Page 12 of Isabela

Goddamn, it’s going to be a really good day.

Isabela Cohen is the last student to walk in, and she’s dressed differently today, actually wearing a hooded sweatshirt and jeans with less holes than normal.

She’s also wearing boots that look as if they could do some damage. The weather is changing quickly, so everyone has begun to wear more clothing, all except for this student.

Until today. It’s been making me wonder if it’s due to funds or stubbornness, because the Cohen family has a very large stake in the security and communications world.

Her tattoos irritate me, her large gauges in her ears don’t make any sense, and she seems to wear the most inappropriate clothing in regards to the weather.

This university is expensive, which means she has the money her family name says she has to have.

A scholarship is out of the question, because I checked that avenue as well and she doesn’t have one.

So why dress like an urchin? I just don’t understand. Frowning, I begin to hand out the examination papers, reminding the students not to turn it face up until I tell them to.

Isabela has the hood of her black sweatshirt over her head, and appears to be hiding from the world. It engulfs her curves, and her jeans look as if they’ve been artfully worn instead of threadbare. My wife teases me that I’m a snob, but she’s right.

I very much am. I want things to look the way I expect them to.

“Miss Cohen,” I bark at her, shocking her into looking up at me in surprise. My lips part in shock as I see her beautiful face bruised, and her lip is split open. “What the fuck?”

“I was in a car accident,” she says automatically. “I know I’m a bit of a mess still, and this isn’t very pretty. It happened over the weekend. We both know I can’t miss this exam, so I’m here. Can I have it please?”

“Why aren’t you in the hospital?” I ask, my hand slowly pulling the exam papers from my pile.

This girl is a thorn in my side. I find myself watching her too often, enjoying her curves, and she currently looks like she physically was in a car accident.

Why don’t I believe her though?

I can see her split lip, and I don’t believe anything, but a fist hitting her did that. I shouldn't care, yet I can’t get myself to stop. My mind starts to run wild, which is what I blame for my next words.

“I want to see you in my office right after class, Miss Cohen. I’m not a tyrant, if you were in an accident, I expect you to provide communication of it. Isn’t that what your family is known for?” I bark.

I was attempting to tease her, but Isabela flinches at my words. I don’t know her well. Maybe that needs to change.

“I feel a bit bullied to be honest right now,” Isabela mutters, yanking the test out of my hand. “I haven’t done anything wrong, please just let me take this and go home.”

She sounds as if she’s in pain, and I can see the wince from reaching out so quickly. Pressing my lips together to keep myself from saying anything else, I hand the sheath of papers to the person behind her.

“Take one and pass it on, please. Don't flip the exam over until I give the word,” I grunt.

Isabela Cohen pisses me off for many reasons. Her family is one the Eagna Secret Society is taking an interest in, but her uncle is a piece of shit.

We don’t really want to do business with him, but my boss wants access to what Elijah can offer.

Elijah Cohen’s niece and I butt heads because she almost seems blasé about college. Her appearance annoys me, and now she’s in my classroom looking as if she ran into a door several times.

I need to talk with her to see if she’s a good candidate as an initiate for the Society, but everyone else I’ve been able to vette properly, or I’ve been able to suss out what they need or want before extending an invitation.

I don’t know shit about this girl. It’s a problem I need to resolve immediately.

“Alright, everyone, you’ll have the next hour and fifteen minutes to complete the exam. I encourage you to take your time, there will not be any special prizes for racing through this,” I call out to the class.

A few people smirk, but I am serious. Some people try to take my exam like it’s a race, and find they miss important points of information. I do not offer retakes. “Please make sure your phones are put away and turned off. You may begin… now.”

I watch as people scramble to make certain their phones are off and pick up their pencils or pens to start the test. It’s a mix of multiple choice and essay.

My teaching assistant already passed out the scantrons, so all she needs to do is run them through the machine after this. I’ll read the essays and short answers to see what they wrote on my own time.