Page 92 of Isabela

“I’m still going to be grumpy about this, but that is seriously amazing,” Aria mumbles.

“The ball is in your court afterwards,” I explain. “The owner reads your books, which I know because I name dropped your pen name.”

“You’re incorrigible and I love you,” she says, shaking her head. “Can you look at my contract and see if I have grounds to break it?”

Isabela pushes her plate away with a smile, taking a sip of her water. Glancing at the clock, I see it’s almost time for her to head out.

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure there’s a copy of it in our safe,” I agree. “How is your presentation going for the board, Isabela?”

“Okay,” Isa says, blowing out a breath. “I have my evidence in place as far as the money laundering, Uncle Eli’s skimming of the company profits, but I’ve had board members calling me all week. The Chair of the Board is saying that I may have been involved in all of this.”

“Bullshit,” I rumble. “It’s very clear to me that you weren’t.”

“Only if you know what my uncle was doing to me over the last few years!” Isa exclaims. “Otherwise, I’m either an idiot who didn’t know anything or I was in on it. The board members were calling me, to warn me that this is turning into a witch hunt. Miles Gardner apparently wants to draw up charges against me as well.”

Lips pursed, I look her over. While the bruises are still visible, I know she’ll probably want to cover them during her meeting. This really only leaves one option.

“How against presenting the audio recording are you?” I ask. I know she sees it as forcing a sympathetic audience, but I see it as evidence that she’s innocent. “All the evidence you need would be there, right?”

The only reason I don’t know already is because I haven’t asked to watch it. I know she feels a lot of shame around that night, but she’s the victim.

“I’ve only listened to it once. It’s a video, but since the screen is black, the important part is the audio. It’s soul-crushing, Gael,” Isabela says softly. “I need to know that it’ll pull the board to my side if I play it next week. I know it’s a lot to ask, but would you listen to it?”

Swallowing hard, I nod. I can tell how difficult this is for her. There are tears glistening in her brown eyes, and she is wringing her hands in anxiety. I can tell Aria wants to hug her, but wraps her arms around herself instead. Sometimes when you’re this on edge, just a single touch can bowl you over.

“Yes, I’ll listen,” I rasp.

“I’ll send it to you,” she says, grabbing her phone. A moment later, my phone buzzes and Isa looks up almost wildly. “I’m leaving for my classes now. Just… don’t listen until I’m gone, okay?”

“Of course,” I promise her. “Thank you for letting me hear this.”

“Don’t thank me yet,” she says with a semi-hysterical laugh. “Just promise me you’ll still look at me the same way, yeah?”

Well fuck that. Standing, I move around the table, tugging her into my arms. “You’re one of the strongest people I know, Little One. I don’t want to hear you say that again,” I growl.

Sniffling, she nods as she holds me tightly. “Okay,” she whispers. “I love you. Both of you.”

Hurriedly, she grabs her phone and keys, easing away from me. I watch as she leaves the kitchen, waiting until I hear the front door close behind her.

“Fuck,” I whisper. Glancing over at Aria, I raise my eyebrow in question. I don’t know if she’ll want to listen to the recording with me.

“I’m listening,” she mutters. “I’ll wash the goddamn dishes later.”

Lips twitching, I nod as I grab my phone and move into the living room with her. If I can’t see the dishes, I won’t need to do them either. Settling on the couch with Aria pressed against my side, I unlock my phone and open the message Isabela sent me.

Clicking play on the recording, I listen to silence for a moment before I hear Isabela’s voice.

“Did my uncle tell you I’m sleeping around at school and covered in tattoos?” she asks him. “I’m quite the wild child.”

I realize too late that Isabela goaded him into hurting her, probably to keep Charles Markship from touching her that night. The courage she shows, her voice barely trembling as he hurts her, makes every hair on my body rise.

The screaming comes later, and I close my eyes as the tears come. Aria buries her head in my chest as she listens, staying there even after it’s clear Isabela is passed out during the rest of this recording.

Unfortunately, nausea starts to rise as I listen to the mayor and Isabela’s uncle as they talk about her like a piece of meat.

“I’m glad they’re dead,” Aria whimpers as tears stream down her cheeks. “I also wish they weren’t, so I could watch them die this time.”

“I know, baby,” I rasp. “God, this is so much worse than I thought it was.”