Page 47 of Isabela

“Again, people are capable of being nice just because they feel like it,” I remind her. “We don’t have an agenda. Initially, you’ve been on our short list for recruiting into the Society, because your uncle is a dick and we decided we didn’t want to work with him when he dodged our calls. Now, after this you’re going to need to decide if you want to save your company from him.”

“I do,” Isa growls. I nod, happy she’s showing her passion. “I hate what he’s doing to the company. The only reason I kept refusing to quit school, to join the company full time, was because I didn’t want to be under his control. University life gives me a buffer, even if it is thin.”

“And now? If Theodore and I have a plan to oust him from the board?” I ask. The video Isabela recorded will also help move our timeline up faster. She can humiliate her uncle before she kills him. The Society’s agenda can wait a bit, I want to make sure she’s completely safe.

“I’m in,” she agrees. “Even if I have to leave school early, the protection I received from it is now in the past. My uncle has goons watching me during the day, and they’re also monitoring my eating habits. They’re on campus as well, so my anxiety is out of control.”

“Bastard,” I grunt. “Turn off your phone for me, will you? He can’t follow where we’re going, because Theodore has a signal jamming system over his property. I’m probably being a little over cautious.”

“When it comes to my uncle, I don’t think that’s possible,” she says, doing as I suggest.

“Speaking of the video, are you comfortable using it against him?” I ask. I don’t know if we’ll need it, but I need to know how she feels about it.

“I am, I kind of don’t want you to see it, though,” she says with a wince. “It’s really hard to stomach, and the things my uncle let the mayor say… It's hard to believe he’s related to me.”

Isa puts her hand over her mouth for a moment, and I glance at her worriedly.

“Do you need me to pull over?” I ask her. “I will, just let me know. I’ll even hold your hair back.”

She shakes her head, and I can see her lips curl up.

“I’m okay,” Isabela reassures me. Dropping her hand to her lap, she lays her head back on the headrest. “Today has been really shitty, outside of the rescue.”

“Baby, you rescued yourself,” I say with a shrug. At her raised brow, I shake my head.

“Asking for help is a step in saving yourself. You made the call, no one else. People allow themselves to drown because they’re too proud to ask for help.”

“It’s not pride in my case,” she denies. “I just didn’t think I was worth it.”

My lips part as Isa closes her eyes, and I release my inhaled breath. So many people have failed her, including myself. I need her to understand how incredible she is.

I just have to show her.

Theodore’s sprawling ranch comes up on my right, and I turn into the drive. There’s a gate immediately in front of me with a keypad and camera to my left. Opening my window, I wave a finger at the camera with a small smile, knowing that Theodore is watching.

The gate silently opens, and I close the window up, driving through it the moment I’m clear. Theodore doesn’t fuck around with his security, and I can already see the gate closing as I pass it.

Blowing out a breath, I follow the mile long driveway up to the main house. A soft snore next to me alerts me to the fact that I’ve bored Isa to sleep. Chuckling, I park the car in front of the house, glancing at her.

I’m torn, not wanting to wake her up, because she may not have slept well the night before. It was late when she left the club, and there are shadows under her eyes now. A soft knock on my window makes my decision for me, when I see Theodore standing next to me, leaning on his cane.

Turning off the truck , I open the door carefully, stepping out of the vehicle. “She fell asleep on me,” I explain with a sigh.

He stares past me at Isa’s sleeping form with a nod. “Carry her in and let her sleep. The chef is finishing up preparing our brunch. The poor girl is going to wake up to a feast. Gertrude heard our guest wasn't eating properly, and started cooking in a frenzy.”

Closing my door behind me quietly with a chuckle, I walk around the truck. Chef Gertrude is a gem, and has been with Theodore for years. His wife passed away when his sons were in their twenties, and he never remarried.

Isabela doesn’t stir as I unbuckle her seatbelt and lift her into my arms, and Theodore is right next to me to close the door for me.

“How bad is this, Gael?” he asks as he walks beside me. There are many times where I think the cane may be for show, but I’ve never told him this.

“Charles Markship has very dark sexual desires, and is using Elijah Cohen’s friendship and debt to prey on his niece,” I tell him, ripping off the bandaid as I walk. “She also told me that Elijah regularly beats Isabela in fits of rage when she doesn’t do as he wants. There’s a lot more, but he has drained her inheritance, I just found out. The smug bastard went to her apartment this morning and told her all about his financial woes, and that she’s the answer to them. The rest, I want her to tell you herself.”

When Theodore is upset, there’s a vein in his forehead that pops up. Right now? It’s pulsing, making me wince internally. My boss is currently fuming.

“I see,” he grunts. “We’re going to burn their world to the ground, my boy. This won’t stand.”

Following him inside of the house, I agree completely. Isabela has to be protected at all costs. More so? She’ll rise from the ashes of her abusers.