I cried out his name like a wounded animal as I came and had to be held down while I twisted and jerked from the pleasure. Keaton buried himself deep in me and came hard, shooting jet after jet of his seed directly onto my cervix. I went limp under him before he was finished and whimpered with my face in my pillow as I slowly came down.

Keaton collapsed on top of me and pressed open-mouthed kisses along my shoulder and neck. “I fucking love you.”

“I love you, too.”

Owen’s voice broke through my haze. “Has everyone already said it but me?”

It took all my energy to turn to him. “I love you, Owen.”

He pushed Keaton off of me and dragged me under him. “I love you, Bumble B. More than anything in this world.”

I wrapped tired arms around his neck and lifted my mouth for a kiss. He slowly and gently kissed me, drinking from my lips like a daydream while his eyes stayed open and on mine between each sip.

When he lifted his mouth from mine finally, he looked happy. “Marry us.”

I gasped and was so shocked, I barely heard Keaton and Gray grumbling. “What?”

Owen shot a look at his brothers. “You both told her you loved her before me. I’m taking this one. Marry us, Billie Myers. Be ours and we’ll be yours. Forever.”

If I needed any extra clues about my feelings for them, the immediate joy I felt upon hearing him demand I marry them would’ve been a dead giveaway. I didn’t take more than a beat to shout ‘yes’ at him. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you!”

“You don’t need to think about it?” He searched my face for any sign of hesitation. “If you need a little bit to think, it wouldn’t hurt our feelings. We already know how this ends. A piece of paper won’t make a difference.”

I kissed him hard. “I said yes! I want to marry you guys. I want to be Billie Hellstone. The sooner the better.”

Gray leaned over Keaton. “Tomorrow?”

“Fine! Or right now. I don’t care. I want forever.”

“You got over your nerves fast.” Gray winked and laid back down. “In the morning. No one would be willing to marry us right now. It’s the middle of the night.”

I grunted. “I know someone who would.”



Standing outside of Mayor Stevens house at three in the morning wasn’t on my list of things to get done, but it would’ve been a lie to say I wasn’t nearly bouncing with excitement.

A light turned on in the house and then Stevens was pulling the door open with a baseball bat in one hand and the other clutching a pink robe over his naked body. “What the hell is going on?”

Billie gasped. “I know that robe.”

From deeper in the house, Margaret James’s disembodied voice called back. “No, you don’t.”

“If you marry us right now, we’ll keep this between us.” I wrapped my arm around Billie. “I mean right now, though.”

“You’re getting married?!” Margaret’s voice came closer and then the woman herself appeared next to the mayor with one of his shirts covering her. “It worked!”

Billie shook her head, like she was clearing away cobwebs, and cleared her throat. “Wow.”

Margaret pointed her finger at Billie. “I don’t want to hear a word.”

Billie held up her hands. “I just…why?”

“Because sometimes the sex is just too good and fate has a sense of humor. I can’t tell you any more than that.” The older woman patted Stevens on the chest. “Marry them and then come back to bed.”

Keaton shuddered and pulled Billie into his chest. “Maybe we should come back tomorrow?”