Page 25 of Downpour

Mr. Griffith let out a low hum that sounded more like a growl. He crossed one thick arm over the other, resting them on top of his belly. “You headin’ out our way?”

“Yes, sir,” I said.

Nick started to back away. It was like Mr. Griffith had scared him away with one stern look from under that cowboy hat. “I’ll see you back at the house, Stacey.”

“It’s Brooke,” I called after him.

Christian circled around to stand in front of me. “That your boyfriend or something?”

I giggled. “That’s funny.”

But he didn’t smile. “Does he speak to you like that all the time?”

I shrugged it off. “It’s not a big deal. Nick is just… Nick.”

Christian looked around. “Do you need a ride out to the ranch?”

“Oh, no. Thanks, though. I’m just getting a little pick-me-up before I go deal with the human storm cloud.”

That made him laugh. “You’re doing great, sweetheart.” He squeezed my arm in a way that made me miss my dad. “I know Ray’s being difficult about having help, but you’ve stuck around longer than any of the others.”

I worked my lip between my teeth. “I think Ray’s fine having help. I mean, who wouldn’t want help? Most of my clients want help. It’s the families who forget that they’re capable of asking for it.”

He stared at me for a moment, then nodded. “I’m glad I ran into you. I’ve gotta finish up in town, but I’ll see you back at the ranch.”

“See ya,” I said as I waved and headed off to my car.

I ignored the rattling in my engine by blasting the radio as loud as it would go while I made the drive to the ranch. The check engine light glowed like sunshine from behind the smiley face sticker.

The ranch was a welcomed sight. I passed two trucks emblazoned with construction company logos. I didn’t knowmuch about the building projects that were going on, but it was fascinating to watch.

I waved to Claire and Silas, Ray’s parents, as I passed their house. Nate and Becks’s house was dark, but it was because they were out of the country. I slowed and waved as I passed Bree and Gracie, Ray’s nieces, as they ran down the dirt path.

I loved it here. Everyone was so friendly.

With the developed part of the ranch in the distance, Ray’s grove of trees came into view. The leaves swallowed my car as I pulled down the drive. Suddenly, it was like I was in my own little world.

The ranch didn’t exist outside of the tree line. Ray’s house was completely closed off. Part of me wondered if that was on purpose.

I hopped out and carted my things inside, but Ray was nowhere to be found. Did I get the schedule wrong? Did I run into Mr. Griffith in town because he had to take Ray to an appointment? Where was he?


His bedroom door was closed. I pressed my ear to it, listening for proof of life.

I knocked again. “Ray, it’s me. Just letting you know I’m here.”

Still nothing.


My stomach churned. What if something was wrong? Where was he? Who did I call? Should I call someone, or should I just go hunt someone down on the ranch?


The sliding door that led to the deck was open.

I poked my head outside and let out a sigh of relief. Ray was down by the pond, tying knots. I grabbed the coffees and the bag I brought in and headed down the deck ramp.