Page 62 of Isabela

“It’s not your fault,” I sob. “It was Lily…”

“We found her,” Michael says as he walks into the room. He averts his eyes as he hands Gael a blanket to wrap around me and people walk into the room to clean up the scene. “I had her picked up until you decide what you want to do.”

“Uh, Sir? What should I do with this?” A girl picks up the mayor’s cock with a gloved hand, and I’m reminded it was in my mouth… I can’t fucking breathe as my eyes roll back. The prick of a needle is all I feel as the world fades away and I hear Gael’s voice.

“I got you, honey. I’m sorry. I love you.”

Chapter Fifteen


Isabela looks so small in my arms, huddled in the blanket I wrapped her in. I’m striding out of the warehouse, one of the Society hackers traced her and the mayor to, haunted by the sight of his detached cock.

There’s blood smeared on her face, and I noticed the spot in the room where she got sick. My blood is thundering in my ears. God, she’s so damn light in my arms. Isa has blood fucking everywhere, but she’s alive.

Isa is here, the mayor is slaughtered, and my team is taking him to the incinerator to get rid of the evidence. I plan to leak the truth of his crimes to the media with the video of her uncle talking. I just need to be patient.

The ball is in my girl’s court, and I know she’s strong enough to run with it.

Michael sedated her when she started to lose it. Bailey’s face when she picked up the shriveled up skin said so much, along with the evidence of what was happening when it was detached. Isa saved herself today, and I feel so damn guilty I didn’t get here sooner.

“Where are you going?” Michael asks, jogging to keep up with me.

“Winifred Hospital,” I grunt. “I need to get her checked out, somewhere private where we can control who comes in and out. I’m not taking any chances with her anymore.”

“I can get behind that,” he mutters, glancing at Isabela. He stares for so long that I almost snap at him as we bang out of the building. “It’s just… I didn’t think she had it in her. She castrated him and then slit his throat. She’s got moxie.”

Sighing as I walk out to my truck, I nod. “I don’t know what was going through her mind, but Isa is stronger than she knows. I hate that we had to sedate her so soon after Lily did, though.”

Michael grimaces. “I didn’t think about that,” he admits. “I was worried she’d hurt herself after what she went through, so I reacted.”

“It was a good reaction, I just need to get her checked out. Isa is going to need fluids, possibly a mental health eval. I want Lily transported to a secure location if she isn’t already, and I want Elijah Cohen picked up as well. I don’t need him on the streets in order to destroy his reputation,” I growl.

The less people in the world who want to hurt my girl, the better. I can get Elijah kicked off the board in name and destroy him and the mayor at the same time. I just need to make sure it won’t affect Isabela’s company. So many things hang in the balance, this all has to be done right.

Michael opens the back seat of my truck, and I lay Isa down carefully. Stepping back out, I turn to see Michael blowing out a breath. I’m throwing a lot of responsibility at him right now, but he’s taking it in stride.

“Lily is already secured, I’ll go pick up Isabela’s uncle. The scene here is being handled. There will be photos for our records, the room will be scrubbed, and the body destroyed. Any other instructions?” he asks.

Michael is already taking slow steps backward, ready to move to the next task. Closing the door to the truck, I think. “Can you have someone bring Aria to the hospital, please? She doesn’t know where it is, and I’m not comfortable having her drive right now. Get an email sent to Isa’s teachers explaining she was in an accident, so she’ll be unable to attend classes for the rest of the week. I don’t want her to get kicked out for this shit. Otherwise, you have my number, use it to keep me apprised of anything that crops up.”

“Yes, Sir,” he rumbles, turning to run to check off his next step.

Yanking open my driver side door, I get into the vehicle, already pulling out my phone to update my wife.

“Gael?” Aria answers, her voice higher than normal. “Give me good news.”

“She’s okay,” I tell her, closing the door behind me and turning on the car. “I have Isa now, and I’m taking her to the hospital to get her checked out. We had to have her sedated, because she started to panic when I got there.”

“Well, anyone would!” Aria yells. I can hear her starting to pace as I put the car into drive and check my blind spots before pulling into the street. “Is she hurt? Did the asshole do something to her? Gael, you’re such a fucking man. I need more than this.”

My lips twitch because she’s really worried. “My appearance was a bit anticlimactic, baby. Isa castrated Mayor Markship and then killed him. The door was password protected by a key code, so I broke it down,” I explain. “She’s covered in blood, but I don’t think any of it is hers. I checked her over before wrapping her in a blanket. Isa was naked on the floor when I came in.”

“What are you not telling me, Gael?” she whispers. My throat feels thick as I swallow, not wanting to tell my wife about how I was too late. I couldn’t save Isa from that asshole sticking his cock between her lips.

I cough as I start to gag, shuddering at the images of what may have happened. “I think his cock was in her mouth when she cut it off,” I rasp. “It was bad, Aria. He had her tied to the bed, and he cut her loose to fuck her face. Isa is smart, I think she did what she needed to.”

“Fuck,” she whispers. “I want to be at the hospital when Isa wakes up.”