Make my presentation for the board meeting with evidentiary information as to why my uncle should be removed.
Decide if I’m keeping my apartment or not.
Rinsing out my hair as the water turns cold, I decide to keep my apartment for at least another month. It may seem silly, but I’ve been surviving on contingency plans for too long to give it up now. Reaching out, I turn off the water and grab my towel to begin drying off.
After brushing my teeth, when I step out of the shower and wash my face, I wrap the towel around my body and exit into my room. Aria is sitting on the bed playing on her phone, making me smile as I move to the closet to decide on what I want to wear.
“So I could practically hear you thinking in the shower,” Aria says, glancing up from where she’s sitting. “Anything you want to talk about?”
Deciding on a pair of thin ripped jeans and a snarky T-shirt, I pull on panties and a bra before leaving the closet to get dressed.
“Not really,” I say. “I’m mostly planning out what’s next. Do I keep my apartment? Is it safe to keep my car? I also am going to work in between classes on my presentation to the board. It’s just a mile long list.”
Nodding sympathetically as she lays back, Aria watches as I step into my pants. “So I may have done a little shopping when I was left to my own devices,” she confesses. “Just normal staples I know you don’t have with you.”
Aria is being kind, because I most likely don’t have it at all. “Okay… You know you didn’t have to do that, right?”
“I do, and I did it because I wanted to. I may have a small problem when it comes to spoiling people. It’s usually just Gael who gets the spoils of my efforts. Trust me, he’ll be fine sharing,” she says with a grin. “On that note, my gifts don’t come with the need for any reciprocal action. The packages are coming in today, so I figured I’d warn you before they do.”
“This was really sweet of you,” I tell her with a smile.
“There may be a killer suit in there too.” Aria winks at me as I pull on my shirt to finish getting ready. “You want to exude some badass power, babe.”
“Thank you,” I say, eyes wide. “Shit, I didn’t even think about that. I can’t exactly walk in there in ripped jeans and a T-shirt that says ‘This is my fuck off face.’”
Aria snickers as if thinking about it. “I can only imagine, and while it would be epic, it may be better to dress for the occasion,” she says.
“What are your plans today?” I ask when I hear Gael bellow from the living room, asking if I’m ready yet. I may have spent way too much time in the shower earlier. Oops.
Pulling my hair up into a ponytail, I grab my black and white converse sneakers and put them on.
“Coming!” I call out, making Aria smirk. “Well?”
I didn’t forget what I asked her earlier. Blushing, Aria realizes I haven’t as well.
“I’m probably going to write, work on some admin stuff, and if none of that pans out I’ll find something to do,” she says with a shrug.
“Why does that sound so scary?” I ask.
“Isabela, we’re going to be late. Get your ass out here before I spank it and then fuck it!” Gael roars.
My eyes widen as Aria giggles. “I don’t think that should sound as exciting as it does,” I mutter out of the corner of my mouth as I grab my backpack and run out.
Aria’s laughter follows me down the hall as I rush to the foyer where Gael is tapping his foot. “Fucking finally,” he huffs, opening the door. “After you, Princess, and get the lead out.”
Rising to my toes since he’s a bit taller than I am, I kiss his cheek before slipping past him. “Yes, Daddy,” I sass him.
“God save me from the brats in my life,” he grunts. “Don't think I’m not counting, Little One.”