, so Reaper makes sure to call him if we even get close to their territory for any kind of run or event.

My thoughts are on who else resides in Benton Falls. The one woman I can’t get out of my fucking head no matter what I do. I want her to live her life and not deal with my bullshit. Instead, I continue to fucking push her away and hurt her with the way I ignore her and let other girls hang all over me in front of her. It’s been easier since I’m no longer around the Wild Kings’ clubhouse on a daily basis. I don’t have to pretend to like having the girls drape themselves all over me when it’s the last thing I want to have happen.

We’re on the outskirts of town when my phone rings through the speaker I have in my helmet. Without bothering to look at the screen of my phone where it’s mounted on my bike, I answer the call.

“This is Savage,” I answer, not sure who I’m expecting to be on the other side since Reaper is in my sights and there’s nothing going on with my sister that I know of.

“Savage, it’s Tank,” the man I respect and don’t want to hear from says, causing me to sit up straighter in my seat for some reason. “Need you to be real fuckin’ honest with me right now, Jameson.”