Page 121 of Downpour

CJ sided up to me and rested his elbows on top of the fence. “Real natural. I haven’t seen someone take to a horse like that since Bree.”

Brooke’s long hair whipped in the wind as she and Indy kicked up to a canter. Her smile was infectious.

“Yeah, I always thought Bree would get competitive with it. I was kinda surprised when she didn’t want to.”

“Chris put the girls in activities outside of the ranch so they wouldn’t feel like this was a foregone conclusion for them,” he said. “Besides, now she’s got that boy she’s been asking about.”

I let out a low growl at the thought of some prick with raging teenage hormones getting anywhere near Bree. “Let him come around. It’s less suspicious if he brings the body to us.”

CJ laughed. “How’s the job hunt going for her?” he asked as he tipped his head toward Brooke.

“Nothing yet. Not many places are hiring. I was hoping she’d get the receptionist spot at my PT office, but they gave it to someone else.”

“Cass come through with any leads?”

“Not yet. I know it’s driving Brooke crazy. She asked if I thought you wanted help working cattle this morning.”

CJ chuckled. “Respectfully, no. As much as I like her, I don’t let outsiders near my cattle. Cass knows it. Becks knows it, too.”

Hooves pounded the ground, growing closer and closer until we were engulfed in the shadow of a horse that stood sixteen hands high.

“How’s it feel?” CJ asked Brooke as he shaded his eyes from the sun.

She brushed her hair out of her face and propped her hands up on her hips. “Good. Still not as fun as a full gallop through the pastures, but if my opinion means anything, I think it’s a good setup for the equine program. Big enough to get a good speed if you want to or stay slow and have a few horses in at once.” She smoothed her hand down my horse’s mane. “Indy seems to like it.”

Indy dropped her head over the edge of the fence, sniffing around in my direction.

I leaned out the side of the golf cart and gave her a treat. “You gotta take care of my girl. Alright, In?”

Brooke laid forward and rested her arms and chest on the back of Indy’s neck. “I think we get along just fine.”

I chuckled. “I know. But she can get a little sassy and headstrong sometimes. You gotta remind her that you’re in control.”

Brooke grinned. “So can you, and I handle you just fine.”

CJ snickered. “You gonna take one of the new horses out when you’re done busting Ray’s balls?”

Brooke’s eyebrows lifted. “Can I?”

“They need to get used to being ridden by different people if they’re gonna be used for the equine program. I gotta head out, but Christian might be around to help.”

“I’ll stick around,” I said.

CJ looked surprised. “Are you sure?”

I shrugged. “She knows how to tack them up and down. I’ll guide her through any hang ups.”

“Alright.” CJ pushed off the fence. “See y’all at Momma’s for dinner.”

“Do you need some water or anything?” I asked Brooke when CJ disappeared.

“I’m fine,” she said as she removed the elastic band from her wrist and tied her hair back. “I’ll probably call it a day soon. I’ll need to shower if we’re going to your parents’ house for dinner.”

I leaned back in the golf cart seat and took a moment to admire her beautiful legs. Goddamn. Brooke had the most attractive legs I’d ever seen.

I adjusted my cock. “My shower is plenty big for both of us. We can save time and shower together.”

Brooke laughed. “I meant that I actually need to get clean and wash my hair.”