“Uh, yeah, sure. Though I think you should choose the place next time,” he said before getting caught up in a strong embrace.

Anya walked by them and smiled at the two of them. “Ah, young love. Always wonderful to see.” Her green eyes still had that look of suspicion, but it didn’t seem as intense as before.

“Thanks,” Chloe said, nuzzling Tiran. “It’s all new to me, really. Are you – and the professor… Are you dating? He seems to like you.”

“We’re… just taking it casually,” Anya said, “and see what develops. He’s a darling.” She then paused. “You have a strong magic around you. I’m pretty good at sensing magic. The fae have blessed you?” Her green eyes seemed almost luminous as they examined Chloe.

“Yes. The dryad in the woods blessed me.”

Anya nodded. “Yes. Something else, too, I think.” She smiled, and it seemed a little too wide for her face. “Well, perhaps we’ll see more of each other.”

“Perhaps,” Tiran said. “Be nice to my uncle. He’d been alone a long time.”

The woman smiled and walked away while Chloe retreated with Tiran to her quarters, not wanting to talk anymore in the corridor.

“Something’s up with her,” Chloe said. “I could feel the magic pushing into me from her words, but they did not find purchase. She’s super creepy…”

“I’m worried about my uncle. Who is she? Is she glamourizing him?”

“We don’t know at this point. The Old Spirit did say he was an unwitting accomplice. Perhaps this is what it meant?”

They stared at each other for a few seconds, thinking. f

“We can’t make any obvious moves,” Tiran said. “We can’t let her know we’re on to her. We’ll have to act like we know nothing.”

“That shouldn’t be hard, given that we have no idea what these Unseelie people are doing.”

“Could she be... the assassin…?”

Chloe pondered Tiran’s words. “I don’t think so. There may be more than one agent, however. Also, we could be completely wrong, and she’s okay after all.”

“She was a little weird.”


Chloe leaned into him, ruffling his hair, and said, “This is getting a little more complex, isn’t it?”

Tiran nodded, wondering what to do next. He had the wills, safe and sound. There now was no way for it to be interfered with or destroyed. Uncle Randall’s influence would dwindle. But he still didn’t fully understand this Unseelie thing, the extent of their involvement with Randall, and whether or not Anya was also a member of Randall’s court. He didn’t get a strong fae presence from Anya, but some Unseelie were good at concealing themselves. They were changelings who could blend into normal society without anyone suspecting them.

They’d have to watch Professor Umber carefully to determine whether or not Anya was innocent or in cahoots with the bad guys.

“Things might get a little messy here,” he murmured to Chloe. “Are you sure you want to get involved?”

“Well… it’s going to make school a lot spicier,” she said, smirking. He laughed.

“I don’t know; things are already pretty spicy enough. You’ve done a lot. You’ve even traded away your pendant.”

“It’s probably for the best,” she said. “Though the Old Spirit was very rude about it.”

“Maybe we can get the dryad to make you another?”

“Mmm…” Chloe shook her head. “I think I’ll try and avoid the pure fae as much as I can. They’re a strange lot.”

He kissed her forehead, then her nose and lips, relieved and happy she was there. “Hopefully, you won’t mind dealing with me more often.”

“I look forward to that,” she said, grinning into his lips. “I very much look forward to dealing with you as often as possible.”

His heart fluttered at her words. It was not quite a confession of love, but it did sound like the foundation for it. A foundation they’d build on, brick by brick, until hopefully, one day, something beautiful would flourish between them. Even more beautiful than the way things were now.

But they did need to survive university first and a potential Unseelie plot that neither of them fully understood.

At least they wouldn’t be in it alone. At least they would have each other. He couldn’t ask for more, except, well… maybe another thousand kisses.