Owen caught his lip between his teeth and slowly smiled. “What animal are you going to adopt as a pet next? Just give us a head’s up so we don’t accidentally kill the ant you claim as your own.”
I huffed and turned around again but froze when I saw a car careening up the driveway, straight at me. I closed my eyes and hoped that getting hit didn’t hurt too much. Before I could meet my untimely death, a big arm wrapped around me, just under my breasts, and yanked me up onto the porch.
“Jesus Christ. Don’t just close your eyes and accept death, Bumble B. Were you just going to let the car hit you if it didn’t stop in time?” Gray held me against his chest with his arm locked around me, pressing my breasts up to ridiculous levels. “Are you okay?”
I let out a strangled breath and held onto his arm. “Whoa. That was scary.”
“We’re going to have a serious talk about your self-preservation skills. Right after I rip this asshole a new one.” He picked me up like I was a rowdy child and turned me into Keaton’s arms before letting me go.
“Yoo hoo! Hello, boys!” A high-pitched voice had me turning in his arms to see who the hell had almost ran me over. The woman climbing the steps had her arms out and her lips pursed in preparation for Gray. “Baby! I’ve missed you!”
Keaton locked his arms around my waist and held me against his chest like it was the most natural thing in the world. I could feel his hard body against my back and a distinct bulge that made me glance over my shoulder at him. His eyes flicked down to mine and he smirked before looking back at the crazy woman who’d nearly driven her car into the porch.
“Amber. What are you doing here?” Gray moved his face so when she kissed him, she only got his cheek. “This isn’t a good time.”
“You three are so hard to get a hold of these days. I just figured I’d surprise you with a little afternoon—”
“I think there’s been a misunderstanding, Amber. We haven’t talked in a month or so or you would’ve heard that we’re in a serious relationship now.” Keaton’s voice always sounded like he was about to tell a great joke. He spoke in smiles, which wasn’t easy to admit when I hated him.
I frowned up at him, wondering how I hadn’t noticed they were dating someone seriously. I’d seen them bring women home since the first weekend they’d moved in. There was a steady stream of them who came and went, rarely more than once. If a woman had ever visited their rooms more than twice, I’d never seen it.
“What?” Amber sounded pissed. “I was waiting on you guys to call me back. Who are you dating? Her?”
I looked back at Amber, wondering who she was about to attack for stealing her hook-up. Only, she was staring at me. I looked back up at Keaton, waiting for him to explain to her I wasn’t the girl he was talking about.
He grinned down at me and ran his hand up my chest to lightly grip my throat before cupping my jaw and turning my face up to his. “It just kind of happened. We hooked up a few times and then we realized we didn’t want to lose our sweet Bumble B.”
My mouth popped open in surprise and then Keaton took it one step further. He lowered his mouth and slanted his lips over mine. I grabbed his arm, ready to pull free but then he swiped his tongue over my lips and I forgot what I’d been doing. My lips parted and his tongue was in my mouth. He tasted like cinnamon and sugar and his tongue danced against mine in such an explicit way I might’ve moaned.
Keaton spread his hand out over my lower stomach, the tip of his pinkie grazing the seam of my jeans just before it dipped between my legs. His other hand moved back to my neck and he held me steady, all while the bulge against my back grew longer and thicker.
I gasped into the kiss at the feeling of his erection but he didn’t pull back and I couldn’t. The rest of the world fell away as I reached up to grip his hair so I could kiss him harder. I sucked at his tongue and felt my body tingle as he groaned into my mouth. It was pure electricity shooting through my veins and fireworks exploding behind my eyes.
He turned me in his arms and yanked me into his chest without ever breaking the kiss. He grabbed two handfuls of my ass and squeezed, lifting me onto my tiptoes and pressing my lower stomach into his hard shaft. I locked my hands in his hair and tugged.
I’d never felt anything like it. Even as I bit his lip and then licked the sting away, I knew what was happening was different. I’d kissed plenty of guys but it’d never felt so wild. His kiss was better than any touch I’d ever felt before.
The sound of a car peeling away broke through my lusty haze and I pushed myself out of his arms. Standing a few feet away from him with lips that felt swollen and bruised and the wettest panties I’d ever had, I stared up at him and tried to decide how I wanted to play it.
He stared back at me with raw hunger clear on his face. The ever-present smile was gone and in its place was a hard-set jaw and tense lips. He took a step towards me and only stopped when I backed into the porch railing.
They were all silent, all watching me with different levels of interest. I brought my hand up to my mouth and touched my lips before I realized what I was doing. Then, I dropped my hand into a fist near my side and glared at them. It was my backup, anger being the only emotion that felt remotely safe with them.
“Don’t ever do that again.”
Keaton took another step towards me, his jaw clenched even harder. “You kissed me back, Bumble B.”
I wanted to punch him for saying that. I didn’t care if it was true. “No, I didn’t.”
“Liar.” He stepped even closer and when I raised my hand to slap him, he caught my wrist and held it pinned to my back. “You’re a pretty little liar, but you’re still a liar.”
I shoved him away with my free hand and raced down the steps. “You’re an asshole. If you need an excuse to get away from your overly attached hook-ups, find someone else for the job.”
Gray walked to the end of the porch and leaned on the railing as I stomped towards the side of the house. “We have a meeting in a couple of hours, Bumble B.”