If you manage to piss off the Society enough to end up in one of these rooms, the odds of walking out are not in your favor.
Forcing air in her lungs, Isabela strides forward toward Lily. She’s passed out from when Michael started interrogating her. He started easy with sensory deprivation and waterboarding. It was less about getting information, since he was so angry with her, and more about loosening her tongue.
Lily didn’t think Isabela was as important to me as she is, and that’s because she doesn’t understand the darkest parts of me. I would burn the world down for Aria and Isa.
Closing the door behind me, I watch as Isabela backhands Lily. The little bitch screeches as she wakes up, immediately trying to kick Isa. Giving into my eye roll, I pick up the gun sitting on the wide rolling tray, clearing my throat. Isabela has stepped back with wide eyes, and glances over at me.
Aiming at Lily’s thigh, I pull the trigger, enjoying her scream with a smirk. It’ll bleed slowly enough that she won’t bleed out before I’m ready.
“I do believe the need for dramatics is over, don’t you think, Lily?” I ask. Setting the safety back on the gun, I set it aside. “Feel like talking now, or do you want to scream a little more?”
“Fuck off, Professor. I haven’t done anything wrong. This whore was bought and paid for by the mayor… Ah! Fuck!”
Isa kicks her in the stomach, her face twisted in a scowl. “People aren’t property, Lily. I don’t belong to anyone. I also do not deserve to be whored out and raped repeatedly, because a man with a tiny cock thinks it’s their right,” she snarls.
I let her punch her again to get it out of her system, because it’s her right. Lily fucked her over.
“It’s very apparent here that you did something wrong,” I say mildly. “What I would like to know is what the mayor promised you for your help.”
Lily presses her lips against each other, making me annoyed.
“You know the mayor is dead, right?” Isa asks her. “He’s not going to care if you tell us. The man is ash by now.”
Isabela’s harsh words merely make Lily shake her head and refuse even more, making me huff out a breath. She knows that the second she tells us, she’s dead. What she doesn’t understand is that I have ways to make her talk.
Before I was a recruiter for the Society, I was its ghost. I spent four years torturing its enemies and disposing of them. When Aria needs to know if a certain killing technique will work, she asks me, because I’ve probably used it.
Killing eventually loses its shine and excitement, so I took a step back to teach and recruit for the Society. I still occasionally get to execute people, but it’s not the way I used to do it.
Lily Anderson is about to be in for a rude awakening.
“Isa.” Her name makes her turn from Lily, and she begins to walk toward me when I jerk my head toward the cart. “Lily is under the impression that she’s going to be allowed to stay alive for as long as she is able to keep her mouth shut. Want to have a little fun with her?”
“Maybe,” she says, lips twitching in a smile. There’s nothing funny here, yet something tells me there’s a bit of bloodthirstiness inside of my girl.
“Take this knife and destroy the bottoms of her feet. Rip the fuck out of them,” I tell her, handing the weapon to her. It’s not very sharp, again so Lily won’t bleed out quickly. “I want her to understand exactly what is happening here, and that she is not in charge here.”
Isabela takes the knife with a nod, grabbing a chair to get comfortable. Someone already took Lily’s shoes and socks from her, and she’s hanging from the hook in a thin shirt and panties. With a huge, almost angelic smile, Isa sits down.
Lily screams and attempts to kick her despite the leg wound, and Isa catches her foot and gets to work.
“You stupid bitch, you can’t do this!” Lily screams dramatically as Isa works her knife, but after ten minutes all she can manage is crying and whimpers.
“Are you really sure this is the course you want to continue on?” Isa asks conversationally. “When did Charles first approach you?”
“Please,” Lily whispers. “Fuck, fuck! Fine! Charles Markship was at a party I attended with my mother last month. He was… sweet. Fuck, I’m telling you, ow!”
Isa digs the knife into her foot, eyes widened in innocence. “Oh, my bad. I guess I’m surprised a slut bag, who believes someone who buys people to fuck them and kill them, has any feelings left,” she says.
Isa leaves the knife in Lily’s foot, holding her ankle tightly. “Please continue. I needed somewhere to put my knife.”
My lips twitch at how well my girl does unhinged.
Lily groans, her skin covered in goosebumps. She won’t go into shock for a while, and I have an industrial sized sink and buckets in this room to wake her ass up.
“The mayor was nice to me, and asked me what I wanted to do when I graduated,” Lily continues. “I’ve been trying to get into an internship with a firm, but haven’t had any luck. The Society hasn’t been any help, either.”
The firm has mafia ties, which is why we refused to help. They’d eat her up and spit her out.