I forced a smile and motioned for him to sit down. “Sorry to call you so late.”

“Billie, if this is what I think it is, you don’t need to apologize.” He looked around and I saw his eyes catch on the balcony before they moved back to me. “Is it what I think it is?”

My mouth was suddenly so dry that my tongue felt like sandpaper. I felt my face go hot and crossed my legs just to uncross them. “Yes?”

Brad looked down at his feet and sighed. “I haven’t been around you for a long time, Billie, but I knew you pretty well at one point of our lives. You didn’t call me over for sex.”

Tears filled my eyes and I looked away, ashamed of myself. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I’m doing.”

“Judging from our previous interactions with your bosses, I’m guessing you had something with them. Judging by your facial expressions, your calling me over, and that woman up there with your bosses, I’m guessing you don’t anymore.” He saw my small nod and stood up. “Come here, Billie.”

I jerked my gaze up to his and stood up, confused. “I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve—”

He pulled me into his chest and kissed me. He kept his tongue to himself, thankfully, but he managed to turn me around and back me into the porch railing in my shock. When he pulled away, he kept his mouth close to mine. “That kiss was for me showing up here with a dream and a box of condoms. I deserved it. Wrap your arms around my neck.”

I stammered. “Brad…I don’t—”

He gripped my waist and lifted me onto the railing. “I know you don’t. I’d better get into heaven for this. I’m helping. You’re not just going to sit here, watching them like a sad little kitten. You’re going to show them that you aren’t bothered. Now, wrap your arms and legs around me and pretend like you want this.”

I melted into him and hugged him tight. “You deserve the world.”

“I’m not getting nothing from this, babe. I just saw you’re not wearing panties and I’ll take that image with me to the grave.” He laughed at my shocked expression and cupped my face. “How loud are you during sex normally?”

I almost shoved him away and ran inside to hide forever. While trying to hide my bare underparts from him, I had to clear my throat to answer him. “Um…I don’t know. Louder?”

“Then moan for me.” He glanced over my shoulder and gave a low whistle. “Actually, don’t. I don’t want to die.”

I started to look back at the balcony but he caught my face and kissed the corner of my mouth. I was sure it looked like we were going at it if the guys did glance down at us. I was embarrassed, but I wanted to hurt them. “No way I was going to moan for you, anyway. Sorry.”

“You owe me for this. I hope you know that.” He ran his hands down my back and cupped my ass. “Actually, call us even. I’m going to carry you inside now. Let them think whatever they want about what happens next. But since I’m pretty sure they’re on their way over here, I’m sneaking out the window and getting out of here as soon as we get inside. Since you’re not interested in putting out, I’m going to head to Jack’s and the last thing I need is a bloody face.”

I gasped when he picked me up and glared down at him when he slapped my ass. “I know I’m using you and that I’m an ass for calling you over here, but that doesn’t mean you get to spank me.”

He spoke way louder than I would’ve liked. “Oh, you want me to spank you, baby?”

“I’m going to murder you.” I winced as he kicked the door shut behind us and locked it. “Don’t wake Joanie up.”

He dropped me immediately and gave me a quick hug. “I’m going. If they ever get over this, call me. I could still use a job. I heard your farrier quit. I’ve got some training if you need someone.”

“I took over, actually.” I waited for him to laugh but when I looked up at him, he just nodded.

“Makes sense. Still. Call me if you want to hang out. It doesn’t have to be for sex. Unless you want it to be.” He backed towards my room. “I’m going out your window now. I’m betting they’re going to be here in just a few…”

A loud knock on the door behind my head made me scream.




Brad winked and sprinted toward his freedom and I realized I hadn’t thought through what came next. Gray’s voice was loud as he hammered on the door and I could hear Keaton and Owen behind him, just as angry. I’d wanted to hurt them but I hadn’t expected them to come running over.

“Open the goddamn door or I’ll break it down, Billie.” Gray sounded serious, which was a problem. I’d managed to really piss them off and I was going to have to deal with them.

Joanie stumbled out of her bedroom, hair wild and my clothes askew on her tall body. “What’s going on?”

I moved over to apologize and usher her back to bed just before the door splintered and flew open. I spun around, mouth open in shock, and watched the three of them storm the place like a bunch of wild animals. “What the hell?!”