Page 80 of Isabela

“The clean up crew has this covered,” he grunts, wrapping his arm around my shoulders as he opens the door. “Let’s shower, change, and go crawl into bed with Aria.”

“That sounds like heaven,” I whisper. “Hey, Gael?”

Looking down at me as he holds the door open and we stand in the open entryway, his brow rises. “Yeah?”

“I love you,” I confess. “I’m still scared and broken and?—”

“I love you,” he growls, dipping his head down to ravage my mouth. “I love your broken pieces, and I look forward to loving who you are as we put you back together in a new way. Your jagged edges will never scare me away.”

My heart soars as I leave the dank basement, and I try not to wonder what tomorrow will bring.

Chapter Nineteen


Today sucks. I was flying high last night, but the cold reality of a new day is showing me how much more work there is to be done.

I stare numbly at the email on my computer this morning that states that the board of Cohen Security and Communications will be unable to meet with me until next Friday.

“What the hell am I going to do until then?” I mutter.

“Words, Isa. Please use them,” Gael says, amused as he drinks his coffee. He’s home for another two days before he begins teaching again, and he’s going to begin cleaning up his own organization.

“The board won’t meet with me until next week,” I sigh. I’m wearing a pair of sleep shorts and tank-top as I sit at the island, glaring at the screen. “I was so excited to finally put this all to bed, and now I have to wait.”

“I’m sorry, but you look so cute when you pout like this,” Aria says with a giggle. “These people want to pretend they have all of the power. Agree to the date, and then throw all of your evidence behind your arguments.”

“I agree, she is cute.” Gael smirks. The two of them make me blush, shifting my weight under their attention. “Do you have classes today?”

“I do,” I mutter, glancing at the time. “My class starts in an hour.”

“So you’re going to go to classes, ignore any stares, and then start planning what you’re going to say to the Board to sway them to your side,” he says resolutely. “You may need to use the recording if they’re going to be difficult.”

“I know. It just makes me feel icky,” I admit. “It’s almost as if I’m using a hyper emotional video to pull a sympathy response.”

“I haven’t seen it,” Aria says carefully. “However, if Gael thinks it’ll help, then I think it’s worth looking at. He wouldn’t have you show it if it wasn’t going to be helpful.”

Nodding, I type out a polite response to Mr. Gardner, and the board member who emailed me.

Mr. Gardner,

Thank you for the opportunity to talk with the board. I look forward to next week.


Isabela Cohen

I’m hoping that reminding him that my name is on the company has some pull, though with the bullshit Elijah pulled, that may not mean much right now. What a mess.

“Go get ready, Isa,” Gael says. “Brooding isn’t going to change that man’s mind.”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I murmur. Slipping off the stool, I heave a sigh as I walk to the room that I have, to shower and dress.

As the water runs over me once I’m in the bathroom, I make a list of the things I need to do today.

Have my car checked for any type of tracking devices.