Page 69 of Isabela

“We need to know how far down the rot exists in the Society,” I rumble. “So I’ll interrogate Lily, and then kill her. Then I’ll investigate any names she gives me. Your uncle would be my next task, because I want him dead before tomorrow. He will never be allowed to hurt you again.”

“Can I help?” Isabela asks tentatively. “I don’t think I’ll be able to stay for the entire thing, but Lily and I definitely need to have a few words.”

“Yes, of course. I want to get it done today though,” I tell her.

Isa takes a deep breath, and I watch as she comes to terms with what she’s asking. “Does this make me a monster?” she asks. “Wanting to punish the people who hurt me?”

“Absolutely not,” Theodore rumbles. “The world is entirely too permissive these days. The prison system in America is a joke, and there’s nothing like hearing the scum of the earth scream for you.”

The leader of the Eagna Society is a bit blood thirsty, and I think Lily forgot this when she chose to cross us.

“Okay,” Isabela says, a secret smile on her lips. “Does this mean my parents were part of the Eagna Society?”

I’m wondering this as well, because I’ve never come across any of this information before. I’m the historian for the Society, it’s how I track bloodlines and invitations for initiation, though I will invite outside of this when needed.

“They were good friends of the Society,” Theodore states. “Reuben and your mother were offered positions much like you are now, but they had dreams of changing the world on their terms. We could have offered them so much protection. I respect their choice, just like I’ll respect your decision.”

Isa rolls her lips in as she thinks. “I haven’t seen a reason not to join the Society,” she says. “My rescue was well executed from the small bit that I was aware of. I want to do more to protect those who can’t. Sex trafficking shouldn’t have my name tied to it as they abuse men, women, and children.”

“I agree,” I grunt. “We can go down the rabbit hole of the organization and dismantle these rings and execute those who are running them. Every initiate needs to have a strong purpose for joining us, outside of a self-driven reason.”

Isabela tilts her head as she thinks about that before nodding. “Saving my company is a selfish reason,” she admits.

“Not entirely, but it’s tied to you,” Theodore says, leaning in. “You could choose to turn a blind eye to the Cohen Literary Foundation’s darker side, but you’re not. That’s the sign of a strong leader, and who we want to recruit into our organization.”

“Alright,” she says softly. “I’m in.”

Theodore speaks with her for a bit longer before he goes home, but not before telling me that he’s giving Isabela a personal security detail from people he trusts.

“Yes, Sir, I understand,” I murmur. Isabela is talking to Aria outside, so I am willing to take my licks right now. I did fuck up. “I had no idea Lily had been compromised.”

“Me either, but I want you to really look at everyone who has entered the Society over the last three years. You didn’t recruit Michael and Lily, but you did work closely together,” he says. “I need to know who we have on our team that can’t be trusted.”

“I’ll pull everyone in over the next few days,” I promise. “I’m sorry I forgot to update you?—”

“Nonsense,” Theodore says, waving the apology away. “A woman you love was kidnapped and hurt, it’s no wonder you’ve been a bit preoccupied.”

I haven’t had a lot of time to sit with my feelings, but I should have known Theodore would already know. I wasn’t exactly discreet when we went to visit him. My mouth still pops open at his words, much to his amusement.

“I have eyes, boy. Isabela is going to need a lot of support. I saw the pictures from the team, and her face also shows the evidence of her trauma,” he says. “I’m worried about her mental health, though. So many hits on someone so young… you and Aria need to help her through this, Gael.”

“We will. She’s already admitted to some of the things that are weighing on her,” I tell him. “I feel really fucking helpless at times. I have to keep reminding myself to meet her where she’s at.”

“Then you’ll be fine,” he says with a small smile. “Don't get ahead of yourselves, and make sure to continue putting the ball in her court. She may crave control right now, or want none of it at all.”

On these nuggets of wisdom, he opens the door and walks out to meet his driver.

“It’s a little freaky how smart Theodore is,” Aria says, surprising me.

“Yeah,” I grunt absently, watching as he waves and gets into the car. Knowing he’s safe, I close the door and face her. “Where’s Isa?”

“Taking in some sunshine,” Aria explains, moving to show me. I have a hammock in the backyard and Isa is swinging in it, eyes closed. “I know it’s hard, but she is safe here.”

“Yeah, I don’t trust anything right now.” I sigh. “Would it be awful if I go out there to hang out with her?”

Aria rolls her eyes. “We’re going to need a bigger hammock,” she giggles. “She’s going to be alright.”

I nod, my feet already moving to get to her. “What are you doing today?” I ask her. She’s walking beside me, and I know she’s secretly just as worried about her.