“You just shared a muffin with someone! You didn’t even just share! You let him have the first bite!” Joanie leaned over the table to get closer to me. “Are you sick? Are you in love? What’s happening?”

Not even the sound of Aaron cooking in the kitchen dared to break the moment. It was as if everyone in the diner was just as curious as Joanie. I was instantly mortified to be the center of everyone’s attention. I noticed a few older couples who’d been friends with my parents watching and I worried they’d think I was a traitor for being with the men who’d bought the ranch.

Time stretched on as the guys remained silent, refusing to answer for me. Joanie’s excited face started to shift into worry but I came to my senses in a hurry, all at once. I’d married the Hellstone triplets in the middle of the night because I was that desperately in love with him.

“I’m in love. And married.” I held up my hand with my fake ring and wiggled my fingers. “We’re going to have about a dozen kids and then turn the nursery into a closet.”

The guy’s faces broke into wide grins and a celebratory cheer went up around us. Joanie clapped her hands and turned to Charlie, who was behind the bar again. “More muffins!”

I covered my face with my hands as I blushed. Sinking lower in the booth, I felt Gray slide his hand between my legs to grip my inner thigh. When I peeked up at him, he was beaming.

“We’ll take the muffins to go.” He spoke to Joanie but his eyes were hot on mine. He lowered his voice and squeezed my thigh. “That deserves a reward, baby.”

The next few minutes were a blur. The guys were a well-oiled machine as they grabbed a bag of muffins, scooped me up, and almost ran to the truck. I was tossed in the backseat with Owen and Keaton while Gray pulled out of the parking lot and sped towards home.

I was a puppet they moved where they wanted because my own reactions were too slow. I was stripped from the waist down and spread out on Owen’s lap and presented as a feast to Keaton who wasted no time. We weren’t even outside of town and he already had his face buried in my core.

I cried out and grabbed Gray’s shoulder over the seat. Owen gripped my legs and kept me spread out while Keaton ate me out like he was starving. His tongue, lips, and teeth pushed me over the edge almost instantly but he didn’t slow down after I orgasmed. He went harder, if anything. His mouth over my clit verged on torture until he pushed two thick fingers into me.

Owen’s voice was ragged against my ear. “You’ve been such a good girl, Billie. You deserve a couple dozen orgasms.”

I twisted my hips and gasped. “Too much.”

He nipped my ear. “No such thing. You’re going to have to get used to this.”

Keaton looked up at me from between my thighs as he lifted his mouth from my clit. His fingers pumped in and out of me at a steady pace. “As our wife and the soon to be mother of our child, you’re going to have to get used to coming until you beg us to stop.”

My stomach fluttered and I gripped his hair to pull his face higher. Kissing him meant tasting myself on his lips but I didn’t mind. I stroked my tongue into his mouth and squirmed at the way he moaned for me. I wanted that sound to be the soundtrack to the rest of my life.

“Sonofabitch.” Gray’s annoyed voice broke the spell. “We’re getting pulled over. Get covered up, Bumble B.”

I panicked and made the process take longer than it would’ve without my help but I was wearing pants again by the time Gray rolled the window down to greet the officer pulling us over. Only when I looked up, I saw it was Eve.

“Eve! What are you doing?”

She smirked at me and wagged her finger. “I’m working. I’m covering this stretch of the highway until Grandpa’s replacement comes through. Imagine my surprise when I see a Hellstone ranch truck swerving all over the road.”

Gray grunted. “I swerved once.”

“You swerved?” I saw the look Gray sent me in the rearview mirror and shut up.

“Unless those seatbelts work differently, you had my bestie unbuckled in the backseat while you swerved. If you can’t keep your eyes on the road, Gray, make your brothers wait until you get home.” She winked at me. “Now, get out of here before I change my mind and give you a ticket for driving with your penis.”

I winked back at her and turned to watch her strut away in her uniform of jeans and a sheriff’s department t-shirt. Before she got back to her jeep, a truck pulled in behind her and I watched her giant neighbors get out of it. Suddenly, Eve’s cocky stance disappeared and she stumbled over a rock. While I watched, one of them picked Eve up and put her down on the hood of her jeep with his body wedged between her thighs. I didn’t get to see more before Gray pulled away.

“Wow.” I whistled under my breath. “That was something.”

“Too bad her guys hadn’t already pulled up. You could’ve been three orgasms deep by now.” Keaton managed to work his hand into my pants. “If Gray could just stop driving with his penis.”

Gray growled. “I should’ve made one of you drive.”

I gasped when Keaton worked his fingers over my clit. “How long until we’re home?”

“Too long.” Gray swore and pulled down a small, out of use farm road. It was riddled with ruts and the truck bounced wildly before he slammed it into park and got out. Yanking the back door open, he tugged Owen out of the way and then pulled me out. “I can’t wait, Bumble B.”

