Page 86 of Isabela

Isabela looks like she wants to say something but nods. “Who takes care of you?” she asks.

“I don’t usually eat till later. I guarantee, Aria will find her way here in the next hour or so with food. She’s been feeling a little twitchy lately,” I say.

Isa purses her lips, thinking. “I noticed that too.”

“It’s nothing a good spanking and edging can’t cure,” I reassure her, making her giggle.

“This entire floor heard us,” she mutters. The color stains her cheeks hotter, making me walk over to her and kiss her roughly. Her lips are swollen from my attention, marking her as mine.

“Do either of us care?” I ask.

Isabela giggles as she shakes her head. “Not in the least,” she says. “I have to swing by the Math department, and then I’m getting coffee before I head to the library.”

I know she’s making sure I know her route in case anything happens, and I hate that she has to think like this. While most of the known people who want to hurt her have been removed from the world of the living, there could still be someone out there that I haven’t thought of.

“Hey, I’m going to be fine,” she murmurs, lifting up onto her toes to kiss my cheek. I really love how easily she does this.

“Alright,” I sigh. “Text me when you get to the library?”

Isa picks up her backpack strap, pulling it over her shoulder as she nods. “Aye, aye, Captain,” she says with a salute as she walks to the door.

“So naughty,” I mutter with a chuckle as she leaves.

Life is definitely not boring, and never will be with Aria and Isa in my life.

Chapter Twenty


I’m very sensitive to energy, and I’ve been feeling twitchy all day. I baked chocolate chip cookies, made lunch for Gael, wrote a chapter for my book, and had a very unpleasant conversation with my publisher. My lips twist in displeasure as I pack up my husband’s very late lunch and leave the house.

There’s a cloud of anxiety over my head as I think about his words.

“We have some concerns about the direction of this book…”

There’s no other way for it to go, though. Every time I find myself not being true to my characters, they stop talking to me. Huffing in annoyance, I drive carefully to the university and find a parking spot.

Shoving the car into park, I pick up my carryall bag that also has Gael’s food in a separate bag, that’ll keep everything warm or cold, depending on the food.

While my husband loves his truck, I have a bright blue Nissan Altima. I want it to fit my groceries, any art supplies when I’m having an inspired moment, and be comfortable to drive. My little car does all of that and is safe, which is what Gael insisted on.

Lifting the strap to my shoulder, I open my car door and slide out. Looking around, I make sure I’m aware of my surroundings as I close the door behind myself and lock it. The university has almost been deemed a safe place, but after Isabela was kidnapped, I’m going to have to be more careful.

Pepper spray hangs from my keychain as I walk with it in my hand. They’re legal to carry in Arizona, so I’m fine if I have to use it, but either way I’m not going to worry about the legality of it if someone attacks me.

I’m wearing an off the shoulder blue spring dress, having changed from my bumming around the house outfit. This university is so damn bougie. I see these kids with high end everything from their heads to their toes, and I’m reminded that Isa has been making due with bargain prices.

Her uncle made her scrape by for everything when she’s an heiress to a company… One that may be on the verge of bankruptcy.

Ignoring the glances as I walk in my cute white sneakers across campus, I blow out a breath. The weather is hot and dry right now, making me pull out my emotional support water bottle that I take everywhere.

Gael always texts me to ask if I’m drinking my water, and I’ll usually send him a photo of me holding an iced coffee instead. It’s very fun to antagonize him.

Maybe he’ll fuck me against the wall to show me a lesson. One can only hope.

Entering the History Department, I hum a new Taylor Swift song I heard on the radio recently. At the moment, the halls are clear as I make my way upstairs.

While I know that he doesn’t have a class right now, I don’t know what he’s doing at this moment. I kind of just left the house and came here in an effort to get out of the house for a bit.