We sat for a long time, not speaking, just drinking in each other’s company. I had my best friend back.
Hours later, hand in hand, Curtis and I walked back to the rose gardens. The music still wafted out of the open doors. I could see that people were actively leaving the party. It must be close to midnight. Surely Mother and Comfort would be wondering where I was. Curtis and I were just at the edge of the rose bushes when we heard a monotone voice.
“I am smitten with you. From the second I laid eyes on your beauty, my heart belonged to you alone,” the voice droned. “Will you marry me and become my queen?”
My mouth and Curtis’ fell open. We both knew that voice. I couldn’t stop myself; I peered around the rosebush. There, on one knee, was Hubert. And in front of him, her hands covering her mouth, was Cynthia!
“Yes!” she squealed and flung her arms around Hubert. He stood and stiffly patted her on the back.
“Very well, we must inform my father at once,” he said, and walked straight-backed to the open doors, Cynthia bobbing alongside him.
Curtis and I stood stunned, mouths still agape. Hubert and Cynthia? Hubert and Cynthia? I couldn’t believe what I had just seen!
I turned to Curtis. “Did that really just happen?”
Curtis shook himself. “Just… wow. Wow! I know Father told him to choose soon, but I didn’t think it would be that soon. Who knew tonight’s ball would spark so much romance? Two engaged couples—the Council will be thrilled. But I’ve never even seen that girl before.”
I gasped. Of course he hadn’t met her. “That is my stepsister, Cynthia!” I cried out, a little louder than I had intended. I hoped that the new couple were far enough away that they didn’t hear me and realize we had been eavesdropping, even if unintentionally.
Curtis goggled at me. “You know her? Wait, you have a stepsister? Your mom remarried?”
I nodded. “And Cynthia hates me.”
“Well, well, well, what an interesting turn of events this evening has had in store.” Curtis was clearly amused. “Who knew Hubert had it in him?”
“You know, as much as Cynthia and I don’t get along, I’m not sure I wish that future on her,” I mused.
“Why don’t you get along?” Curtis asked, gesturing me to sit.
“Well, it is a long story,” I answered, again kicking off my shoes.
“I have time,” Curtis smiled at me. “I will always have time for you.”
I grinned. Curtis always made me feel so confident and important. “Well, after we moved, there was a widower who lived not far from our manor,” I said. “Cynthia was his only child. She and Comfort used to talk a lot. That is how Cynthia’s father and Mother became acquainted and eventually got engaged. Because of my injury, I didn’t like to go out very often. I had only heard about Cynthia from Comfort. When we finally met, well, she said a couple things that… that…I am sure she didn’t mean. She was just surprised by my appearance, I guess.” I paused, using my toe to draw in the dirt, not wanting to look up. Curtis remained silent, waiting patiently for the rest of the story.
“Anyway,” I continued, “Comfort got all upset that Cynthia said those things, and they aren’t friends anymore, even though we are sisters now, and I think maybe she was too embarrassed to talk to me much. And then after her father and Mother married, he died not too long after.”
Curtis let out a long breath. “I’m so sorry.”
I shrugged. “I really didn’t know him that well, to tell you the truth. But after he died, Cynthia just kind of broke. I think having both her parents die and leaving her nowhere else to go made her very bitter. She didn’t want to stay with us but had no relatives.”
“So she hates you because she said something mean years ago?” Curtis asked, a little confused.
“No, that isn’t it,” I replied. “After her father passed away, we had to find a way to support ourselves.” It was a little awkward talking about our family’s financial situation with Curtis, since he would never worry about such things.
“Mother and Comfort opened a finishing school for girls. Dance lessons, hair styles, fashion and calligraphy, that sort of thing.”
“They would be good at that,” Curtis acknowledged.
I nodded in agreement. “And I would translate for people writing letters and business propositions, but again, people aren’t able to pay a whole lot in a small town, so I was working all the time too. We didn’t have the money to afford household help, so the bulk of it fell to Cynthia. I guess she feels like a servant, doing a lot of the cleaning and cooking.”
I felt like I needed to explain myself. “That wasn’t what we intended, I swear! We were just all so busy working all the time that we didn’t have time, and Cynthia didn’t have any marketable skills, so we just figured it made sense to… You know, have her do the stuff that she could.”
Curtis remained silent.
“I think Cynthia really is a nice person. She does a good job with cooking and the house is spotless. She just has a lot that she has been through. So… that is why she hates us I guess. To her, I am just an ugly stepsister. I bet she will be thrilled to leave our house now and become queen.”