Warmest regards,


I blinked back tears rapidly. I had never asked for details about Father’s funeral. At the time, it had been too painful to think about. But now, I had a letter telling me about it. I was glad Curtis had thought to place a flower on my behalf. He was so thoughtful. I couldn’t stop reading the letters. I reached for one after another, desperate to hear everything Curtis had wanted to tell me.


Comfort said you woke up finally! I am so glad! I have been very worried about you. I dropped off some chocolates for you and your family. Sweets always cheer me up. Which is probably why the pastry chef in the kitchens has her entire staff on orders to run me out of the kitchen any time they see me. I eat way too many!

My etiquette lessons have finally stopped. Hallelujah! Mother gave me a stern talking to about my behavior, and I had to promise to never, ever to punch the crown prince again, and to keep my temper in check. Hubert was smiling really smugly just behind her, so it was doubly hard to agree and stay composed. I think I will put itching powder in his bed tonight.

I am going back to most of my regular tutoring sessions now, and hope to see you in languages soon. I need the help! I will send lots of flowers and sweets (whenever I can sneak past the servants in the kitchen).



Dear Truly,

Get better soon! One of your little language pupils, Archie, was asking where you were today. I told him you were sick, and he said for you to get better soon because his new tutor is mean. I said that compared to you, everyone is mean.

I came to call, but Comfort said you aren’t feeling well enough to accept visitors. Can you make an exception for me? I want to see you.

Yours Truly,


Dearest Truly,

I miss you. I miss you asking about my day; you are the only one who ever does. I miss how you always smell nice. I miss you being a good influence on me. I miss just sitting and talking with you. I miss you being there to help me when I can’t figure out how to conjugate Latin verbs. I miss your smile. I miss the feel of your hand in mine. I miss your ingenuity in scheming up new tricks to play on people. I miss our walks. I miss everything about you. I need you in my life again. Write back to me, please?

Forever Yours,


Dear Truly,

I haven’t heard from you at all yet. It has been several weeks. Were your eyes damaged in the burn? Comfort, if you are getting these, and Truly can’t read them, could you please read them to her and write back her responses? I may go find the physician and force him to tell me how you are doing. I am getting very worried about you.

Your concerned friend,


Dear Truly,

Mother gave me a lecture today about not pestering the physician. He went and tattled on me after I followed him around all day asking him over and over how you are doing and kept telling him I wouldn’t leave him alone until he told me. He finally said he would tell me after I took my medication and he finished his rounds, but I suspected that he slipped in a sleeping draft. So I only pretended to drink it then dumped it into Hubert’s grape juice when he wasn’t looking.

When the physician came back, I was up and waiting for him. He told me that he couldn’t actually say anything about your condition and that he had lied before. I told him he looks like a flabby toad and to try and figure out if I was lying or not and see how he likes it.

Your best friend,


P.S. Hubert is still out cold. Don’t tell Mother.

P.P.S. The physician really does look like a toad.

Dear Truly,