“I told you,” he said as he got down into his chair and shut the door. “They’re gonna be excited.”
“Easy for you to say. You’re one of them.”
As much as the Griffith family made me feel like one of their own, Ray and I were still dating. I wanted to believe that they would be excited, but the pregnancy hormones were making me insecure.
Especially when Ray didn’t say another word.
I was surprised to see everyone already piled into the kitchen when we went inside. Dinner wasn’t supposed to start for another half hour.
My stomach roiled as everyone said their hellos and asked how the photoshoot went. Ray kept me close with an arm around my hips or his hand holding mine.
Finally, when the food had been doled out and everyone was seated, he cleared his throat.
“Before we eat this delicious dinner Momma cooked, Brooke and I have something to tell y’all.”
He found my hand under the table and gave it a squeeze, just like I had done to him during the first family dinner we came to. A smile worked across his face as he looked at me.
“We’re having a baby. Brooke’s pregnant. I’m—” He choked up as tears welled in his eyes. “—I’m gonna be a dad.”
The simultaneous gasp must have sucked all the oxygen out of the room.
Then, a crash of cheers and congratulations spilled over like a dam breaking.
Ray’s mom bolted around the table and threw her arms around me. “Oh, honey. I’m so excited. You’re gonna be the best momma.”
I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. “Thank you,” I whispered into her shoulder.
Silas was next, squeezing me tight. “You’re gonna be great, little momma.”
I sobbed.
Nate, Christian, and CJ came around with gentle hugs, then rearranged all the seats around the table so they could pepper Ray with questions. Becks and Cassandra did the same to my side.
“I have tons of Charlotte’s baby stuff packed away in the attic,” Becks said. “We won’t be using it again, so it’s yours if you want it.”
Cassandra’s excitement was less effusive, but not lacking in sincerity. “I’ll organize all of Becks’s hand-me-downs and compile a spreadsheet of what’s available so we can reconcile the inventory with what you still need. Do you have a registry yet?”
I laughed and wiped my eyes. “No. We just found out. I’m not that far along.” It dawned on me that the table wasn’t full. “Where are the girls?”
“Mason took Bree and Gracie out to a movie,” Cassandra whispered, trying not to spook Christian. “They should be back soon.”
“That’s sweet that he took Gracie too,” I said.
And, speak of the devil, Bree and Gracie made their grand entrance, along with the boy Christian had begrudgingly come to accept.
Bree dipped behind my chair and slipped something into Ray’s hand.
A hush fell over the table like summer showers filled with sunshine. Ray turned and took my hand.
“I know we surprised them, but now I’ve got one more surprise. And before you ask, I had this planned well before we found out about the baby.”
Oh no. The tears were back.
“Brooke, you saved me. You brought me back to life in ways I will never be able to repay you for. You sat beside me at this table and you held my hand when I needed your strength. And I promise you, if you’ll let me, I will spend every last breath I have trying to give that back to you. You are gracious and good. You’re hardworking and optimistic. You’re kind and loving. And goddamn, you’re beautiful. And I can’t think of a better person to be the mother of my children. But more than that, I can’t think of a better person to be my wife.”
Nate pulled back Ray’s wheelchair while Christian and CJ helped brace his arms until he was down on one knee.
He had asked them to do this. To be a part of it.
The diamond ring was blurry through my tears, but I felt its weight as Ray slid it on my finger.
“Will you marry me?”
I was a blubbering mess as I nodded and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Yes, yes!” I kissed him again, though I couldn’t stop laughing or crying. “All of my yeses are yours.”