“He had his hands all over you, B. That sure as fuck looked real.” Keaton put his hands on his hips and frowned down at me. “He spanked you.”

I cringed. “Yeah, but I told him not to.”


Hearing the danger in Owen’s voice, I rushed on. “No, not like that. I…Nothing happened. We were just…playing. Not playing in a sexual way, though. Playing in a…friendly way?”

“What the hell are you talking about?” Gray looked like he was ready to strangle me.

I took a deep breath and looked away. I was mortified and there was no getting around how stupid I looked. Worse, I looked jealous and petty. “I thought she was a date.”

“That still doesn’t explain why that dickhead had his hands all over you, Billie.” Stepping closer, Keaton reached out and touched my hair. “It doesn’t explain you getting dressed up for him.”

I stared at my bare feet and wondered if I’d ever get over the embarrassment or if I’d have to leave. “I wanted to show that I could sleep around, too. I thought she was a date and I didn’t like it. I thought I could sleep with Brad and prove some point to myself. And to you. I couldn’t, though. Brad realized what I was doing right away and just pretended. He was just helping me in my stupid attempt to get back at you guys. We didn’t do anything.”

“He had his hands all over you, B. He kissed you.” Gray stepped closer and cupped my face in his big hands. “You didn’t have any panties on.”

I searched his face, hoping I’d see something that made my chest ache a little less. “Why were you watching? Why do you care?”

Time stood still and I realized I was asking them to want me again. I was trying to lead them into telling me that they cared. I needed to hear it. All Gray had to do was tell me he was watching because he cared and I would’ve done a swan dive into his arms. Because after everything, I was vulnerable and I just wanted to feel like I mattered.

Gray’s face pinched and he looked away. “You’re in an emotional state, Billie. It wouldn’t be right if we let you do something like that.”

His words hit me like a punch to the gut. I actually took a step backward and shifted my hands over my stomach. I stood there, unable to remember how to take a breath and stared at him with tears quickly flooding my eyes. All he’d had to do was give me some sign they cared about me. Instead, he made it seem like I was an emotional wreck who’d fallen under their responsibility with the ranch, along with the cows, the barns, and the equipment.

Keaton gripped Gray’s shoulder. “Gray…”

Turtle barked and broke me from my shock. I quickly wiped my eyes and turned away from them. Forcing a smile, I shifted around them so I could escape. “Glad we settled that.”

“Bumble B…” Owen moved like he was going to reach for me but froze when I flinched away from him.

My stomach churned as I glanced back at them. I couldn’t stay. Somehow, I’d gotten my feelings involved and I couldn’t stay and watch them continue to live their lives like nothing had happened. “Could you have someone fix the door? I don’t know how long Joanie will be staying here and I don’t want her feeling unsafe.”

Gray let out a bone deep sigh. “I’ll fix the door.”

I nodded and continued backing away. “I’m going to quit.”

“What? Billie, what are you—”

I cut Keaton off. “I mean I’m giving you my two weeks’ notice. Sorry if that was confusing. I know you probably have weird feelings towards Brad, but he mentioned he’s done farrier work before, so maybe look at taking him on. For now, the cows are all taken care of, but you’ll need someone soon.”

“Billie, come on. Stop it.” Gray growled and moved towards me like he was going to grab me.

I held up my hands to stop him and wiped at another stray tear that escaped. “Please don’t.”

He ran his hands through his hair and swore. “Billie, just stop for a second.”

“I don’t even know what I was holding onto here. This isn’t my family’s ranch anymore. I don’t belong here.” I shook my head and backed farther away. “Don’t worry, though. I’ve learned my lesson. I’m not the sleeping around type.”



“They scheduled the battle.” Joanie blew out a big breath as she sank into the couch across from me. “We’ve got just a few days until the big event.”

She looked about as excited about it as I felt. I curled my feet under me and nodded. “If Margaret could see us now, she wouldn’t want us on her team.”

“If Margaret could see us now, she’d probably slap us in the face with a rubber penis and tell us to woman up.” Joanie snorted.